Believe In Yourself… 

My debut book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide proposes adventures in enlightenment that are grounded, practical, and applicable. The intention is to help travelers enjoy delicious physical experiences while learning about the soul’s role in personality typing to gain self-awareness. It’s a trailblazing way to discover your true self.

Why can’t travel be more than an escape. I believe it offers the possibilities for a transcendent experience. One that sparks creativity, inspires you, and opens doors to new paths, pleasures, and passions. When we leave routines behind and embrace the moment, we allow ourselves to travel mindfully, with intention, and transformation top-of-mind. It’s exploring from the inside out, steering clear of the consumer-driven frenzy.

So, let’s redefine how we travel—consciously and with purpose.

Visit my Calendly page to book a free consultation to learn more about your travel personality type. Enjoy the free blog which offers travel tips, a contemporary new look at personality typing guided by spirituality or go deep and grab my debut book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide.

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It's Myers-Briggs On A Spiritual Detour

Studying under master spiritual psychologist Dr. Nix, I found Myers-Briggs® to be adaptable, versatile, and endlessly expansive when integrate (your higher consciousness) spirit self 

What wasn’t working was the 1940s patriarchal beliefs that fail to acknowledge the vital concept that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. It’s why I’ve worked to develop a modern approach to typology; personality typing guided by spirituality.

Life experiences and years of research took me on the road less traveled. Guided by Dr. Nix, and researching the teachings of ancient philosophies made me realize that we are spiritual beings having a human experience; physical and nonphysical. I believe our purpose is to become who we are truly meant to be so we can life a live we love. To believe in ourselves and let our spirit self, our higher consciousness, guide us as we navigate this one big beautiful life.

I’m excited to offer contemporary approach to personality typing. It’s practical, and empowering offering roadmap to your “becoming” journey.

Hi I'm Nina

Over the past decade, I’ve helped corporations, hotels, and small businesses establish and nurture their PR and brand identities. Yet, despite the awards, accolades, and titles, I felt empty and discontent. I had strayed from my true calling and lost sight of who I was. UGH.

Ten years ago, I began to question my life. Questions that helped me make different decisions. Decisions that were challenging, yet uber transformative. Little did I know, these challenging times would lead me to map out a brand new, magical midlife journey. During this phase of reinventing, I developed personality typing with a spiritual understanding: Spiritual Personality Typing. Which then led to my debut book: “Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide.” Today, my mission is to guide women everywhere to realize the importance of embracing their sacred truth and living unapologetically, free from fear, shame, or the need to please…well, you know, all the stuff that keeps us stuck.

Spiritual Personality Typing™️ offers a trailblazing approach beyond the patriarchal 1940s typology. It’s a roadmap that’s fueled by Divine Intelligence, allowing your true Self to take center stage. You’ll come to know your personality as an expression of your Divine spark within, your sacred spirit guide.

I assure you that your life will transform into an enchanting playground, brimming with serendipitous moments, miracles, and magic. An abundance of goodness – all intricately crafted with your well-being in mind. So you can lead a life that truly matters.

It's So Not 1940s Typology It's Spiritual Personality Typing

1:1 Mentoring For Those Who Desire Spirt-Led Businesses. Visit here to learn more about my mentoring process or click below to schedule a complimentary call.

Working With Nina Is Like

Having Your Own Fairy God Mother

“Creativity is the breath of the universe”– The Story of Every Flower

how do you create for impact & influence?