How to Live Your Legacy from Authenticity

alt="An Authentic Personal Legacy - Buddha"

How to live your legacy from authenticity can’t be summed up in a blog post. What I can offer is a starting point, which I believe focuses on collaborating intimately with your personality type, a sincere and committed spiritual practice, and an ongoing quest to live your legacy every day. No biggie, right? 😏   […]

How to Discover the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing to Rediscover You

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How to discover the soul’s role in personality typing to rediscover you is the path you must take to figure out who you really are. I can honestly tell you I figured out how to bridge 1940s personality typing with a spiritual point of view. As this idea emerged it made me see personality typing […]

How To Nurture Yourself on Your Next Getaway

alt="Women nourishing herself on a retreat"

How to nurture yourself on your next getaway is a wonderful way to take happier vacations. Do you plan to nurture yourself on vacation or is this a passing thought that never manifests?  Isn’t their great irony in this?  We yearn to travel for health and wellness, yet most of us ignore our well-being on […]

If You Don’t Know Your Spiritual Personality How Can You Love Yourself

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If You Don’t Know Your Spiritual Personality How Can You Love Yourself, this blog explores the idea that understanding your personality can be a powerful tool on the path to self-love. I’m also adding a spiritual perspective to help you dive deeper into who you really are. A beautiful soul here to experience love. It […]

An Interesting Perspective On Slow Travel

alt="Nicole the Attentive Traveler"

An Interesting Perspective On Slow Travel explores the intersection between spiritual personality typing, intentional travel and slow travel. It’s a fascinating study of how different personality types choose to experience slow travel.  I’m a huge fan of intentional or conscious travel getaways. I’ve seen how unconscious and unhealthy cognitive functions often lead travelers to make […]

7 Ways To Determine if You’re a Spirit-Led Entrepreneur

alt=Lisa Van Roede Owner Lan Sabi.

7 Ways To Determine if You’re a Spirit-Led Entrepreneur is for those who desire to run soulful enterprises allowing the true Self to lead the way! In the world of entrepreneurship, there’s a growing recognition of the soul’s role in business related to trusting your intuition and fully stepping into your passion and purpose. It’s […]

Uplifting Books To Focus On Your True Self in 2024

alt="Inspiring Books to read in 2024"

Uplifting Books To Focus On Your True Self in 2024. This post offers a collection of 7 uncommon books that speak to exploring your true self innate in all 16 personality types. Some of these books may be obscure, but I thought, why list the obvious if you already know about them? I chose books […]

How To Be True To Your True Self

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How To Be True To Your Self is a post to help you understand, overcome, and cultivate a true self lifestyle.   Do something brave. Do something unexpected. Just do something. – Nina   The world is filled with pressures to conform; staying true to your true self can be confusing, challenging, and overwhelming. However, […]