How to Know What Your Heart Wants to Live Your Best Life Ever

The question of how to know what your heart wants to live your best life often arises as we approach a turning point in our lives. Why? I believe it has to do with an inner-guided understanding that want us to solidify our core beliefs; recognizing what truly matters in life. Midlife, is one of those turning points but recent statistics suggest this self-reflection is occurring earlier. Women in their early 40s are increasingly recognizing that societal norms, while providing structure, don’t necessarily address what’s truly important in assessing one’s potential, purpose, and passion.


Society Provides Structure, But Does It Know What the Heart Wants?

What if you’ve fulfilled society’s milestones? The corner office, the house, all the material possessions, marriage, kids—and still feel like something is missing? Or what if you feel like a failure because you can never reach these milestones, as the metrics keep shifting? I can relate. I had a very successful, award-winning career in travel. What I’ve learned is that even when you reach the proverbial mountaintop, without acknowledging the desires of your soul, (what fulfills you … your purpose) you may still be living a life of discontentment. We’ve got all the stuff, but lose sight of what truly matters.  A phenomenon some call “existential frustration.” 

A fun blog to explore on the topic of child’s play: How to Rediscover Your Childlike Personalty


Break Free from Overthinking: How Child’s Play Can Reconnect You to Your Heart’s True Desires

Overthinking is a form of distraction that moves you further away from what your heart truly wants. It keeps your mind in a state of constant churn and burn, leading to burnout, overwhelm, and anxiety. The heart is part of your higher mind, always signaling when it’s time for a course correction in life. Engaging in child’s play is an excellent exercise to reconnect with your wise inner guide, helping you find joy, peace, and what’s truly important in life.



Embrace Where You Are Right Now

It may seem counterintuitive, but if you don’t face your doubts, fears, and unhealthy emotions, your soul will lead you down a challenging path. It wants you to confront what’s holding you back so you can better understand your emotional intelligence. Below are a few tools to help you get in touch with what the heart wants.


Spiritual Personality Typing: Helps You Know What the Heart Wants

Spiritual personality typing is a refined personality paradigm, a tool that I used to navigate my life’s tsunami. It helps you answer life’s deepest questions; why am I here; how did I get, is this all there is? 

This new approach It helped me move beyond the stereotypical and rigid dynamics of 1940s typology. Its modern and mystical and reveals the unconventional truth about old-school typology. An ideology which often presents a soulless path lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action. I believe this is why so many people are lost, confused, and overwhelmed. The seek externally and become overwhelmed by the chaos, fear, and divisive nature of our modern times.


Intuition: An Inner Wisdom That Knows What the Heart Wants

Intuition is found in silence and stillness—the state of flow when fully engaged. It allows the unconscious aspect of yourself to become conscious, bringing wonderful new insights, ideas, and self-understanding. Your intuition is tethered to your heart center, and if you listen to the whispers it brings during times of stillness, it will unveil who you are meant to be and how you are meant to contribute. This brings to life your passion, purpose, and potential—connecting you fully to your core values, what brings you joy, sets your heart on fire, or truly excites you. Start small. Here’s a journal exercise to get you started:

Take 5-10 minutes to start and witness: 

  • The subtle sounds around you
  • Your breath’s natural rhythm
  • The sensation of your body at rest
  • One small detail you typically overlook
  • A feeling of peaceful presence

Journaling Tip: Write without judgment. Let your words flow like a gentle summer’s breeze. Capture the essence of quiet without forcing meaning.


Miss Alice Figured Out What The Heart Wanted And Lived Her Best Life Ever at 80

Alice Latimer Moseley (1909–2004), known colloquially as Miss Alice, was born in Birmingham, Alabama. She was an eighth-grade teacher for 30 years until her mother became afflicted with Alzheimer’s. During this time, without the restrictions of an institutionalized career, she began to explore her innate creativity. She started to paint. It was an obvious heart-centered passion. She quickly painted her first 40 paintings and sold all of them at a flea market in Nashville, Tennessee. That was the day Alice Moseley became a professional folk artist. 

As The Old Paradigm Shifted, A New One Emerged

Early on, Moseley was recognized as an idyllic folk artist by Jules Pfeiffer in Folk Art Finder. “Idyllic folk art” is described as showing not only what the artist saw but what he or she wanted to see. Moseley began to receive acclaim and had a successful career.  After the death of her husband, she moved to Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, in 1989, when she was 80 years old. She described her years in Bay St. Louis as the happiest and most successful of her life—at 80 years of age. I just love this.

Audacious Aging

Today, Moseley’s paintings are historic and often comedic as they depict Southern life in the country. Some of her more popular titles are: “Life Is So Daily,” “The House Is Blue But the Old Lady Ain’t,” and “Labor Versus Management,” which shows a farmer throwing his hat down on the ground in anger while his mule sits on his hindquarters with a little smile on his face. Alice Moseley painted until her death in July 2004, at the age of 94.Her son Tim Moseley founded the Alice Moseley Folk Art and Antique Museum after Hurricane Katrina in 2006, and it has since been relocated from the blue house to the historic Bay St. Louis train depot. Visitors to Bay St. Louis rave about the museum and the entertaining and informative tours given by docents. The museum is free and is open Monday through Saturday from 10 AM to 4 PM.


How to Know What Your Heart Wants to Live Your Best Life Ever

I hope this post opened you up to new perspectives and also helped you see that being happy in life happens when you fully engage yourself (the physical and nonphysical aspects of self) in all that life offers. We often wonder how can someone in their 80’s being living their best life? Isn’t that reserved for a younger person?

No. It’s reserved for people who want to do the work, confront their fears and leave mediocrity behind. For those who want to discover their unique, blueprint.. unique soul expression; what truly matters. This is the imprint that is meant to be left upon the planet in a soft whisper, not a load roar. It’s your way to inspire others and give them permission to to do the same.

You become the wayshower. The light in the storm. Are you ready


Clarity Session

You know what they say: “necessity is the mother of invention — reinvention.” After years on the psychiatrist’s couch, countless masterclasses, and working with various coaches, I still felt like something was off. I was struggling—lost without a voice, a vision, and without a clear solution in sight.

Then came my life tsunami. It was through embracing spirit-driven teachings and the psychological tools of Dr. Nix, Ph.D., that I uncovered my true calling: Spiritual Personality Typing (SPT). This emerging typology is a roadmap to your authentic self, bridging your soul (higher consciousness) with your personality (the soul in action). It’s perfect for “audacious agers” and “business outliers” alike who desire to successfully weather these transformative times.

I offer bespoke 1:1  clarity sessions that just may be what you need to stop merely living your life and start creating the life of your dreams!”  


Working with Nina helped me remove the blind spots that were holding me back”, Judith Wilms, TedX, Author. A bespoke clarity session maybe just what you need to stop living your life and instead create the life of your dreams!



Book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide

New here? Wanna know your travel personality typing? My debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, is your gateway to discovering yourself through travel. Inside, you’ll uncover how the joys of travel provide the perfect playground for self-awareness, complete with reflective questions that guide you on your journey. Explore top destinations for adventure, relaxation, and inspiration, along with practical tips for leveraging your personality preferences to create more fulfilling getaways. By harmonizing the insights of your personality with your inner guide (your higher self), you can elevate your travel experiences, embracing both worldly wonders and divine transcendence.

For me, travel has become a powerful tool on my self-discovery journey, regardless if I’m exploring distant lands or my own backyard. Ready to embark on this journey?

Grab your copy here. 


Step Into The Pages of the Book with Moi! Schedule a personalized 1:1 power hour where we explore your travel personality in detail. 


Welcome, Friends… It’s Time for a New Life!

Ready to connect with an amazing community? Dive in and subscribe to Nina’s Newsletter! It’s your go-to hub for true self living.  A newsletter packed with practical tips and insights to help you understand yourself better. Don’t miss out—join today and embrace a true self lifestyle.

Part of my purpose is to help you rethink how you see yourself and your business. What I now know is we don’t need more work; we need what works. Additionally, you also don’t need anyone telling you what to do!

This community is all about helping you reset, restore, and reinvent yourself. Let’s keep the conversation going on Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium @ninazapala, or on YouTube @ninazapalaENTP.

For career women who think they can do it all, empty nesters, newly widowed or divorced women, young mothers, and artful agers who want to carve out a new season in life. I’ve got you! You’re never to old to fully embrace who you’re meant to be.

The world needs YOU—not some version of you.

Discover Spiritual Personality Typing. It’s a new personality paradigm that helps you embody your true self. 



Nina Zapala is the founder of the Spiritual Personality Typing.  An emerging and mystical approach to personality typing, ideally suited for these evolving times. By integrating the soul’s role into personality typing, she offers women (age is never a requirement) with a personalized roadmap to fully embody their true selves. This spiritual typology unveils a pioneering perspective, helping women not only understand and embrace their outer persona, but also connect with their deeper essence—identifying their soul’s true direction in life. It’s a profound shift that empowers women to align with their highest potential and live with meaning, purpose, gratitude, and fulfillment. This isn’t just insight; it’s a life-changing journey






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Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

Nina Zapala with Book

Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

Begin A New Journey Today.

Enjoy weekly happy mails to inspire your true self, with insights on entrepreneurship, travel, and finding your mid-life magic.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a calling to find a path that is exquisitely yours. It’s for those that desire to be their “truest” selves in work, on the road and in life. It’s inspired living. Full of purpose, meaning and the freedom to be unapologetically you!

Begin the journey of discovering this transformative spirit-fed paradigm. Typing that inspires conscious living based on awareness and self-discovery.  Unconventional, and life-changing.🕊

Enjoy a life well lived. Rich with spirit, soul, and story.  I welcome you.