7 Simple How-To Joy Habits For Your Spiritual Personality Type

alt="Women with different spiritual personality types expressing joy in nature"

 7 simple how-to joy habits for your spiritual personality type are incredible practices for you to consider. You’ll find joy energy to be intoxicating as you begin to experience the habits listed below. May I suggest you start with one habit and then build upon whichever joy – feelings of goodness – resonate with your soulful […]

If You Don’t Know Your Spiritual Personality How Can You Love Yourself

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If You Don’t Know Your Spiritual Personality How Can You Love Yourself, this blog explores the idea that understanding your personality can be a powerful tool on the path to self-love. I’m also adding a spiritual perspective to help you dive deeper into who you really are. A beautiful soul here to experience love. It […]

Personality Functions Three Hidden Secrets to Find Your True Self?

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Personality functions three hidden secrets to find your true self.  It’s more than just a great headline. Honestly, there are untold hidden secrets to finding your true self, but I’m keeping the information bite-sized. Lots more to come. Anywho, I hope these small bits of information lead to profound insights, helping you see that personality […]

Unlock the Impact of Soulful Quotes on Your Personality Type

Alt=" reading soul-stirring quotes for your personality type"

Unlock the impact of soulful quotes on your personality type. A new blog offers 30 inspiring quotes to bring a new perspective into your life by focusing on quotes that speak to you to help you know yourself better. Have you ever wondered why one quote sticks while others fall away? You’ll learn why and […]

Would Your Personality Type Love Chattanooga?

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Would Your Personality Type Love Chattanooga, Tennessee? Maybe the better question is, does your personality type flow with the city? For so many of us, we get so busy doing, planning, and Googling we leave ourselves out of the travel equation. Big Mistake.   I think food, culture, people and landscape are all absolutely inseparable. […]

How to Discover Your Powerful True Self and Stop Pleasing!

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How to discover your powerful true self and stop pleasing others, is typically a forever journey. Yet it does get easier. I’m here to share that you’ll have times when you slip back into your pleasing ways. The good news is you recognize it faster and move through it quicker.   Following our inner guidance […]

Does Your Personality Hold the Secret to a Happier Life?

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Does your personality hold the secret to a happiessr life? We are all born with a personality. Everybody has one ⏤ , yet many of us, especially when a significant life upheaval hits and we are faced with looking at who we really are. The question, Who am I, arises. The kids may have left […]

Overwhelmed By Unexpected Personality Triggers on Vacation

alt="Travel triggers created a mood in this women.

Overwhelmed By Unexpected Personality Triggers on Vacation. Let’s get real, you pack your personality right along with the sunnies and the sunscreen, so it goes to reason your personality can and may get triggered while away. Realize unexpected personality triggers can and do reveal aspects of your personality that aren’t in line with who you really […]