2020 The Year of Revisioning Yourself a New

2020 the year of revisioning yourself anew. Seeing things with great clarity. It’s about releasing Matrix moments bringing enlightenment to understand what’s important and meaningful. It’s about staying present in the clarity of self.

I’m wondering if the pandemic as been seeded in the world right now, giving us all a forced time-out to go deeper ⏤ to discover ourselves anew. I believe it had to be done. The earth was crying out for a reprieve, many of us were also crying out wanting answers that our dull, day jobs couldn’t provide. We had become stuck in a Matrix of false living.

Want to know how to re-envision your personality type to release yourself from the Matrix of false living? Click on the book now button below.

Who You Are

After great introspection, I see that the pandemic as a much-needed, time to re-evaluate ourselves and our lives? It gave us time to look deep within our shadow selves allowing us to ignite a revisioning of how we see the world and our place in it. This revisioning question was a topic I spoke of in a previous blog post regarding living your legacy. The idea focused on “who do you want to be in the world.” And then using this question as a basis for self-creation.

There is only one reason to do anything; as a state to the Universe of Who You Are.

Conversations With GOD, Book One
Neil Donald Walsch

Travel as a Matrix to Seeing Your Personality ANew

Have you ever visited somewhere and had an experience where you were a silent observer in the world? No one knew you. It was travel mirroring an un-Matrix moment. Your life’s baggage stayed packed, so you didn’t drag it everywhere you went. Instead, you found lightness in your heart, and ease in your steps, and a heightened sense of the world around you. You observed everything with great clarity as the silent observer until awoken by a friend or family member. But in those moments did you feel totally connected to yourself, in a way that electrified your soul?

Revisioning Yourself Anew

This scenario above is just one of the many reasons I love to travel and the ability to bring us closer to ourselves. I’ve often said this, and I’m repeating it, I believe, travel to be a global university studying the human condition. What I most love about travel is that it frees us from the daily grind. We take off our masks, unafraid. And it brings an openness that’s typically absent in our daily lives. It can even help us remove the labels we assign ourselves and dutifully live by, often allowing other aspects of ourselves to surface.

I think we do this because we are out of balance with our vital self, which many typologists refer to as our dominant personality trait. The trait the soul wants us to embrace to help us unfold our purpose, passions, and potentials. What if we took a vacation and every time we included time for 20/20 moments ⏤ seeing ourselves anew ⏤ digging into our personality to gain a 20/20 perspective.

This type of travel is conscious and transformation ushering in a revisioning of self.

Nina Zapala

My Intention

I hope, 2020 the year of revisioning yourself anew, challenges the way you look at yourself. I’m hoping you embrace the challenges that lie ahead on the journey to self.

Awareness is a place you take action or not. You. can choose to take action, which brings about forward motion, or you can choose to remain where there is no forward motion. Either way is a choice, and both are difficult. Yet, If you choose to take action, a mind shift takes place. A new self-truth emerges, along with a new-found life path leading to a new lease on life.

As a course changer and a new path maker, I’m always looking for ways to upend the status quo and challenge convention. I believe the magic of travel is in the unknowingness. The unknowingness delivers what you need. It helps you look past what you think you know, shatter irrelevant expectations, and bring your authentic self to life, your truth.

Let me know if you travel this fall. Notice the triggers that arise within. The is your soul saying, “it’s time to leave the old personality paradigm behind and embrace a new Divinely inspired personality type.”

An excerpt from my upcoming book The Soul’s Role in Personality Typing©️

Tune In 

I’ve written Soul’s Role in Personalty©️ as a guide to launch a journey to the TrueSelf. This guide reveals hidden aspects of yourself. It’s an easy read. The contents within are thought-provoking and soul-shifting. It was written to help you rethink yourself a new. To create a life lived by Divine Design!

I look forward to building a community of typie (personality type) seekers. Individuals who want to grow, learn and know their reason for making the world a brighter place. The idea is to become a positive force in the world. And I’m up for whatever it takes to make this happen. My journey started with unraveling set expectations directed and conditioned by others. I wish to create a pathway that enables you to flow into your own journey to self. 🙏 😇

If you’re ready to go deeper click the button below to book a guided 15-minute session

Join The Movement

Are you ready to become your own new path maker? If so, I’d love to see you on Pinterest, Instagram, or Twitter. The best way to feel a part of this community is by subscribing; I’m debating on a newsletter or quarterly magazine? What do you prefer? 🥰

Photo Credit Buddha Statue:  Emily KenCairn of Apiary Studio



Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

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I’m on a mission to help you think differently. Introducing Spiritual Personality Typing™️. 

It’s for those who seek meaning and purpose in life realizing soul-led wisdom peppered with logical intelligence is the enlightened way to manifest your life. It’s a roadmap to you inner guide the place where life’s possibilities, potential, and purpose are found.

This new theory is deeply embedded with spiritual understandings supported by Myers-Briggs® to help you reinvent your life, and discovery your true self!

Entrepreneurs guided by spirit will be empowered to embrace the tools, tips, and creative resources designed to explore their true calling. 

Travelers who want to travel for self-discovery will enjoy exploring their travel personality types from a sprititual POV.  Plus, you’ll discover the the best places to stay, visit, and play – tailored to your personality type

-Together, we discover what it means to live a true self lifestyle. Exploring the profound aspects of life through real-world situations, journaling, and learning to ensure you remain focused on your purpose.  

– Travel stories from boutique hotel or Mom & Pop shops from my  book signing events. 

Begin A New Journey Today.

Enjoy weekly happy mails to inspire your true self, with insights on entrepreneurship, travel, and finding your mid-life magic.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a calling to find a path that is exquisitely yours. It’s for those that desire to be their “truest” selves in work, on the road and in life. It’s inspired living. Full of purpose, meaning and the freedom to be unapologetically you!

Begin the journey of discovering this transformative spirit-fed paradigm. Typing that inspires conscious living based on awareness and self-discovery.  Unconventional, and life-changing.🕊

Enjoy a life well lived. Rich with spirit, soul, and story.  I welcome you.