2020 The Year of Revisioning Yourself a New

2020 the year of revisioning yourself anew. To see things with great clarity (2020 vision). It’s about releasing Matrix momentsthat bring enlightenment and help us understand what’s truly important and meaningful. I’m wondering if the pandemic as been seeded in the world right now, giving us all a forced time-out to go deeper ⏤ to […]
How To Unpack Your Authentic Self to Be Remarkably Happy

How to unpack your authentic self to be remarkably happy is about accepting your TrueSelf, the good, bad, and ugly ⏤ what makes you irreplaceably you, without needing to compete, compare or beg for approval. A New Fun Way To Unpack Your Stinky Laundry How many of us rush through unpacking or ignore it altogether. […]
How to Correctly Identify Your Personality Type

How to correctly identify your personality type, aka, typology, is critical to tap into your authentic self. Your personality type can help you answer questions like: Who am I? What is my life purpose? Why am I drawn to certain people, places, and situations? Answering these important life questions can bring peace of mind, a […]
Being Obsessively External can Leave you Powerless.

Being obsessively external can leave you powerless, taking you on life detours that lead to painful outcomes, major life tsunamis, and unhappiness. Believe me, I know. It’s taken me more than ten years to figure this out. I’ve had a spiritual practice in place for decades. I always thought of myself as a person on […]
Extroverts and Introverts Get Stressed Because of Energy Flow?

Extroverts and introverts get stressed because of energy flow. And in these pandemic times living under one roof for extended periods exaggerates the differences. Stress may become a driving force in the everyday. If you’re living with an opposite, an extrovert with an introvert, or an introvert with an extrovert, which is often the case […]
Does Your Personality Hold the Secret to a Happier Life?
Does your personality hold the secret to a happiessr life? We are all born with a personality. Everybody has one ⏤ , yet many of us, especially when a significant life upheaval hits and we are faced with looking at who we really are. The question, Who am I, arises. The kids may have left […]
How to Love More and Stress Less During Quarantine

How to love more and stress less during quarantine is about unpacking your personality. This post looks at romantic coupling through the lens of personalities. We as humans are naturally drawn to people who share opposite personality traits. For example, an extrovert typically seeks an introvert; a judging type seeks a perceiver. People are drawn […]
Personality Typing: A Tool On the Path of Transformation

A look at personality typing as a tool on the path of transformation will help you understand a revolutionary new approach: personality typing with a spiritual understanding. This new paradigm helps you to answer life’s most pressing questions. It brings you clarity and illuminates your life potential. Your sacred personality will dial you into the […]