Do Popular Trends Benefit Your Mind or Undermine You?

Do popular trends benefit your mind or undermine you? In this post I offer a guide to help you make informed choices about trends. It reveals how they “really” impact your mental health. Tip: understanding yourself helps you make better choices. And remember, not all trends are made for all people. You can also watch […]
Many Reasons To Be Grateful For Your Personality Type?

Many reasons to be grateful for your personality type a post about how fabulous you are. The time has come to awaken and see yourself from a new perspective. When you let your logical mind rely on your spiritual senses, you have access to the infinite possibilities available within. Remember who you are – a […]
How To Be An Authentic Extrovert Think Traits

How to be an authentic extrovert think traits. WHAT? Yes, I know. We’ve been conditioned to believe biased information about being an extrovert — I believe these conditioned beliefs need to be un-believed. I know it’s a new way to think, but I want you to know you are not an EXTROVERT. You do, however, possess dominant […]
Sixteen Remarkable Ways Travel Awakens Your Personality

Sixteen remarkable ways travel awakens your personality type. A look at each Myers-Briggs ® archetype seeing how travel can bring about self-awareness by tapping into your true Self. What if travel acts as a reflection of your personality, your personal reality, while on vacation? Have you ever had a travel moment that took your breath […]
How To Find Your TrueSelf Starts With Three Steps?

How to find your TrueSelf, is a big topic, and honestly, the path to discovering your heart-centered essence is like climbing an inner mountain – challenging, transformative, and ultimately breathtaking. Yet so many of us struggle with this inner journey. The bold true is we’ve not been taught to connect with our heart-center, the Divine […]
5 Ways To Engage Your TrueSelf In A Romantic Relationship?

5 ways to engage your TrueSelf in a romantic relationship may create a fresh start in your relationship or unearth triggers that you both have long ignored. What inspired this blog post was an interview on the Super Soul podcast; Oprah interviews Chip and Joanna Gains. Both are magnetic and so tapped into their TrueSelf. […]
How To Tap Into Your Divinely Inspired Personality Type

How to tap into your divinely inspired personality type starts with a new perspective on an old paradigm. Many typologists use the same language, saying the same thing. It lacks soul. I believe there’s more to it. I think many typology gurus rely on the personality paradigm of the 1950s, which is fine, but I […]
How To Live Joyfully From Your True Self

How to live joyfully from your true self is a mindshift offering untold opportunities. Why? Because joy is a spark of Divine Intelligence lit from within. You can easily experience this spark watching a beautiful sunset, strolling on a moonlit evening, or hiking on freshly fallen snow. Your joy rises and overcomes you, often taking […]