An Interesting Perspective On Slow Travel

alt="Nicole the Attentive Traveler"

An Interesting Perspective On Slow Travel explores the intersection between spiritual personality typing, intentional travel and slow travel. It’s a fascinating study of how different personality types choose to experience slow travel.  I’m a huge fan of intentional or conscious travel getaways. I’ve seen how unconscious and unhealthy cognitive functions often lead travelers to make […]

Would Your Personality Type Love Chattanooga?

alt="Rembrandt's Coffee House Chattanooga, TN"

Would Your Personality Type Love Chattanooga, Tennessee? Maybe the better question is, does your personality type flow with the city? For so many of us, we get so busy doing, planning, and Googling we leave ourselves out of the travel equation. Big Mistake.   I think food, culture, people and landscape are all absolutely inseparable. […]

How to Avoid Travel Stress for Your Personality Type

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How to avoid travel stress for your personality type? In today’s day and age of never-ending travel rules popping up daily around the world, I believe travel and stress are becoming synonymous. Now is the best time to realize our stress buttons in an attempt to control what we know and deal with the rest […]

Which Personality Types Have an Edge Feelers or Thinkers?

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Which types have an edge, feelers or thinkers? I answer this question from an academic and spiritual perspective, giving you a crystal-clear look at these traits from both the physical and non-physical. My belief: When you take an intuitive approach in dealing with feeling and thinking traits, it speeds up the journey to the true […]

How to Plan Romantic Getaways For Your Personality

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Plan romantic getaways for your personality type isn’t necessarily about a specific plan. That’s wrong thinking. Instead, it’s more about your type’s likes and dislikes and, of course, figuring out your partner’s personality type, tastes, their romantic desires. You and your partner’s needs should always come first. In fact, many people don’t even like to […]

How Personality Triggers Inspire Personal Growth on Vacation?

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How do personality triggers inspire personal growth on vacation? Let’s get real. When you pack for vacation, you’re tossing in your sunnies, sunscreen, and—surprise!—your personality, too! And just like that beach towel, your vibes can get a little messy. So, it’s totally normal for your personality to get triggered while you’re off exploring new places. […]

How to Travel Like a Kid This Summer?

alt="Travel Like a kid a flamingo raft awaits.

How to travel like a kid this summer starts with remembering what it feels like to be a kid again? What if the kid within could trigger what the eyes can’t see — what the heart knows you to be  (playful, happy-go-lucky, curious, unabashedly you) the force of nature you truly are? Have we become so rigid […]

Tap into Your Divine Design a new way to use Personality Typing

alt="a women tapping into her Divine Design in Mother Nature."

Tap into your DivineDesign a new way to use personality typing, which I believe is essential to help you discover your path to purpose. This concept is integral to a book that I’ll soon be releasing entitled; Unpack Your Personality.©️ The idea for the book was presented to me during my spiritual awakening, an awakening that […]