A 7-year life tsunami had me facing my fears, unveiling shadow energies. Each one arrived with a different lesson I needed to learn. It was a time of great pain, many challenges, and a grand emergence. It took a lot of work, yet I discovered my Divinely Inspired personality type from the chaos.
As I peeled away the shadow energy holding me back, I gained wisdom from the liberating lessons I was experiencing. Challenging, in the long run, but oh-so freeing!
A big lesson I learned is when I hold on too tightly to my independence and unwillingness to ask for help, I lose what honest living is; a loving celebration, and community with others, in good and bad times.
When we align with our fearless, pure, childlike persona in cooperation with our eternal beingness, we begin to co-create with Divine Intelligence. This alignment assists you in attracting unlimited abundance in health, relationships, and wealth. Undreamt dreams come alive, and unthought-of creativity expresses through you in your daily life. Wow! Life becomes a possibilities playground, full of infinite potential.
The Divine doesn’t give us upfront guarantees. That’s on us; free will. Yet SHE does invite us into adventures that equal challenge and mystery.
Get the Cliff Notes: My 7-Year Life Tsunami Had Me Facing My Fears
No worries if you don’t have time to read the full post. Click here for the click notes. If video is more your thing, watch a 5-minute video on Instagram or a 30-minute, unedited YouTube video. Have you a desire to learn more about your personality type and what fears are holding you back? Click the button below for a private session.
Facing Fears
The first stage of my 7-year life tsunami came with a lot of trauma and drama. Slowly, as things shifted, I learned if I could be present and slow myself down, I could do what I needed to do for the day –essential at the beginning stages of my tsunami.
I was slowing down, stopping the chaos, confusion, and cyclone of disruption in my life. Here, I dove deep into my personality type. I realized I was living my life based on my Contrary, inferior trait, which is not intended to guide my life. It’s the Inferior self opposing my Essential Self, my dominant function. My Essential self is future-oriented, innovative, creative, and seeking – the Inferior self was separating me from all this!
I devoted myself to studying my personality type, coupled with a deep commitment and trust in my eternal self to lead the way. Trust and faith helped me to discover myself slowly. While my family was very loving and supportive, I and I alone was the only person who could unearth hidden, dark aspects of myself. Fear led me to falsely believe I’m not good enough, too strange for others, harboring those shadow energies feelings that I’ll never fit in.
Here’s the thing; we are all given free will and the freedom to choose. It’s a Divine right—you are to live from this understanding.
Facing My Fears: The Dark Web of Shadow Energy
Here’s what I learned when I faced my fears during my 7-year life tsunami:
- Confusion, chaos, and conflict are by-products of fear,
- Fear pushes against free will, our God-given right,
- Choices made in fear are not your own; you choose based on the voices of fear,
- Fear is distorting, so much so that I didn’t even recognize myself,
- You don’t live in the moment; you’re stressing about the past or trying to figure out the future,
- Fear-based creativity is linear, expected, and formulaic, not helpful when your life is upside down,
- I had to take responsibility and understand my fears which grew from underlying false beliefs,
- Fear causes you to become a slave to the external world, expecting it to deliver answers,
- When you are under the spell of fear, you seek validation from others or from physical accomplishments,
- It causes you to stay attached to a reality that doesn’t serve you; fearing you’re not loved, accepted, worthy…,
- Fear keeps you locked in an unconscious state,
- The worst thing fear does to a person is it separates you from who you really are, an eternal being with unlimited potential to create.
Messages of Hope
As my life slowly but surely, shifted, the cloak of fear lifted. My commitment to co-create daily with the Creator, regardless of external world messages; a mountain of debt, no resume responses, divorce issues, health scares, the challenges of single motherhood…
- And yet, miracles flowed into my life;
- Neighbors helped me with my son so I could freelance work,
- Kind friends opened their wallets and said, ‘Please, I have more than enough; let me help,’
- My family came to the rescue, and yet I had to take action, become responsible for my part in the play of my life,
- I learned the importance of being present in my life, with family, friends, neighbors, and strangers alike; you’ll be amazed at how this one act alone can create endless miracles ⏤ we all want to be recognized,
- Other women commiserated with me and shared their vulnerable brokenness, which gave me the courage to share my story and understand that we all have trials, tribulations, and fears.
- Shadow energy doesn’t want us to see this; it wants to keep us in guilt, shame, and not-enoughness, the dark side of life.
- Confidence, clarity, and courage replaced confusion, chaos, and conflict.
If you want to begin a journey of fearless living, make time to explore the journal prompt and meditation below.
Free From Fear Meditation and Journal Prompt
Three years into my 7-year life tsunami, I began a writing practice. Please know I’m the Curious type, ENTP, so it takes a lot for me to keep a habit. Routine is an aspect of my Contrary, inferior trait, which is extremely useful in some instances, this one, for example!
My morning meditation practice looked like this and still does to this day. I say a prayer, Dear Divine Intelligence, Show Me. I then sit in silence for at least five minutes, repeating the prayer to myself. Yes, my mind is often out of control, but repeating this prayer helps me still my mind. Don’t worry if you can sit for five minutes, do two. The idea is to quiet the mind.
Note: Divine Intelligence can’t penetrate busy, fear-based energies.
Journal Prompt
As soon as you come out of your meditation, open your journal. It can be a spiral notebook. The physical thing is a non-issue. Write from a free flow of energy. Free flow means no thinking; just writing and observing the words that arrive on the page. It could be a word or three pages; it’s your process, your message, don’t judge. It may take weeks or months for anything to appear on the page. Some days it did, while other days, nothing – it’s all about Divine timing.
Divine Intelligence is telling you on the days that nothing appears, do nothing. Nonaction. You have to really trust, listen, and persist. I can’t tell you how many times I did nothing, and suddenly an idea or person showed up, helping me clarify the next step.
Remember when you co-create with Divine Intelligence, nothing is too big or small, and what you thought would work isn’t even close to how things unfold. Skip the attachment to outcomes and let things reveal themselves when the time is right. I know, contrary to what we’ve all been taught, but I’ve discovered what we’ve been told is often not in our “own” best interests.
Recap:My 7-Year Life Tsunami Had Me Facing My Fears
- How my life revealed my many hidden fears,
- Steps I took to stop my fears,
- Facing my fears; the dark web of shadow energy,
- How releasing fears brought me messages of hope and miracles,
- A free from fear meditation and journal prompt
- Remember, every single soul on the planet is given the Divine right of free will and the right to choose.
More About the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing
I hope you found My 7-Year Life Tsunami Had Me Facing My Fears eye-opening. I’m passionate and intentional about introducing the idea of personality tying with a spiritual understanding to you awaken to your true SELF.
The career personality typing model of the 1950s is fine. Yet, as we awaken to our spiritual needs, we must use the gifts of a childlike personality type to support our spiritual selves.
When our childlike persona and spiritual selves are in a union, we express soul intentions, taking Divinely inspired action in all we do. Ahh, the true SELF in action; it’s with you always exuding joy, passion, and purpose.
You Are Not Alone in Life’s Transitions
Are you wondering, “Who Am I?” “How did I get here?” “Why Am I Here?” Your not alone in your quest for answers, as 93% of people want to change something about themselves?
Why change what Divine Intelligence created you to be? The Soul’s Role in Personality Typing©️ answers life’s most challenging questions while also illuminating the gifts you are here to share with the world.
I say Don’t Change Yourself. Find Your True SELF.
In times of confusion and chaos, critical decision-making skills are needed the most, as the choices you make today can alter the course of your life.
Do you want to make choices inspired by your Divinely inspired true SELF? Or will you continue to rely on the physical world: another person’s story of who we should be: parents, peers, teachers – they all share stories with expectations, attached.
I’m sharing the liberating lessons and soul wisdom I gained going through my transitional 7-year life tsunami to guide you through yours. The time is now. It’s never too late to begin again!
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The best way to feel part of this community is by subscribing to my email list. You’ll get front row seats to all of my crazy shenanigans; book launch, courses, freebies, meditations, etc.
It’s Time to Discover; The Soul’s Role in Personality Typing ™️ — Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP.
Note: I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side and ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing supported by a spiritual understanding.
Unsplash: Alexandra I.@concretelies_photography