Many Reasons To Be Grateful For Your Personality Type?

Many reasons to be grateful for your personality type a post about how fabulous you are. The time has come to awaken and see yourself from a new perspective. When you let your logical mind rely on your spiritual senses, you have access to the infinite possibilities available within. Remember who you are – a […]
How To Unpack Your Personality Type

How to unpack your personality type for a happier you and a happier vacation? It begins before you start a paralyzing Google search on where to stay, play, and go. Before you get into Googling it, stop and take time to set travel intentions. Here’s what I know. I’ve spoken with hundreds of travelers who […]
3 Ways To Stay True to You During the Holidays

Three ways (3-holiday stress busters) to stay true to you this holiday season addresses ways to stay tuned in to yourself and rethink the holiday season beyond the hustle and bustle, shopping, and exhausting perfection. The Holiday Dilemma: Stress or Joy? How many of you genuinely look forward to the holidays? Be honest. […]
Are Fears Real? Let’s Take a Closer Look

Are fears real? Let’s take a closer look. Remember, as a kid Halloween was frightening and fun rolled into one. We dreamed of big bags of candy even though we knew scary things might happen to get the goods. Do you remember how you faced your fears as a child? Yes, we got scared. But […]
How to Use Personality Preferences to Build Trust: Part One

How to Use Personality Preferences to Build Trust: Part One is another step on the path to finding your true self. What is trust, and why is it so important? Trust is reliance or confidence—a firm belief in another’s character and an unseen value between two people or within a culture. Today, trust is being […]
How To Find Yourself Through Spiritual Personality Typing?

How to find yourself through spiritual personality typing is a big question with a four-word answer. Understand your personality type. Easy-peasy right? Well, yes, and no. The world isn’t easy-peasy. It’s changing rapidly. It’s chaotic, and what worked yesterday doesn’t work today. Our transitioning world is causing eight out of ten Americans to be anxious, […]