How To Love Being A Spirit-Fed Entrepreneur When Things Get Rough?

How To Love Being A Spirit-Fed Entrepreneur When Things Get Rough, is an insightful post, about two beautiful sisters, Robin and Sue who share what they value in life and in business at the The Copper Kettle Tea Bar, Foley Alabama. I’ve also include practical tips you can use to begin to understand the soul and self  to realize that this loving self is what feeds your spirit-fed enterprise when things get rough. Plus a brief glimpse into personality types that are more likely to vibe with a spiritually led business.

Robin Peters, co-founder of The Copper Kettle Tea Bar and firstborn sister is an INFP. Myers-Briggs speak for feeling, intuitive, sensing and thinking. Spiritual speaking, I refer to these types as Seekers. They are unconventional and imaginative dreamers, often eccentric, who pursue meaning and harmony built upon their own frame of reference.


We at the Cooper Kettle believe in offering a sacred space for those to gather and feed the spirit to build a soulful community. – Robin Peters, INTP, The Seeking Traveler.


Robin Peters, Co-Founder: The Cooper Kettle Tea Bar On Being A Spirit-Fed Entrepreneur

“I come from a family of strong women in many ways. My grandmother was a huge influence. I believe she passed on her entrepreneurial spirit while my parents gifted me with joie de vivre along with the importance of community and hospitality. My sister Sue is a genius in the kitchen. While I didn’t get the cooking gene, I developed skills in operations, technology and relationship building with networking other business owners. I learned a lot, which helped me discern the next big idea, continue looking forward and staying focused on our company mantra; tea-ing is our essential process. Our philosophy hasn’t changed from our first to our current business; we are a place of hospitality that is all inclusive and sacred. A place to feed the spirit, to build the soul and to bring community together.” – Robin Peters, and Sue Adams co-founders of The Copper Kettle Tea Bar


For me it is believing I am not the source , God is and he created us all with  a uniqueness that is valued and important …what we call work. – Robin Peters, the co founder of The Copper Kettle Tea Bar.


Robin and Sue are beautiful caring souls, rare individuals who have found a way to operate a healthy and successful business. “Personally the philosophy of the tea room stands for me. I need to stop, slow down and remember what’s important because most problems at work or when things do not go how I planned are nothing but a thing…and not life changing unless I give it that power.”  says, Robin Peters. Another great takeaway from Robin who seems to have prioritized the notion of self-care to maintain balance and resilience, an essential business tool.


A Few More Tips on How To Love Being A Spirit-Fed Entrepreneur When Things Get Rough?

A few practical tips to use to begin to understand the soul and self  to realize that this loving self is what feeds your spirit-fed enterprise when things get rough. Recognize it. Nurture it. Feed it. And fully connect to it. Once you do your life and business will change. The tips:

Ground Yourself in Faith

Anchor yourself in your faith when the storm clouds gather. As spirit-driven entrepreneurs, this might involve connecting with your spiritual beliefs, those that resonate with your personality type. For INTP the spiritual practices that resonate with your type are Qigong, meditation, and grounding practices: breathwork, meditative walking, a soothing bath…

Cultivate a Positive Mindset

I speak of challenges, in my book Unpack Your Personality, as opportunities for personal development, windows of opportunities. When you see setbacks as learning experiences, not failures they become stepping stones on the path to success. Keep yourself positive through inspirational quotes, positive affirmations, and supportive friends and business networks that share similar values and beliefs.

Embrace Adaptability

Trust your true self. Knowing your spiritual roots provide a stable core while allowing room for flexibility and innovation. When you embrace change with an open heart, recognizing that it may lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth, adaptability becomes more likely.

Seek Guidance and Wisdom

Being a spirit-fed entrepreneur is often associated with the notion that intuition can provide insight beyond logical understanding. Often, facing challenges becomes more manageable when you tap into your true self, and trust the guidance your receive. You should also build relationships with those who have walked the same path as you. Remember to have faith in your gut instincts, as they are whispers from your soul of higher consciousness that illuminate a path of success.

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a transformative force that can shift your perspective beyond your wildest expectations. Challenging times can take their toll on you and your business. So make time daily to reflect on what truly matters. Expressing gratitude for the lessons learned, the relationships built, and the progress made can foster fulfillment and joy, even in the midst of difficulties.


These Personas Love Being Spirit-Fed Entrepreneurs Even When Things Get Rough

Ever  since childhood these types have been told they “march to the beat of their own drum,” never really blending into society. Some even strive to be different, and depending on your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), you might be more unique than you think. And please, all personality types can and should rely on gut instincts. Some have an easier time connecting as their intuitive trait is more conscious. The trick is to make it conscious so you use it for the fabulous benefits it offers in your entrepreneur endeavors. Learn more about these types and others in my brand new book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide.



Harmonious types are creative, and are highly skilled with systems, networking, and supporting others. They are catalysts of change and use their charming ways and abilities to to persuade others who are likely to adapt their visions. Persuasive entrepreneurs.


Insightful types are often mistaken for extroverts. Uber creatives who love deep and meaningful conversations and dislike the spotlight. This makes them more likely to have a business partner, yet you quietly take charge.


Assured types have a powerful combination of true creative imagination and highly-tuned instincts that give you the rare gift of problem-solving. You like attention and can be theatrical, yet you are commanding and powerful.  An unorthodox entrepreneur.


Inventive types have a rare combination of traits that makes them intellectual nerds with exceptional problem-solving abilities. Creative, and tend to keep to themselves, a home business may be in the cards, as a solution focused entrepreneur.


Curious, comedic, outspoken and direct. They say what’s on their mind, even when it’s unpopular. Innovative, and welcoming of new ideas to to grow a businesses, exploring every option, and trying new things. Pioneering entrepreneurs.


Ingenious types struggle to collaborate in groups. A lone wolf, minimalist, and intuitive thinker, they adapt, go with the flow, and are flexible. They have questioning minds and remain open to change and new perspectives. Solo entrepreneurs.


Expressive types are spontaneous, independent, and original. As soul-fed entrepreneurs go they’re genuinely optimistic inspiring change through words or actions. You stay true to you, regardless of who you do business with. Trailblazing entrepreneurs.


Knowing what my work is has helped me really see clearly what and why I am doing. It frees me from the ego and misplaced responsibility sometimes business owners take on – Sue Adams, Co-Founder, The Copper Kettle Tea Bar. 


Hope You Enjoyed How To Love Being A Spirit-Fed Entrepreneur When Things Get Rough?

Being a spirit-fed entrepreneur is not just about weathering the storms but finding love and joy in the journey, even when the road gets rough, regardless of your personality type. Grounding yourself in faith, maintaining a positive mindset, seeking guidance, embracing adaptability, practicing gratitude, and prioritizing well-being are powerful strategies to navigate challenges with resilience and grace. By integrating these practices into your entrepreneurial mindset, you’ll not only survive tough times but thrive, building a business aligned with your values and purpose. Check you my YouTube channel for a more detailed video if the spirit moves you. 🙏


Discover Spiritual Personality Typing ™️

I’m here to share a new philosophy to get you excited about your personality. I also want you to start seeing your persona as a magical tool and to realize how important it is to a meaningful life. Make understanding your personality type a priority. It’s one of the best relationships you can cultivate in this lifetime.

Of course, with all the good things in life, if you do the work, take responsibility, and make personality typing with a spiritual understanding a daily ceremony, you’ll begin to realize the two can’t exist without each other. This profound awakening moves you closer to your truth, unshackling you from a purposeless existence. You’ll be ready for any occasion, situation, or event—travel, relationships, career—and have a passionate purpose and meaningful life.

I know this to be true because this is precisely how it works in my life. I believe it’s foundational to Love Being A Spirit-Fed Entrepreneur When Things Get Rough



I write with the hope that these words will find their way to those who need them: deep thinkers who are unimpressed with conventional approaches in these unconventional times. It’s why I’ve taken Myers-Briggs® on a spiritual detour? My innate personality type (ENTP) has gifted me with the ability to deconstruct and debunk cultural narratives that keep people from establishing and embodying who they really are. I’m on a mission to change the statistic that says only 10% of the population knows themselves. I truly believe Spiritual Personality Typing™️, can help you find yourself. It will always be my intention to encourage you to tap into yourself using spiritual typology to raise the vibrations on the planet. Feel free to share this with a friend, co-worker, or family member struggling with finding their life purpose.


Author Mission

Nina Zapala, author of Unpack Your Personality Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, is a certified MBTI® practitioner who guides and mentors women everywhere to embrace a true self lifestyle. She introduces a groundbreaking personality paradigma fusion of personality typing and spiritual understandingborn from navigating her own life tsunami. In speaking with hundreds of other travelers she realized they too wandered life’s roads aimlessly. It dawned on her that we all need a roadmap to our true selves. She advocates for women everywhere to wholeheartedly embrace their unique, divine essence, irrespective of age, relationship status, or social standing. Her new understandings highlight the importance of women recognizing and pursuing their life’s true calling unapologetically, and unbound by the illusions of the world.


Join The Movement

Will you join me on this pilgrimage? I believe spiritual personality typing was Divinely timed to appear on the planet during the great awakening. Do you want to be part of a community bound by grace, encouragement, and truth? Then you may want to begin a journey of discovering who you really are. You’ll get front-row seats to new courses, my upcoming books, and monthly freebies! It’s shenanigans on steroids! Join Nina’s Newsletter

It’s Time to Discover Spiritual Personality Typing ™️ — Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP. I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing supported by a spiritual understanding. 

Find me online





Photo Credit: The Cooper Kettle Tea Bar



Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

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I’m on a mission to help you think differently. Introducing Spiritual Personality Typing™️. 

It’s for those who seek meaning and purpose in life realizing soul-led wisdom peppered with logical intelligence is the enlightened way to manifest your life. It’s a roadmap to you inner guide the place where life’s possibilities, potential, and purpose are found.

This new theory is deeply embedded with spiritual understandings supported by Myers-Briggs® to help you reinvent your life, and discovery your true self!

Entrepreneurs guided by spirit will be empowered to embrace the tools, tips, and creative resources designed to explore their true calling. 

Travelers who want to travel for self-discovery will enjoy exploring their travel personality types from a sprititual POV.  Plus, you’ll discover the the best places to stay, visit, and play – tailored to your personality type

-Together, we discover what it means to live a true self lifestyle. Exploring the profound aspects of life through real-world situations, journaling, and learning to ensure you remain focused on your purpose.  

– Travel stories from boutique hotel or Mom & Pop shops from my  book signing events. 

Begin A New Journey Today.

Enjoy weekly happy mails to inspire your true self, with insights on entrepreneurship, travel, and finding your mid-life magic.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a calling to find a path that is exquisitely yours. It’s for those that desire to be their “truest” selves in work, on the road and in life. It’s inspired living. Full of purpose, meaning and the freedom to be unapologetically you!

Begin the journey of discovering this transformative spirit-fed paradigm. Typing that inspires conscious living based on awareness and self-discovery.  Unconventional, and life-changing.🕊

Enjoy a life well lived. Rich with spirit, soul, and story.  I welcome you. 

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Are you ready to take your business to a whole new level?

I’m eager to share my award-winning ways and my innovative and intuitive self with those who are passionate about taking the next step and doing the work.