How One ENFP Is A Champion For Forgotten Women Artists

How one ENFP is a champion for forgotten women artists is a continuing series for women entrepreneurs; through the lens of spiritual personality typing. An entrepreneurial series that highlights real-world examples of women who live life to its fullest. It’s for those who want to nourish their sacred personalities knowing this path supports spirit-centered living and a life of service. It’s a how-to for women entrepreneurs everywhere who want to manifest their dreams, embrace their true calling while also doing good in the world. Jane Adams is a shining example.


What A Wonderful Thought That Some of Our Best Days Haven’t Even Happened Yet – Anne Frank, A German girl, and noted diary essayist who was in hiding under Nazi persecution.


ENFP: The Expressive Type – A Champion For Societal Change

In addition to being curious about the world around them, ENFPs are enthusiastic about exploring the deeper meanings of life. They abhor superficiality, and prefer to seek authentic experiences. Your pursuit of individuality and happiness is often your highest priority in life, both for yourself and for others.

Your primary trait, (the trait you use most often) is extroverted intuition. From a spiritual POV I call this your north star. It’s an abstract trait, free-thinking, which feeds the need for individuality. A personality tell, as to why personal freedom and self-expression are highly coveted. A trait that is instinctual and spontaneous. It gifts you the ability to follow your inspiration wherever it may lead, which for you, is often an unconventional one, that often inspires societal change.


ENFPs: Champions of Change

“You are embolden world optimists and ambassadors of social change.” A quote from Chapter 17, The Expressive Traveler from my debut book; Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide. 

Looking back on history, ENTP women often break the rules of their own culture by redefining social norms. Women of your personality bend history around them. Real change in society often begins with you alone. Ponder the power in that statement. Historically, your personality carries seeds of growth for society. A few examples:

Anne Frank, a German-born Jewish girl who kept a diary, which documented her life in hiding under Nazi persecution. She’s a true hero

Dr. Seuss, U.S. children’s book author of The Cat in the Hat; How the Grinch Stole Christmas! A man that, still today, brings magic and joy to the world.

Carrie Fisher, an actor, whose kick-ass performance as Star Wars’ Princess Leia, illustrates the defining strength of an ENTP; their willingness to get it done against all odds. Bet you didn’t know that Fisher was hired by George Lucas to perfect scripts for his 1992 TV series The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles and the dialogue for the Star Wars prequel. Breaking convention is innate in this personality type.


A Question Inspired Jane Fortune To Champion Forgotten Women Artists

Jane Fortune, a  lifelong philanthropist, began to  wonder, where are the women, while on an artist’s tour in Florence, Italy. She wanted to know why women were only depicted in paintings and not as artists.

In 2006, one year after her tour, she sponsored the restoration of 16th-century Dominican nun Plautilla Nelli’s “Lamentation with Saints,” an extremely large fresco painting that, pre-conservation, was lusterless, dirt-caked, and infested with woodworms. Three years later, she officially launched the non-profit Advancing Women Artists (AWA). The goal of AWA was to identify, restore, and exhibit works by Florence’s female artists.

Smithsonian Magazine quoted; Lovingly dubbed as the Indiana Jane by the Florentine press. Fortune not only championed the cause of Italy’s forgotten artists, but that of female artists around the world.” 

Fortune passed away at the age of 76 due to ovarian cancer. Without fanfare, her successor, Jane Adams, an ENTP, has taken on her mission. Adams continues this important work in Florence, and worldwide. She is the founder and CEO of Artemisia Gold, an expanding charity that continues the work of Jane Fortune.


Jane Adams: How One ENFP Is A Champion For Forgotten Women Artists

A few questions to ponder and get you thinking  if you’re an entrepreneur who desires a career with meaning, passion and purpose.

  1. What was the turning point? The wake-up call that led you to where you are today? 

It was the day I met Jane Fortune. She changed my life. As she introduced me to the unheard stories of Florence’s female arts, I was stirred by her passion for these female arts. She shared the secret and the hidden side of Renaissance Florence. My love of art and the groundbreaking works of women artists had to be shared with the world. Their stories and work need a voice.

  1. How did this discovery shift your business and life?

I became a raving fan and advocate. Deep in my heart, I knew her foundation was where I belonged, and that’s exactly what happened. Sadly, the passing of Jane Fortune prompted the closure of her foundation, Advancing Women Artists. Yet, her quest lives on through me. I will carry on our joint mission to discover and restore hidden female artists. Her passion has become my passion. I continue to share the stories of women artists and bring their work back to life. 

  1. Can you describe what it felt like doing business before and after you became self-aware? 

Self-awareness is not just enlightenment. You have to work hard and fully believe in your mission and dream. And for me, I trust and know in my heart that the Divine plan always finds a way to bring things together…

  1. For the most part, being an entrepreneur isn’t always easy. What do you do to keep yourself centered and true to yourself, even when the pressure is on? 

I try to have a balance between work and time with friends, and participate in sports as a way to relax and let off steam.

  1. Is there anything you believe is instrumental in your journey of authenticity? In business and life? 

I have faith and a positive outlook on life. I’ve also been fortunate to be given a special and meaningful mission. I believe the Universe will guide me to bring my work to the world’s stage, no matter how big or small. It’s a mission, one that I’m happy to call my own. Bringing light and championing forgotten women artists is a privilege. Thank you Jane Fortune for lighting the torch.

Thank you Jane Adams for championing this vital work…

Check out the Speaking of Travel Podcast, where host Marilyn Ball interviews Jane Adams, Co-Founder and CEO of Artemisia Gold, for additional details on her journey of championing forgotten women artists in Italy and beyond. You won’t want to miss it!


Jane Adams: An Inspiring ENFP Follow Her Continuing Journey

Jane Adams, Co-Founder & CEO of Artemisia Gold, brings a wealth of experience in PR and Communications from luxury hospitality, real estate, and art sectors. She was formerly the director of Partnership Relations with Jane Fortune and Advancing Women Artists Inc., restoring 70 works of art over 14 years. Jane led her first solo restoration project in 2020, restoring Artemisia’s “Let the Children Come to Me” in Rome’s Church of San Carlo Al Corso. She co-founded the Caravaggio & Contemporary Research Center and played a key role in fundraising and events for restorations at the Church of Ognissanti, Florence. In 2023, Jane directed the first foreign study abroad ‘Minimester’ for students from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.


How One ENFP, Jane Adams Is A Champion For Forgotten Women Artists

Visit the Artemisia Gold website

For tours and event information click here 



Caravaggio & Contemporary Ltd

Director of Outreach & Development

+ 39 335 7310664


Where it all began: Advancing Women Artists (AWA)


How One ENTP Is A Champion For Forgotten Women Artists 

How glorious to witness how one ENTP is empowering her true self to bring her mission to life, and change the world for centuries to come. I’m sure Jane Adams will agree that her life experiences, her love of the arts, and her highly individualized and unconventional approach to life are the resources that keep her inspired, even when times get tough.

If you’re an ENTP, please feel free to share in the comments below your vocation and what mission you are bringing to the world. It can be large or small. All that’s required is purpose, passion, and devotion. As well as being true to yourself, of course! If you want to learn more about yourself; this post What’s So Wonderful About Your Personality Type is for you.

A Few More Posts to Get You Inspired On Your Entrepreneurial Journey

– 7 Ways to Determine if You’re a Spirit-Led Entrepreneur: click here for the link.

– How to Embrace the Soul Self in Business: click here for the link.


It’s Always My Intention

It’s always my intention to help you think differently about yourself. To inspire you to show up in the world better than you were the day before. Every day is a gift. You’re a gift. A gift with great potential and purpose; without limitation. That’s why the Universe assigned you a distinct personality type. Your traits are the supportive tools your soul uses to help you take daily inspired actions. Think of your soul as scared and brilliant – the wise, higher conscious you.  Did you know your personality type is one-of–a-kind, that gives rise to the voice of your soul?  You’re here to remember who you really are, and share your Divine gifts with the world.

What I know now. After a ten-year life tsunami, coupled with years of reflection and learning, I now know, on a soul level, that spirituality doesn’t come in a pre-labeled box. It comes from your heart-centered self – where the spirit mind take up residence. Remember, your spiritually guided self, impact and influences your personality; just like it influences your approach to life; relationships, career, travel… 


More About Spiritual Personality Typing™️

I hope you found, How One ENTP Is A Champion For Forgotten Women Artists eye-opening. I’m here to share a new personality type paradigm, Spiritual Personality Typing™️ to help you think differently, get unstuck and get you excited about your sacred personality. Let’s rethink Myers-Briggs® typology beyond stereotypical memes and see it as the supportive tool your soul uses to express itself in the wold to inspire a life of unlimited potential. 


Make understanding your personality type a priority. It’s the best relationship you can cultivate in this lifetime. Nina Zapala, Founder of Spiritual Personality Typing.


Of course, with all good things in life, if you do the work, take responsibility, and make personality typing with a spiritual understanding, a daily practice, you’ll reap the rewards. Once you do, you’ll realize the only way for your higher self to express itself is through a healthy persona – a partnership made in heaven. Literally. 

It’s a profound awakening, moving you closer to your truth, and unshackling you from a purposeless existence into a new reality of unlimited possibilities. You’ll be ready for any occasion, situation, or event – travel, relationships, career, and most importantly, a meaningful life.

I know this to be true because this is precisely how it works in my life. Book a guided session to learn more about your personality’s superpowers


Join the Conversation

The best way to feel part of this community is by subscribing to Nina’s Newsletter where I help you think differently about yourself. To help you get unstuck and begin again. It’s content rich with ways to think differently, along with actionable journal prompts; exclusive to subscribers. It’s time for a new personality paradigm; it’s time for Spiritual Personality Typing™️. Your true self is calling. What are you waiting for?

Join me for daily musings on: Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium @ninazapala or on YouTube @ninazapalaENTP

I want to start conversations with like-minded women who are committed to a life defined by DIVINELY inspired personality types. Those who want to step our of the stereotyping and 1 x1″ boxes in a world that teaches us who we should be. I say no. Stop this stinking-thinking and  live a spirit-centered life; creative, joyful, vibrant and exquisitely you. The world needs YOU! Not some version of you… It’s time to Discovery Spiritual Personality Typing it’s Myers-Briggs on a spiritually led detour.

Peace, Love and Light!

Photo Credit: Pictured Jane Adams A True Champion for Women Artists Everywhere!



Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

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I’m on a mission to help you think differently. Introducing Spiritual Personality Typing™️. 

It’s for those who seek meaning and purpose in life realizing soul-led wisdom peppered with logical intelligence is the enlightened way to manifest your life. It’s a roadmap to you inner guide the place where life’s possibilities, potential, and purpose are found.

This new theory is deeply embedded with spiritual understandings supported by Myers-Briggs® to help you reinvent your life, and discovery your true self!

Entrepreneurs guided by spirit will be empowered to embrace the tools, tips, and creative resources designed to explore their true calling. 

Travelers who want to travel for self-discovery will enjoy exploring their travel personality types from a sprititual POV.  Plus, you’ll discover the the best places to stay, visit, and play – tailored to your personality type

-Together, we discover what it means to live a true self lifestyle. Exploring the profound aspects of life through real-world situations, journaling, and learning to ensure you remain focused on your purpose.  

– Travel stories from boutique hotel or Mom & Pop shops from my  book signing events. 

Begin A New Journey Today.

Enjoy weekly happy mails to inspire your true self, with insights on entrepreneurship, travel, and finding your mid-life magic.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a calling to find a path that is exquisitely yours. It’s for those that desire to be their “truest” selves in work, on the road and in life. It’s inspired living. Full of purpose, meaning and the freedom to be unapologetically you!

Begin the journey of discovering this transformative spirit-fed paradigm. Typing that inspires conscious living based on awareness and self-discovery.  Unconventional, and life-changing.🕊

Enjoy a life well lived. Rich with spirit, soul, and story.  I welcome you. 

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Are you ready to take your business to a whole new level?

I’m eager to share my award-winning ways and my innovative and intuitive self with those who are passionate about taking the next step and doing the work.