How To Unpack Your Personality Type

alt="Woman unpacking here personality type on the road.

How to unpack your personality type for a happier you and a happier vacation? It begins before you start a paralyzing Google search on where to stay, play, and go. Before you get into Googling it, stop and take time to set travel intentions. Here’s what I know. I’ve spoken with hundreds of travelers who […]

How to Live a Good Life Find Your Voice

alt="a women celebrating finding her true voice."

How to live a good life and find your voice takes a look at owning, loving, and accepting your authentic voice! I know this isn’t easy. And yet, if we don’t find our voice, we lose the joy of self-discovery, the thrill of accomplishing something of our own volition, and, most importantly, harnessing the potential […]

How To Be An Authentic Extrovert Think Traits

alt= " how to be a happy extroverts -pictured happy extroverts on vacation"

How to be an authentic extrovert think traits. WHAT? Yes, I know. We’ve been conditioned to believe biased information about being an extrovert — I believe these conditioned beliefs need to be un-believed.  I know it’s a new way to think, but I want you to know you are not an EXTROVERT. You do, however, possess dominant […]

How To Be The Authentic Introvert Think Traits

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How to be the authentic introvert think traits. WHAT? Yes, I know you’ve been told to believe you are just an introvert, but you’re not. I know it’s a new way to think, but I want you to know you are not just an INTROVERT. You do, however, possess definitive introverted cognitive functions. These patterns, […]

Can Couples Who Fight on Vacation Return Home Happy

alt="Two women on a cruise vacation"

Can couples who fight on vacation return home happy. What? How? Why? Nina, this makes no sense. Actually, it does, and let me help you gain a new perspective on the art of fighting. Entertaining, lively discussions can be a healthy part of your relationships. As an ENTP, the Inquisitive traveler, I’ve elevated the idea […]

Sixteen Remarkable Ways Travel Awakens Your Personality

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Sixteen remarkable ways travel awakens your personality type.  A look at each Myers-Briggs ® archetype seeing how travel can bring about self-awareness by tapping into your true Self. What if travel acts as a reflection of your personality, your personal reality, while on vacation? Have you ever had a travel moment that took your breath […]

How To Unpack Yourself to be Unforgettable

alt="Nina Waling With a Suitcase Ready to Unpack Myself."

How to unpack yourself to be unforgettable is the realization you are Divinity expressing itself through your personality type! WOW. Let that sink in. You are here for a Divine reason. FACT. Your wounds gave your wisdom. FACT. You have a meaningful purpose. FACT. Your personality is assigned to you, FACT. Your persona is perfectly […]