How My Journey Began and Where it’s Going?

How my journey to self began and where it’s going. It started with a horrible divorce and coincidently finding a fabulous new client, Dr. June Lee Nix, Ph.D. Dr. Nix was a renowned spiritual psychologist with deep insights into the art of soul evolution, spirituality, and the laws of metaphysics. She taught me how to live from my truth to enjoy an inspirational, joy-filled, purposeful life.

She was inspiring as hell. I couldn’t wait for the next meeting. I’d always walk away thinking, why don’t I understand all this, and how could it all possibly come from within? Ahh, the Universe delivering exactly what I needed when I needed it most.

We teach what we most need to learn. Richard Bach, American Writer.

My Journey to Self

Part of my journey to self-realization was learning what living from your True Self actually means. I considered myself to be fairly spiritual until I didn’t.

  • I attended seminars hosted by Deepak Chopra and the late Dr. Wayne Dyer while reading and studying hundreds of self-help, metaphysical, and psychology books.
  • I guess you could say I was at a stage where I thought everything was rainbows and unicorns. Plus, I grew up with a Mom who thought it was perfectly natural to talk to her deceased family members.

An Invitation to Live From the True Self

When Dr. Nix, mentor, and spiritual psychologist, invited me to be her assistant for a year-long weekend retreat, I jumped at the chance. Each weekend focused on different metaphysical, psychological, and self-help modalities. We immersed ourselves in breathwork, Myers Briggs®, kundalini yoga, the Enneagram – researched our totem animals, and so much more. Basically, we took ourselves apart to rebuild ourselves anew. I was beginning to understand just how much I didn’t know.

The retreat initiated the awakening of my True Self. It was a time to face my fears; shame, unworthiness, not good enoughness, reclaiming my feminine self, guilt… While also looking at why I wanted to win at all costs, comparing, competing, pleasing, and seeing scarcity as normal. During the retreat, the seeds for the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing©️ were planted – and the roots of the idea will produce books, classes… I can’t wait to see where it all goes.

Divine Timing on My Journey to Self

It took another decade for the seeds to take root. I’ve since learned it’s all in Divine timing.

I had an exciting career in the world of luxury travel, jetting off to the Caribbean, Bermuda, London, or wherever. During this time, a typical few months would have me launching a celebrity chef promotion in New York City, coordinating a private island photoshoot with Sports Illustrated swimsuit, and back to the states for a chocolate wine pairing in Nappa Valley, California.

I’m sure everyone thought I had it all. On the surface, it appeared so. Yet, and for you seekers out there, you know what I mean; the Universe was showing me signs. My life was getting ready to unravel.

My job as a tourism communications professional was helping brands find their voice, who they are, and who they’re here to serve. Of course, research and customer feedback were critical in shaping brand strategies. Funny enough, I hadn’t spent any time discovering my own voice.

It’s easier for me, as an extrovert, to start conversations with literal strangers and, in my case, resort guests, ahh, which become my research subjects. I’d question their choices about the food, accommodations, and the destination itself.

What unfolded surprised the hell out of me. My career as a travel PR researcher changed dramatically. I became a beachside coach and a compassionate listener. Plus, I applied the wisdom gained from years spent studying under the tutelage of Dr. Nix, encouraging travelers to get to their truth, as this is the place to find the answer to any and all life troubles. 

Hundreds of Travelers Shared Their Tales of Woe

I listened to hundreds upon hundreds of travelers sharing stories about their unfulfilled lives. It usually started with superficial things; the service, the food, or the destination itself. But I kept on probing, asking more and more questions because I couldn’t understand their unhappiness. Oh, and know I’m an Inquisitive type; ENTP, questioning is my thing!

These guests had everything at their fingertips. The finest wines, posh accommodations, never-ending activities, a private chef, and a masseuse, and yet they kept on voicing their unhappiness. After questioning hundreds and hundreds of travelers, I found their superficial woes; the food, wine, and sheets were the tip of the unconscious iceberg.

It finally hit me; OMG, they’re mirroring my unhappy life.

I, too, seemed to have it all, but deep down, I was a hurricane of unconscious understanding. My travel career was the perfect escape from myself. And like the hundreds of travelers I spoke with, travel, work, and overdoing in the material world were their escapes, too.

What I now know is you can’t run from your fears, as they are always one step ahead of you with the next life drama, the next thing you want, or the next person you desire!

It’s Better to Be Happy Alone Than Unhappy With Someone. – Marilyn Monroe, American Actor

My Journey to Self Continues

After speaking to numerous travelers over the years, I now believe that travel had become an escape hatch, as did other physical vices; alcohol, shopping, drugs, food… helping us remove ourselves from unfulfilling, unconscious, and unhappy lives.

I realized these travelers were honestly overwhelmed and frankly didn’t know where to turn. Mostly, I learned many travelers don’t know who they are or how to find meaning and purpose in life. If you don’t know who you are, you can’t ask the right questions, let alone get the right answers.

Many of us don’t take the time to focus on ourselves. We’ve obediently marched in the straight line of societal expectations. Even if we are happy in our lives, with our husbands and careers, so many of us have “soul-stirrings” that are patiently waiting for us to take action – for even more fulfilling lives.

Now is the time to take the journey to self. Nina Zapala, founder Spiritual Personality Typing

A You Wondering What Spiritual Personality Typing Is?

Are you wondering what spiritual personality typing is? It’s the soul’s role in personality typing™️ a modern-day take on personality typing with a spiritual understanding. I’m introducing spirituality into typology ⏤ Hello, mind, meet your soul!

I’m exploring spirituality using the 16 personality types based on Myers- Briggs® theory introduced in the 1950s to help women during WWII to find suitable careers. It’s the 21st Century, a new decade that is focused on re-visioning, seeing things anew, with clarity, and rebuilding with confidence and truth. My goal is to take typology beyond the cubicle, the corner office – out of the 1950s into the 21st Century.

I want you to understand your personality type, behaviors, beliefs, fears, and the ego-conditioning ways we’ve become programmed to think are real. They are not!

Spiritual personality typing is a practical typology with prescribed inspiration – without confusing industry slang – to harmoniously link the rational mind with the spirit mind to help you arrive at your true SELF – your truth! Where there is truth passion and purpose follow.

The Role of Devine Intelligence

Personality typing helps you discover innate aspects of your behaviors, how you make decisions, gather information, your attitudes, and how you show up in the world. I believe before we incarnated, we work with Divine Intelligence to create our soul mission for this lifetime, which includes the assignment of a specific personality type that has predetermined strengths and weaknesses. The exact recipe our soul needs to complete its earthly mission – the life lessons we are here to learn.

Here’s where spirituality steps in. I believe the nonphysical aspect of the soul, our eternal being is the true self: human – rational mind + being spirit mind is the balanced equation of the Human Being. Do you agree that everything in life is two-sided (dualistic), having opposite pairings?

We as humans have a front and back, left and right, a top and bottom, all working together as a dualistic whole. Once you connect to the Earth’s biodiversity, you develop a special relationship with the Creative Forces of the Cosmos!

Remember, we all have a personality that supports our nonphysical, eternal being. Once you know how to nurture an intimate relationship with your personality, you realize the soul’s True Self expresses through your persona. This realization leads to a life that’s Divinely Inspired life, led by your True Self.

The True Self begins to respond with newfound freedom intrinsically attached to your prophetic life mission. You will leap into life with unmeasurable joy and happiness, no matter who you’re with or where you are. With great confidence, your life will change in extraordinary ways once you begin a practice of personality typing with a spiritual understanding.

My confidence comes from my 7-year life tsunami, years of study, and certification in Myers-Briggs™️. Life experiences are the best masterclasses on the planet!


I’m so grateful for the many travelers who shared their truth about where they are in life. Many were trying to find themselves, wondering why, while trying to answer life’s most challenging questions:

Why am I here?

What is my life’s purpose?

How do I navigate the fear and chaos in the world that often derails hope and grace?

Why aren’t I grateful for my wonderful life?

Surprisingly, their sharing made me feel I wasn’t alone. It also helped me write my first book, Unpack Your Personality: Myers Briggs Takes a Spiritual Detour, based on a revolutionary new personality type paradigm, the Souls Role In Personality Typing.©️ It’s typology founded on the spirit to help you light up the runway to your true SELF. A life filled with purpose and meaning, abundance and fruitful relationships, magic and miracles, clarity, courage, clarity, and confidence – the stuff we all long for.

We’re All on the Road

If you’re reading this right now, know you are not alone in your struggles. Know some walk before you, others walk beside you, and some walk behind you.

All of us are on the road to becoming our true selves, the who of who we really are. Your walk is not a competition or a comparison. Understand the road taken was paved by life choices, beliefs, and unwanted fears. At the same time, your personality was shaped by the conditions of childhood, country culture, institutions, and your life experiences.

Here’s what the journey to self can deliver if you commit:

The journey to the True Self frees us from the matrix of Fear – unraveling the lies we tell ourself – false beliefs. – Nina Zapala, founder Spiritual Personality Typing™️

An Unwavering Desire

Please know I have a burning desire to seed a community of truth-seekers to join a transformational personality type movement with a positive spiritual current running through it all. I believe spiritual personality typing has the power to shift how you see yourself and your place in the world if you choose to embrace moments of stillness and commit to fully exploring your persona.

In the Midst of Movement and Chaos – Keep Stillness Inside of YouDeepak Chopra, American Author, Founder of the Chopra Center

A Dream Comes True

Spiritual Personality Typing©️ is a dream coming true. I hope by putting into practice this new relationship with your personality type coupled with building spiritual awareness studies, you come to experience a Divinely Inspired life that allows you to explore your most authentic self. 

My other hope for you is to unpack those pesky unconscious aspects of yourself needing to awaken, refine, or be left behind. It is only then that soul-led magic is revealed, so you can clearly see the beautiful and sacred personality you’ve chosen to walk with you on this earthbound journey.

How My Journey to Self Started and Where it’s Going?

The journey to self is an unlearning process. It takes time, trust, and realizing the moment you are in is beautiful. I hope you found this post got you to think about new ways to see your personality type as a scared aspect of who you are.

I hope you’ve learned you’re not alone on your journey to your True Self, your truth – The SELF, Divine Intelligence, intended you to be.

We are all on a journey to the self, struggling, confused, overwhelmed, anxious, and sometimes angry. I found comfort in speaking with travelers from around the world. Like me, they seem to have it all, and the truth was, they didn’t, and neither did I! Those struggling travelers became my lifeline to understanding that I wasn’t alone in my journey. I want that for you too.

Here’s what I know,

The journey to self is about honoring yourself.
It’s not forcing to become, it’s about gently letting go,
being in grace and loving yourself in the process.

Nina Zapala, Founder Spiritual Personality Typing ™️

#JournalPrompt – Grab a journal and take 30 minutes to answer this question:

How are you honoring yourself today? Are you being compassionate, loving, and gentle with yourself?

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But, of course, the best way to feel part of this community is by subscribing to Nina’s Letters. You get a front-row seat to my upcoming book, new classes, and all kinds of special goodies.

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It is Time to Discover; Spiritual Personality Typing ©️ — Nina Zapala, the Inquisitive Type, ENTP.

Photo Credit: Aaron Burden/Unsplash



Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

Nina Zapala with Book

I’m on a mission to help you rediscover your true self through Spiritual Personality Typing™️.

This approach is designed for those seeking deeper meaning and purpose in life, blending innate soul-led wisdom with logical intelligence. It’s an enlightened method to manifest a life you love, offering a roadmap to connect with your inner guide—the Divine wisdom within you.

This new personality paradigm integrates spiritual insights with the Myers-Briggs® framework, aiming to help you uncover your purpose, reinvent your life, and reveal your true self. Book a clarity call here to explore this transformative journey.

  • Entrepreneurs guided by their soul can benefit from tools, tips, and creative resources tailored to uncover their true calling. Book a mentoring call here to get started.

  • Are you hungry for self-discovery & more enriching vacations? Knowing your travel personality type is essential. Explore it, and get tips and travel hacks in my debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide. Embrace the journey to a more fulfilling adventure. 

Begin A New Journey Today.

Enjoy weekly happy mails to inspire your true self, with insights on entrepreneurship, travel, and finding your mid-life magic.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a calling to find a path that is exquisitely yours. It’s for those that desire to be their “truest” selves in work, on the road and in life. It’s inspired living. Full of purpose, meaning and the freedom to be unapologetically you!

Begin the journey of discovering this transformative spirit-fed paradigm. Typing that inspires conscious living based on awareness and self-discovery.  Unconventional, and life-changing.🕊

Enjoy a life well lived. Rich with spirit, soul, and story.  I welcome you.