7 Simple How-To Joy Habits For Your Spiritual Personality Type

alt="Women with different spiritual personality types expressing joy in nature"

 7 simple how-to joy habits for your spiritual personality type are incredible practices for you to consider. You’ll find joy energy to be intoxicating as you begin to experience the habits listed below. May I suggest you start with one habit and then build upon whichever joy – feelings of goodness – resonate with your soulful […]

96% of People Fail When Trying to Better Themselves —Here’s My Secret to Better

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Why do 96% of people fail when trying to better themselves? This statistic comes from a Business Insider article authored by Srinivas Rao, who hosts The Unmistakable Creative podcast. The article’s premise is to take action and use a catalyst to motivate a better self. I took action, thought myself into a stupor, and leaned into […]

Could a Person Have More than One Personality Type?

alt="Women smiling as she's found her TrueSelf."

Could a person have more than one personality type? What do you think? (Please know I speak of Myers-Briggs©️ typing here exclusively) Recently on a podcast, I was asked, could I have two personality types? The host believed her personality type in college was vastly different than her personality type of today. As we began […]

How to Discover Your Powerful True Self and Stop Pleasing!

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How to discover your powerful true self and stop pleasing others, is typically a forever journey. Yet it does get easier. I’m here to share that you’ll have times when you slip back into your pleasing ways. The good news is you recognize it faster and move through it quicker.   Following our inner guidance […]

Do All Human Beings Have a Travel Personality Type?

alt="How Travel Personality Traits Influence Vacations; passport discussion."

Do all human beings have travel personality types? Yes. It’s what makes us all alike and oh-so different. Each of the 16 personality typing relies on its own dominant functions in order of usability. How you use your functions explains your response to the outer world and your interactions with others. Each of the 16 […]