How to Travel Like a Kid This Summer?

How to travel like a kid this summer starts with remembering what it feels like to be a kid again? What if the kid within could trigger what the eyes can’t see — what the heart knows you to be  (playful, happy-go-lucky, curious, unabashedly you) the force of nature you truly are?

Have we become so rigid as adults; stubbornly believing I can’t instead of I can?

What has happened to our ability to dream,

To imagine,

Or, just do it, attitude?

Has our way of thinking become so rigid that we can’t see the forest through the trees?

This summer, why not travel like a child? One who believes, “I’ve imagined it; therefore it is.

Mind over matter!

See the world with the innocence of children. Approach the world with the daring of children. Love the world with the readiness of children. Heal the world with the purity of children. Change the world with the wisdom of children. Neal Donald Walsch, American author, Conversations with God series

Looking Back To Those Summer Days as A Child

Do you long for those carefree summer days filled with tree-climbing, deep-diving, berry-pickin, having the time of your life without a care in the world.

When summer was a three-month long treasure hunt. With new discoveries around every corner.

Hah, it’s what your soul desires for you every day!

You might not realize this but traveling like a kid is one of the best ways to reawaken to who you really are. This type of travel is more about approaching your journey with a sense of wonder, playfulness, and openness, allowing yourself to fully experience and enjoy the adventure of exploring new places and cultures. This summer approach your vacation with a fearless, children-like energy, with a twist.

Today, I invite the kid in you to come out and play by learning more about your soul-inspired personality type. It’s personality typing infused with spiritual understandings. You’ll tap into your intuitive self, versus  relying only on the logical self. 

If you prefer a video on the topic, visit me on Pinterest for a story, Instagram for the elusive reel, or YouTube for a more detailed discussion. 


Personality Typing To Unpack the Kid in You

What would you give to unpack the authentic kid in you on your next vacation?

You know, the “real” you, not the adulting self with prescribed desires.

Or the ego or fear-conditioned self. That tells us why we can’t: too old or young, not good enough or worthy enough…

Don’t have the money, and so you can’t …

Believing when I see it, then I’ll receive it.  


The Voice There is a voice inside of you That whispers all day long, “I feel this is right for me, I know that this is wrong.” No teacher, preacher, parent, friend Or wise man can decide What’s right for you–just listen to The voice that speaks inside. Shel Silverstein, children’s book author.


A New Manifesto: Choose to Believe it Before You See It

Set an intention for your summer vacation – choose to believe it before you see it. A beautiful manifesto and one of the many reasons I’ve expanded Myers-Briggs – (the 16 personality types) – to include a focused approach on spirituality, intention and mindfulness. To fully embrace and understand how the Divine inner spark that lives within all of us, works for our betterment.

I’m introducing a contemporary approach to Myers-Briggs® to bring about SOUL-UTIONS for you to realize the real you – so you can live a life that you love – with meaning and purpose.

This new way of thinking offers different perspectives to help you get to know yourself. Your fully embodied self — both the physical (logical self) and nonphysical (spiritual self) self. Travel is the ideal classroom to begin a self-discovery journey. You step-away from the daily grind, and embrace new challenges which offer opportunities for you to stretch and grow.

I suggest a fun exercise for this in my book called flânerie the act of strolling, and I suggest you do so without engaging. Just observe yourself. You’ll be amazed at what you learn. PSST… it’s a how-to exercise in the book.

My debut book; Unpack Your Personality Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, has a dedicated chapter about traveling intentionally to embrace new perspective and engage your curiosity and  imagination, and watch the magic happen.

Kids are curious, playful and are always in the moment because they trust their intuition – the inner guide of wisdom.

Are you ready to embrace this childlike mindset as an adult on your next vacation?


Want to Know How to Travel Like a Kid This Summer?

You’ll need to adopt a childlike persona. One that is pure and fearless — without the need to please, or meet everyone else’s expectations while ignoring your own.

This is a practice of identifying with the spirit aspect of yourself, that’s without cultural conditioning and fear ⏤ low vibrational energy. Not so easy, but when you start identifying false beliefs, life gets so much simpler. It’s so FREEEEEEIIIINNNGGG.

You see, the human self is typically anchored in the physical world, the logical, reasoned mind which believes it has to be seen to be believed. The reasoned mind identifies through the five senses. It’s what many of us rely upon without giving much thought to our spirit mind; our high consciousness, the soul, our wise inner guide — which is unlimited in nature.

“As a human being, you oppose yourself to evolve yourself. It’s the law of polarity and Newton’s Third Law of Motion, which describes this law to a T, For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”


#journal prompt: Name a couple of the best things that happened in your life. How many of them came from efforts from the logical mind? How many come out of nowhere? Were unplanned, detours in life that brought you untold joy, and unexpected memorable experiences.


Children Believe It Before They See It!

As a child, you accepted the nonphysical part of you. As an adult, this connection is often disconnected! You know when it is because you’re not in your happy place. You’re too busy trying to be liked, fit in and do what you think others will like. You forget who you are, at home and on the road!

Remember, our spirit self, is the unseen aspect accessible to humans through; hunches, gut instincts, intentions, synchronicities… or as I call them; Divine downloads.

Those who are in touch with this side of themselves manifest easier than others who aren’t because they believe it before they see it. Decisions are made based on a knowing that comes from within, the wiser, higher consciousness self. And they trust it. It’s the nonphysical expressing it self through our personality type. Yep, your personality type has the exact traits needed to fulfill your soul’s mission here on earth. 

I know so many new ideas to think about! But I hope these ideas inspire new perceptions and new ways to think about your life!


Why Fit In When You Where Made to Stand Out, Dr Seuss, children’s book author


A How- To Example In A Hiccupy Travel Situation

Here’s an example. Let’s say your flight gets canceled. Most of us get worked up and become totally dependent on the physical realm to find solutions. Our minds become a tangled mess, and in the moment, we look externally for answers. We see canceled flights, realizing we’ll miss our connecting flight. So we run like maniacs trying to catch another flight. Been there, done that. In this instance, you’re drawing from external energy, which we can plainly see is not giving us a solution. Instead, it feeds our fear-based energy with what will go wrong.

Now, if you’re connected to the you spirit self, the wise guide within, you realize the plane isn’t going to be on time. But instead of going down the road of what isn’t, you start looking for what could be. You may say a quick prayer or meditation, asking for guidance (that’s what I do and I give a how-to example in my book). Then, because you believe it before you see it, you already know everything will work out as it’s supposed to, or maybe even better.

Coming from the all-knowing mind, you can now access your personality type’s superpowers. Your mind is clear and more relaxed, allowing you to take inspired actions. It’s in this relaxed state of being where we can use the strengths of your personality type more constructively, with clarity and confidence versus a negative and stressed mind. Better yet, we are listening to the wisdom within and let it inform our actions.

How Divine Intelligence Answers Your Prayers: Yes, Not Yet, I have something better in mind.


Can You See the Magic in Personality Typing with a Spiritual Understanding?

When you rely on your inner guide, the spark of Divine within, and let this higher-consciousness energy inform your decisions, you become less reliant on the external world of the ego, another’s expectation of who you should be or believing another person knows you better than you know yourself.

This is stinking-thinking. 


Getting Back to Yourself

Embarking on a journey with the curiosity of a child can spark a profound awakening, guiding you back to your authentic self. It’s time to shed beliefs that no longer resonate and embrace a path that brings you joy. By rediscovering a childlike wonder in your travels, you’ll not only find greater happiness but also uncover your true travel aspirations. Trips where every step leads to self-awareness, profound pleasures, and memories of a lifetime. If you want to learn more grab a copy of my new book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide.

To truly reconnect with the child within, just set an intention. Focus. And listen to your wise inner guide. 

You may want to recall family vacations that once frustrated you. Perhaps it was the rigid itineraries, the lack of freedom, or even the discomfort of unfamiliar places. These experiences may still influence your perceptions and choices today. 

By identifying and understanding their impact, you can liberate yourself from outdated beliefs, recognize them and know that was then this is now. This knowing allows you to rediscover the joy and spontaneity that define authentic travel experiences. It’s traveling your way, enjoying vacations that bring out your playful inner child.


The Gifts of Summer Days

Please understand when you honoring your travel companion’s desires instead of getting frustrated, you honor your own intentions. Remember, everyone’s needs are important. It’s a matter of self-acceptance, and the acceptance of others. It’s why I’m a huge fan of intentional travel. More about this in my debut book chapter 3: Travel Intentionally — How Too Guide.

Enjoy summer in all of her glory. It’s a gift.

Summer is the season of growth, potential and excitement — take advantage of it.

Linger in longer days, warm seas, and the sweet, juicy fruits of the season.

We need to bask in the glow of summer and let the happy memories of the season hold us close… all through the year.


Go Ahead and Embrace Your Kid-Loving Personality. It’s Here You’ll Find the Real Treasures of Summer —  Nina Zapala, Founder of Spiritual Personality Typing.


Want to Learn More About the Spiritual Personality Typing

I hope you found “How to Travel Like a Kid This Summer?” inspiration and educational. If you did, please feel free share it with someone you know who could benefit from the ideas herein. I’m deeply passionate about introducing the concept of spiritual personality typing — a revolutionary typology tool that empowers you to live a life you truly love. It’s a new paradigm that focuses on the ‘soul’s’ role in personality typing.

The career personality type of the 1940s served its purpose, but today, in this era of transformation, it holds less relevance. As we awaken to our spiritual needs, it’s crucial to integrate the strengths of a healthy personality with our own Divine Intelligence within (soul), higher conscious self. When we understand this alignment, we embody our soul’s intentions as they are expressed through our personality, allowing us to take purposeful, guided and inspired actions in all aspects of our lives – travel, work, relationships, parenting…

The outcome? We step into the world with profound clarity, radiating joy, passion, and purpose. This transformation isn’t just beneficial for you — it positively impacts everyone you encounter. When we embrace a journey of self-discovery and empowerment together, we can create a better world by being true to ourselves.


Ready to Let Go & Live a Life that You Love? 

Whether you’re navigating a divorce, career transition, or entering an empty nest phase, these pivotal moments demand clear decision-making. Do you know your decision making traits? It’s crucial to understand these traits and know, now is not the time to rely on someone else’s perspective. Your life’s next chapter should be authored by you.

If you need more, book a 1:1 clarity session. I can help you plant seeds of new opportunities, and self-awakening to design a roadmap that leads to a life you love: with meaning and purpose. 

Or you may want to read my debut book Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide it’s a 101 on spiritual personality typing with a twist; it shows you how to use travel as the perfect time to kick-start your personal growth journey.  It’s full of fabulous tips on where to stay, play and visit, while also detailing how to travel to empower a self-awakening journey. Also, I share relatable life lessons learned from my 7-year life tsunami. Grab your copy here.

Note: I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side and ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing supported by a spiritual understanding


Join The Movement

Will you join my online community of seekers? It’s for those who are looking for answers, camaraderie, and have a deep desire to create a life that they love. Trust me, it’s never to late to build a life on your terms and in your own unique ways. I this new message I’m sharing about typology ( spiritual personality typing) is Divinely timed. It’s a modern day tool to assist those who aspire to awaken during these transformative times we are all experiencing.

Join The Movement

Will you join my online community of seekers? It’s for those who are looking for answers, camaraderie, and have a deep desire to create a life that they love. Trust me, it’s never too late to build a life on your terms and in your own unique ways. This new message I’m sharing about typology ( spiritual personality typing) is Divinely timed. It’s a modern day tool to assist those who aspire to awaken during these transformative times we are all experiencing.

Are you interested in discovering who you really are?

To bring forth your gifts and share them with the world? 

Learn how to step into your becoming?

Do you want to live a life you love?

Are you willing to navigate life from your true self (your truth)?

If so, join Nina’s Newsletter. You’ll get front-row seats to book signing events, classes, travel and lifestyle tips to help you on your journey of self-becoming. 

Socialize with me on Pinterest enjoy my reels on Instagram or subscribe on YouTube for a more detailed discussion.

Or socialize with me on Pinterest enjoy my reels on, Instagram or subscribe on YouTube for a more detailed discussion.

Spiritual Personality Typing – Nina Zapala, the Curious Traveler, ENTP.

Photo Credit Vicko Mozara on Unsplash

Updated: 6.15.2024



Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

Nina Zapala with Book

Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a call to discover a path that is uniquely yours. It’s for those who yearn to be their truest selves in every aspect of life—work, travel, and as we age. This journey embodies inspired living, filled with purpose, meaning, and the freedom to be unapologetically you.

Join me in exploring this transformative, spirit-fed paradigm. It’s a journey of conscious living rooted in awareness and self-discovery—unconventional and life-changing. Together, let’s craft a life rich in spirit, soul, and story. I welcome you on this path. 🕊

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Interested in travel for self-discovery? 

Grab my free e-book Travel Happier. An intro to my debut book.