7 Simple How-To Joy Habits For Your Spiritual Personality Type

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 7 simple how-to joy habits for your spiritual personality type are incredible practices for you to consider. You’ll find joy energy to be intoxicating as you begin to experience the habits listed below. May I suggest you start with one habit and then build upon whichever joy – feelings of goodness – resonate with your soulful […]

How to Discover the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing to Rediscover You

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How to discover the soul’s role in personality typing to rediscover you is the path you must take to figure out who you really are. I can honestly tell you I figured out how to bridge 1940s personality typing with a spiritual point of view. As this idea emerged it made me see personality typing […]

If You Don’t Know Your Spiritual Personality How Can You Love Yourself

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If You Don’t Know Your Spiritual Personality How Can You Love Yourself, this blog explores the idea that understanding your personality can be a powerful tool on the path to self-love. I’m also adding a spiritual perspective to help you dive deeper into who you really are. A beautiful soul here to experience love. It […]

How To Be True To Your True Self

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How To Be True To Your Self is a post to help you understand, overcome, and cultivate a true self lifestyle.   Do something brave. Do something unexpected. Just do something. – Nina   The world is filled with pressures to conform; staying true to your true self can be confusing, challenging, and overwhelming. However, […]

Would Your Personality Type Love Chattanooga?

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Would Your Personality Type Love Chattanooga, Tennessee? Maybe the better question is, does your personality type flow with the city? For so many of us, we get so busy doing, planning, and Googling we leave ourselves out of the travel equation. Big Mistake.   I think food, culture, people and landscape are all absolutely inseparable. […]

Best Road Trips To Make Your Personality Happy

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Over the last few years, air travel has become tricky for many Americans. A return to a classic vacation is trending: the American road trip. It’s the perfect way to explore your own backyard and hidden gems in other states, plus you can pick up and go whenever you like. What’s better than a classic […]

A New Perception You’re More Than Your Personality


A new perception: you’re more than your personality type. What? No, I’m not crazy; here’s why. Your personality type is a set of traits, indicators, characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors – it’s how you show up in the world. Yes, of course, your personality type influences you. In fact, it infiltrates every aspect of your life. […]

How To Be The Authentic Introvert Think Traits

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How to be the authentic introvert think traits. WHAT? Yes, I know you’ve been told to believe you are just an introvert, but you’re not. I know it’s a new way to think, but I want you to know you are not just an INTROVERT. You do, however, possess definitive introverted cognitive functions. These patterns, […]