Ten simple ways to inspire happy travel this Thanksgiving holiday was motivated by a need I once had to make things perfect. God bless my Mom, who would rant and rave, trying to get it all done while keeping up with five little kids. Wow! She was a superwoman, but I have to say she got bitchy during the holidays. As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. UGH.
I’ve also been known to spiral out of control. Freaking out, thinking I forgot to make a dish while a variety of delicious plates were already on the table. Or I’ve visited a relative’s home, and me, being the pleaser, I eat stuff I usually wouldn’t. And even worse, I would force my son to do the same under the guise of politeness. (It’s my (extroverted feeling trait in its unhealthy pleasing mode.”
Where does it end?
Ten Simple Ways To Inspire Happy Travel
Realizing that I’m probably not the only person out there with holiday anxiety, I’ve developed a few ideas to decrease holiday stress and inspire happier outcomes.
Nothing earth-shattering, just applying common sense, imagination, and some old-fashioned fun.
1. Have you ever played the license plate game? It involves scoring points by spotting license plates registered to different states while driving. A player is awarded points as license plates are spotted. The person with the most points may choose the next place to stop and eat, an extra slice of pie…
2. Do you find yourself in an empty nesting situation this Thanksgiving? No kids, no cooking, just the two of you, or maybe it’s just you. Bored of binging on Netflix? Why not look into an Airbnb/hotel and spend a weekend at the beach, the mountains, or exploring a city you’ve always wanted to discover? Give you and your partner the gift of rediscovering one another.
3. Stay local, but get away. If you want to avoid the 55.4 million people hitting the road over Thanksgiving weekend, skip the trip and stay local. Consider a cozy cabin at a state park, or try that boutique hotel that you’ve always wanted to check out. Get out and explore locally. You’ll be inspired by what you’ll discover.
4. Airports are chaotic during the holidays. Refocus and recenter by using free calming apps such as Smiling Mind or Buddha mantra. If you only have five or ten minutes, this should do the trick,
5. Is your spouse’s family getting on your nerves? Why not plan a few excursions – spend family time exploring a nearby park, take in a Christmas tree lighting, or browse a community market? Breathe!
6. Make an effort to “unplug the kids” on a long road trip using old-fashioned fun. This idea takes a bit of planning, but you can buy a joke book (used on Amazon or search for one at a local bookstore) and make a game out of telling jokes. Tell each child to pick a few of their favorite jokes and then pretend they are the comedian. If your kids aren’t up for telling jokes, try the license plate game. It’s fun. See how many out-of-state licenses you can spot in 15 minutes.
7. A long trip can be exhausting for everyone. After checking into your hotel and getting settled, brighten up a long day with a few surprises. Maybe start with a dessert party, followed by a movie night, pick a few favorites, and settle in for the evening.
8. If you know Aunt Gertrude only dishes certain foods, why not coordinate a dinner potluck and have each family member bring a dish? You can always cook with your kids when you arrive, and you’ll know your recipe meets your dietary requirements. It sure beats bitching about the meal. 😜
9. Visiting relatives can be stressful. Let’s face it; we’re all different. But with a little bit of effort, you can create a sense of family. BTW, it is Thanksgiving, time for gratitude. Get some construction paper, draw a leaf, and repeat until you have enough to give one to each person. Then ask everyone to write down what they are grateful for – put the leaves in a bowl. Before you dig into your Thanksgiving feast, have everyone pick a leaf. Read what’s been written out loud, and then try and guess who wrote it. It’s fun and easy. For those moments, everyone is engaged in gratitude. #blessings!
10. You’ve worked hard to keep your fitness routine up; do not slip over the Thanksgiving holiday. Also, get the kids involved in fitness. Have them unplug and then head into the great outdoors. Try ice-skating, bicycling, walking, beach volleyball, and hiking; as you know, Mother Nature provides endless opportunities.
Holiday DeStress Tip
Give yourself something to look forward to when you return home. Make time to read that new book, listen to the podcast, or soak in the tube with your favorite candle lit. Or book a massage, make reservations at the new restaurant, or gift yourself an extra day off before you dive into December’s holiday madness.
More About Spiritual Personality Typing
Did you find; Ten Simple Ways To Inspire Happy Travel This Thanksgiving?
I’m here to share a new philosophy, spiritual personality typing. I want to get you excited about your sacred personality type. It’s much more than a career tool; it’s a beautiful method to support your spirit mind/your soul self on this earthly journey. I hope you begin to see your personality as a magical tool, realizing its importance in a purposeful, passionate, and meaningful life.
Make understanding your personality type a priority; it’s the best relationship you can cultivate in this lifetime.
I hope you realize the only way your soul, the higher self, can express itself is through a healthy, sacred personality. As this realization sets in, a profound awakening emerges, moving you closer to your truth and unshackling you from a purposeless existence into a new reality of unlimited possibilities. You’ll be ready for any occasion, situation, or event — travel, relationships, career, and most importantly, a meaningful life.
I know this to be true because this is precisely how it works in my life. If you’d like to learn more enjoy a One Hour Power Call, a time to ask me anything about your personality type.
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It’s Time to Discover; Spiritual Personality Typing ™️ — Nina Zapala, the Curious Type, ENTP.
P.S. Enjoy a perfectly unperfect Thanksgiving!
Photo by Vlad-Fonsark Pexels
Updated 11.4.2023