2020 The Year of Revisioning Yourself a New

alt="Buddha Statue - 2020 The Year of Revisioning and Enlightenment."

2020 the year of revisioning yourself anew. Seeing things with great clarity. It’s about releasing Matrix moments bringing enlightenment to understand what’s important and meaningful. It’s about staying present in the clarity of self. I’m wondering if the pandemic as been seeded in the world right now, giving us all a forced time-out to go […]

Twenty Reasons Why Travel is Good For Your Soul

alt=nina zapala sitting on a suitcase."

Twenty reasons why travel is good for your soul include a few reasons I’m authoring Unpack Your Personality.©️ Personality typing is foundational. It’s the key to your awakening. Your personality type is a gift helping you to recognize your essential self ⏤ who you really are. The similarities to travel are remarkable. I see travel […]

Ten Simple Ways To Inspire Happy Travel This Thanksgiving

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Ten simple ways to inspire happy travel this Thanksgiving holiday was motivated by a need I once had to make things perfect. God bless my Mom, who would rant and rave, trying to get it all done while keeping up with five little kids. Wow! She was a superwoman, but I have to say she […]

Are You in a Travel Rut?

alt="Are You In A Travel Rut photo of hundreds of people on vacation."

Are you in a travel rut? If you start making plans without thought to your soul-self and you’re using habits of yesteryear, I’d say you’re in a rut. Do you make decisions based more on what you’ve traditionally done in the past? Oh-oh, living on rut lane. 😏 Let me define traditional. I’m referring to; […]

The Magic of Slow Travel in a Disconnected World

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The magic of slow travel is a beautiful gift, especially in today’s disconnected world. For me, slow travel is an intention to travel to observe oneself while awakening your senses and seeing things anew – provisioning yourself to be all you came here to be! One of the things I suggest, and it’s pretty simple, […]

Navigate a Delightful, New, and Inspirational Way to Vacation

alt="Oceanalt=" A new vacation inspiration slow travel to Gulf of Mexico visiting Ocean Springs, Mississippi."

Navigate a delightful, new and inspirational way to vacation came to me as I put the finishing touches on the Playful Traveler, one of the 16 travel personalities, I’m developing. It starts with a deep study into the world of personality typing. The Playful travel captivated me. Their style of travel embraces vacations; joyfully, and […]

How to Travel Tips for Introverts + Extroverts

alt="Practical Travel Tips for Introvert and Extroverts - sailing the sea an introvert trip."

Do you seek happier vacations? Then you’ll want to unlock these practical travel tips for introverts and extroverts. Ever wondered what the hell your travel partner is thinking? Their babbling away, trying to talk through a travel hiccup, and you’re like, STOP talking. They’re probably an extrovert while you’re an introvert. Knowing this simple fact […]

Why Is This Happening to Me? Why is He/She such a Jerk?

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Why is this happening to me? Why is he/she such a jerk? Have you ever uttered these questions while on vacation? Have you ever experienced tension while away? To be honest, I think we all have. Vacations, while highly romanticized on social and in the media, can be a time of great stress and tension. […]