How Personality Triggers Inspire Personal Growth on Vacation?

How do personality triggers inspire personal growth on vacation? Let’s get real.

When you pack for vacation, you’re tossing in your sunnies, sunscreen, and—surprise!—your personality, too! And just like that beach towel, your vibes can get a little messy. So, it’s totally normal for your personality to get triggered while you’re off exploring new places. Think of personality triggers as those pesky little emotional gremlins—they bring low vibes and can really throw a wrench in your getaway!

Now, let’s be honest: emotional triggers aren’t a walk in the park. They tend to pop up like seashells on the beach, often depending on who you’re traveling with. When you’re on vacation, those everyday masks come off, and it’s like your inner self is saying, “Hey, remember me?”

These triggers are like the uninvited guests of your personality party—fear, ego, and all those not-so-fun traits that drag you down. But here’s the silver lining: they’re a sign that it’s time for a little soul TLC! It’s like your inner self whispering, “Psst! Let’s take a look at what’s going on here and heal a bit.” The trick? Peeling back those layers of fear and old beliefs to uncover the good stuff underneath.

I love using vacation as an example because, let’s face it, our minds are usually more open to new experiences when we’re away from home. But here’s the kicker: when we face our triggers, our ego can go into full-on defense mode, and we might end up overindulging or acting out of character.

Ultimately, we all have a choice: stay in our comfy sleep mode or awaken to something greater. Sure, it’s not always easy, but trust me—life gets so much richer and more rewarding when you choose to wake up! So, pack your bags and your willingness to grow, and let’s make this vacation the best one yet! 🌞✨


Emotional Triggers offer possibilities to see what’s blindsiding you. Schedule a call if you want to learn how to use a trigger to understand yourself better.  Nina Zapala, Founder: Spiritual Personality Typing™️


Do You Believe Personality Traits Inspire Personal Growth?

Alright, let’s dive in with some fun questions before we go any further!

Do your personality traits shape your personal reality? Yes or no?

If you keep thinking the same thoughts, do you really think you’ll have a unique experience? Yes or no?

Do you believe your personality holds the keys to discovering your True Self? Yes or no?

If you answered “yes” to any of these, stick around!

Over the years, I’ve chatted with tons of travelers, and guess what? So many of their stories sound strikingly similar. Picture this: they leave home, all pumped up for a dreamy vacation that’s supposed to be straight out of a commercial. Spoiler alert: it’s often a big fat lie!

As a travel public relations pro, I’ve heard countless tales, especially from women. Many think their introverted partner will magically transform into the life of the party. Or they believe their high-energy BFF will slow down and enjoy a quiet moment by the pool. Yeah, right!

So why do so many of us end up feeling totally let down by our travel buddies? Let’s dig in…


The problem is the desire to change is fundamentally a form of aggression toward yourself. Pema Chödrön


Don’t Change Yourself. Be More of Yourself!

So, here’s the deal: you head out on vacation with the same thoughts, beliefs, and habits you had back home, but somehow, you expect to be a totally different person once you arrive.

Sound familiar?

You wanna know why we think this way? Because we’ve all been brainwashed by those shiny travel ads that make everything look like a dream come true—yikes!

Can you think of a vacation ad that shows a traveler having a total meltdown? Yeah, me neither! And trust me, I’ve seen it all (guilty as charged). The truth is, there’s no such thing as a perfect vacation, so let that myth go! While tourism marketers keep selling us the dream, you’ll be wise enough to see through the smoke and mirrors.

Keeping it real! ✈️🌴


Do Even Your Closest Friends Try to Change You on Vacation?

Ever notice how your loved ones seem to think you’ll magically transform while on vacation? It’s like they expect a whole new version of you to pop out! But here’s the deal: I’m totally against the idea of “changing” who you are. Seriously, when you let go of that notion, you stop fighting with yourself.

What?! Yup, you heard me right! Why would you want to change what Divine Intelligence created you to be? You know, the amazing Divine Intelligence, life force, that brings galaxies to life and creates endless possibilities?

So why wrestle with what’s meant to be? Instead of trying to change, why not focus on growing into the incredible soul you already are? Evolution is part of our life journey, so let’s embrace a growth mindset instead!

Remember: Don’t change yourself. Just be yourself! 🌟✨


Alright, Let’s Talk Vacations and the Pressure to Change!

Here’s the scoop: if you morph into someone else’s idea of fun just to fit in with their vacation plans, you’re setting yourself up for some serious unhappiness. Trust me, you’ll come home feeling wiped out, probably saying, “I need a vacation from my vacation!” UGH!

You just spent your time on a trip that was all about someone else’s dream—where’s the fun in that?

Research backs me up here: “Vacationers are happier planning their trips than when they’re actually on them.” Yep, I’m serious! It makes sense, right? We often change ourselves to match someone else’s perfect getaway. And honestly, many of us don’t even know ourselves well enough to plan an unforgettable vacation!

So let’s ditch the pressure and make our vacations about what we truly want! ✈️🌞


How Personality Triggers Can Spark Personal Growth!

Let’s chat about triggers! They’re like those pesky little gremlins that reveal parts of your personality filled with fear or ego. When you’re operating from a diminished capacity, you can feel totally out of touch with your true self. No kidding—triggers can really mess with your vibe and turn your road trip into a drama fest!

But hold up! These triggers can also be a massive gift. They offer those little “aha!” moments that nudge you to pivot and grow. 🌱

Picture this: you’re on vacation, surrounded by a huge crowd. Suddenly, the noise, the chaos, the smells—it all hits you at once, and you start to feel overwhelmed. What do you do?

  • Do you retreat into your shell?
  • Do you freak out?
  • Do you feel angry?
  • Overwhelmed?
  • Anxious?

These reactions are your soul saying, “Hey, it’s time to wake up and take a look at what’s going on!” This is your chance for self-growth and reflection. Instead of getting stuck in the physical chaos, take a deep breath and dig a little deeper.

Ask yourself:

  • What’s really going on here?
  • How do I prefer to engage with the world around me?
  • How do I like to recharge my energy?

Note: If you’re an extrovert, you thrive in the outer world, but if you’re an introvert, your comfort zone is within.

And don’t forget to think about boundaries! Do you feel like they’ve been crossed? What fears popped up for you? If you want to learn more check out my YouTube video on the topic of Emotional Triggers here.

So, next time you hit a trigger, embrace it as an opportunity for growth! 🌟✨


Can you imagine not craving to be different than you are right now? Danielle Laporte, Canadian author, White Hot Truth


Vacations Can Be a Tipping Point!

What if your next vacation can become a game changing event. A light bulb moment, shining a spotlight on all the baggage you’ve been carrying around for decades. Untold life choices, fear-based habits, and low-vibe traits that you’ve never quite unpacked. Yup, overflowing, non-essential personal baggage

Vacations are the perfect time to start unpacking your past and those fear-conditioned thoughts. Think of it as a chance to dig into your childhood, life stories, and how you relate to yourself and others. Those triggers you experience? They’re just the tip of the iceberg, letting you know it’s time for a little personality tune-up!

If you head off on your adventure packed with fear and ego, guess what? That’s exactly what you’ll attract. The Law of Attraction doesn’t take a break, even on vacation! Your vibe might come across as pleasing, angry, or even a bit arrogant, or you might completely lose yourself trying to make everyone else happy.

So many of us recycle conditioned, repetitive thoughts every single day. But hey, you’re not alone! We’ve all been shaped by the cultural machine, conditioned to think a certain way for ages.

Now, it’s time to break free from that “machine”!

We often pack our untruths right along with our sunnies and bikinis. UGH! Remember, that’s the machine talking, not the real you! So let’s shake things up and make this vacation a journey of self-discovery! 🌴✨


Vacations: The Ultimate Playground for Personality Triggers and Growth!

What is the perfect playground for your personality triggers to spark some serious self-growth, vacations of course. Think of triggers as little signposts guiding you to your truth. They’re opportunities to learn lessons that boost your clarity, confidence, and courage to just be YOU!

A great place to start. Take a good look at your dominant trait—your North Star. It’s the foundation of a healthy personality, and spiritually speaking it’s your guiding light. 

Sure, classrooms, conferences, and master classes have their moments, but let’s be real: real-world experiences are where the magic happens. And when we travel, we tend to be more open-minded, ready to dive into new places, cultures, and ideas.

It’s all about shifting your perspective and planting those seeds of transformation for soulful sojourns. 🌍✨


#Journal Prompt: Use Personality Triggers to Spark Personal Growth on Vacation!

When you travel intentionally you can use personality triggers to inspire growth on your next vacation! 🎉 You won’t tackle every trigger while you’re away, so I recommend doing some prep work before you hit the road. Getting ahead of the game will help you be more aware and prevent triggers from sneaking up on you!

Step one: Decide what you’re willing to tolerate and set some boundaries to keep things chill while you’re on vacation. This is a fantastic exercise to practice at home, too!

Next up, chat about your dream vacation ideas with your travel buddies. Be open to their thoughts and suggestions! Remember different ways and thinking.  When you understand your personality type and your travel mates you can craft getaways that work for everyone.

Now, grab that journal and start brainstorming! 🌟✈️


Feeling Triggered, Try These 3 Action Steps!

We all get triggered but if you fell into a doozy of a trigger don’t worry—I’ve got your back with these three super simple steps to help you regain your cool:

1. Politely Hit Pause: If you need a breather, excuse yourself! Let whoever you’re with know you need a time-out. Whether it’s sitting down for a moment or catching an Uber back to your room. Step away for a bit to regain your composure. When you’re settled, get your phone and jot down what triggered you.

Ask yourself:

  • Why was it overwhelming? 
  • Did something someone said set you off? Can you pinpoint a belief or fear that sparked that response?
  • Was it a cultural experience that clashed with your beliefs? Whose belief is it—yours or your parents’? What about it upset you? Is it something conditioned by your home culture?


2. Find a Quick Escape: If you can’t physically remove yourself, head to the restroom for a few minutes. Take some deep breaths to help you recalibrate those emotions. Try to identify the trigger, even if you just want to label it with a single word. You can dive deeper into it later!


3. Breathe Through It: If you’ve got little ones with you and can’t step away, take a moment for some deep breathing. On your inhale, ask yourself, “What disturbed me?” And on the exhale, think, “Where in my past has this feeling taken root?” Repeat this three times—or as many as you need—to get a glimpse of what’s really going on. And remember to jot it down!

You’ve got this! 🌟✨ And I offer some great tips on how to embrace triggers in my new book: Unpack Your Personality Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide. Grab a copy on Amazon.


Your triggers are pathways to your wounds. The stimulus is only a door. ― Sanhita Baruah



More About the Spiritual Personality Typing

I hope you found How Do Personality Triggers Inspire Personal Growth on Vacation eye-opening. If so, I’m doing a happy dance. I’m passionate about introducing the idea of spiritual understanding as a component of personality typing.

The career personality typing model of the 1950s is fine. Yet, if we want to know who we are and find ourselves in a crazy world, we must tap into our Divine mind, which brings unlimited potential, happiness, and abundance into our lives.

Our higher self relies on a healthy personality to express our unique sacred stories, prompting us to take inspired action in all we do. Our higher self speaks through our persona – exuding joy, passion, and love.


Don’t Change Yourself. Find Your SELF. – Nina Zapala, Founder Spiritual Personality Typing™️.



Are you new to my blog? Interested in learning more about travel personality typing? My debut book, Unpack Your Personality Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide is a great place to start. You’ll discover the ultimate travel toolkit that introduces an exciting new personality framework centered on spirituality. The book highlights how the perks of travel serve as the perfect playground for self-awareness. Inside, you’ll find top destinations to explore and stay, along with practical advice on leveraging your personality type insights. By blending these insights with your inner guide (higher self), you can elevate your travel experiences and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Discover a deeper understanding of yourself while wandering the world! Grab your copy here. 


Step Into The Pages of the Book with Moi! Schedule a personalized 1:1 power hour where we explore your personality in detail. Click here to learn more.


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Let’s continue the conversation on: Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium @ninazapala or on YouTube @ninazapalaENTP

My goal is to inspire 10,000 like-minded, visionary women who are committed to a true self lifestyle. It’s for those career women who think they can do it all; empty nesters, newly widowed or divorced women, for young mothers and singles alike — those who are craving a new purpose, ready to become who you are meant to be. You don’t want something else to do, you want to do what matters!

An inspired life; creative, joyful, vibrant and exquisitely you.

The world needs YOU! Not some version of you… It’s time to Discovery Spiritual Personality Typing it’s Myers-Briggs on a spiritually led detour.

Photo Credit: Nina Zapala, Pensacola Beach, Florida

Updated 12.30.2024



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I’m on a mission to help you rediscover your true self through Spiritual Personality Typing™️.

This approach is designed for those seeking deeper meaning and purpose in life, blending innate soul-led wisdom with logical intelligence. It’s an enlightened method to manifest a life you love, offering a roadmap to connect with your inner guide—the Divine wisdom within you.

This new personality paradigm integrates spiritual insights with the Myers-Briggs® framework, aiming to help you uncover your purpose, reinvent your life, and reveal your true self. Book a clarity call here to explore this transformative journey.

  • Entrepreneurs guided by their soul can benefit from tools, tips, and creative resources tailored to uncover their true calling. Book a mentoring call here to get started.

  • Are you hungry for self-discovery & more enriching vacations? Knowing your travel personality type is essential. Explore it, and get tips and travel hacks in my debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide. Embrace the journey to a more fulfilling adventure. 

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a calling to find a path that is exquisitely yours. It’s for those that desire to be their “truest” selves in work, on the road and in life. It’s inspired living. Full of purpose, meaning and the freedom to be unapologetically you!

Begin the journey of discovering this transformative spirit-fed paradigm. Typing that inspires conscious living based on awareness and self-discovery.  Unconventional, and life-changing.🕊

Enjoy a life well lived. Rich with spirit, soul, and story.  I welcome you. 

alt="Road Trips Dog in Window"

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Grab my free e-book Travel Happier. An intro to my debut book.