One Woman’s Journey of Reinvention and Lessons Learned

One woman’s journey of reinvention and lessons learned is an inspiring story of a prominent businesswomen Ms. Tammy Petersen, an ENFP, founded a thriving wellness business. One that had taken years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice to create. She had all the marks of success—financial stability, professional recognition, and a team she was proud […]
How To Better Understand Yourself: 10 Insightful Journal Prompts

How to better understand yourself: 10 insightful journal prompts is a post that provides beneficial tools for self-discovery and personal growth. As you explore your most vibrant and limitless self (the soul) with these transformative journal prompts you begin to view yourself from a fresh perspective. Commit to the intended desire and watch as your […]
Do Popular Trends Benefit Your Mind or Undermine You?

Do popular trends benefit your mind or undermine you? In this post I offer a guide to help you make informed choices about trends. It reveals how they “really” impact your mental health. Tip: understanding yourself helps you make better choices. And remember, not all trends are made for all people. You can also watch […]
7 Simple How-To Joy Habits For Your Spiritual Personality Type

Here are 7 simple, dazzling joy habits designed just for your vibrant spiritual personality. Dive into these playful practices and let the joy energy sweep you off your feet. Start with one habit and see where it takes you—let your heart guide you to the feelings that resonate most with your true self. Get ready […]
How to Discover the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing to Rediscover You

How to discover the soul’s role in personality typing to rediscover you is the path you must take to figure out who you really are. I can honestly tell you I figured out how to bridge 1940s personality typing with a spiritual point of view. As this idea emerged it made me see personality typing […]
Many Reasons To Be Grateful For Your Personality Type?

Many reasons to be grateful for your personality type a post about how fabulous you are. The time has come to awaken and see yourself from a new perspective. When you let your logical mind rely on your spiritual senses, you have access to the infinite possibilities available within. Remember who you are – a […]
Why Travel is the Best Tonic For Self Discovery

Why travel is the best tonic for self-discovery is one of the philosophy pillars in my upcoming book Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide. Feel free to sign up here for preorders and who knows what. So typical of an ENTP. As a travel professional, I know full well that […]
Would Your Personality Type Love Chattanooga?

Would Your Personality Type Love Chattanooga, Tennessee? Maybe the better question is, does your personality type flow with the city? For so many of us, we get so busy doing, planning, and Googling we leave ourselves out of the travel equation. Big Mistake. I think food, culture, people and landscape are all absolutely inseparable. […]