Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide!

Hi, I’m Nina Zapala, The Curious Traveler (ENTP). What’s your travel personality type?

Here’s what I know. Many of us are looking for answers in all the wrong places. You are in the right place if you are on a quest for self-understanding, curious about life, love to learn and explore. A place that illuminates the benefits of using travel as therapy, for self-awareness. It’s rewarding, rejuvenating, and redefining.

I believe we’ve all been fed a bunch of 💩 about travel. I was in the industry for more than 10 years, and I didn’t get the concept of intentional travel. Most of us don’t. That’s why I’m here. And pleaseee, don’t let yourself be dictated by the put-upon, expectations, which preach consumerism while ignoring travel’s potential to empower your true self. Nope, there’s another way. I explain it all in my debut book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide.

What many fail to grasp are travel’s true gifts found in the present – a place where joy, magic, and serendipitous moments unfold. Ask yourself, do you slow down long enough to connect with your essential, powerful, and highly influential spark within? Who you truly are? As soon as you do things in your life change dramatically. I can show you how.

We live life scripted by a world that tells us what to believe. It’s a plan that’s left many of us searching for more. It’s a pervasive program that has found its way into every corner of society, yes, even travel.

Have you ever said, I need a vacation from my vacation? If so, you’ve become a victim of devious tactics. But I want to change this. Travel is the perfect time to release yourself from the daily grind, to take a detour, to travel unscripted, and to step out of your comfort zone. It is a fast track to self-awareness.

I’ve developed a personalized roadmap using travel for self-discovery. I’ve blended the tools of personality typing, (tangible) with spirituality, (intangible) and travel as tools for awakening. It’s traveling soulfully, with intention, to awaken your true self.

When you return home you have a renewed sense of self versus the old paradigm which echos, I need a vacation from my vacation UGH!


beyond traditional typing

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Do you desire transcendent moments that send shivers down your spine? Questioning whether our ancestors stood on this same ground? Using my new interpretation of personality typing, I help travelers connect with their personalities and, more importantly, their inner wisdom. It starts with unpacking your personality. 

Grab a spot on my schedule to ask me about your most compatible travel companions; romantic or otherwise. And learn about the best places to stay, visit and play. I also help with intentional and transformative travel goals.

“Nina Is the Real Deal

I’ve traveled with Nina quite a bit. She typifies an ENTP. She’s endlessly curious, gets bored quickly, and is always up for whatever is around the corner. Our personality types mesh as I’m an ESFJ; she relies on my J (keeping things on track) and I on her P (spontaneity and unscripted). It’s never a dull moment.

Nicole, her travel archetype: the Attentive Traveler.

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alt="Pamela the Ingenious Traveler"

“I Thought I Knew

I thought I knew myself, but when I started getting into personality typing with Nina, I got clear about who I am. I’m an INTP, so I’m in my head a lot, but I don’t feel bad about it anymore. Travel helped me see that it’s OK to step away from thinking, get out there, and experience life.

Pamela, her travel archetype: the Ingenious Traveler.



join the movement

Personality typing spirituality, and travel, are the tools that bring you to your true self; the Who of Who You Really Are. It’s a refreshing modern-day personality paradigm: personality typing with a spiritual understanding – to inspire life-changing trips.

Do you want to be a part of the evolving movement in self-discovery, typology,  travel, and soul-fed entrepreneurship?

Then you may want to join Nina’s Newsletter a weekly happy mail,  full of tips, journal prompts, teachings, and guided actions to help you stay on the path of your true self.

Join the community by opting in. I’d be honored!