How to Avoid Travel Stress for Your Personality Type

How to avoid travel stress for your personality type? In today’s day and age of never-ending travel rules popping up daily around the world, I believe travel and stress are becoming synonymous. Now is the best time to realize our stress buttons in an attempt to control what we know and deal with the rest as it arrives.

Travel should be a time of carefree, joy-filled days. And for you seeking types, travel can be transformation in motion. It’s the perfect time to shake off the daily worries and step into the wilds of nature, which has been scientifically proven to boost mood, mental health, and emotional well-being.

Please, try and opt to stay off social media – ok, maybe a little, but honestly, social media negates the benefits of nature. 


79% of Americans Believe Travel is Important to Their Mental Health and Well-Being. – US Travel Organization


Can I be Honest About Travel Stress For Your Personality Type?

In doing a bit of research for this article, I noticed a lot of stereotyping. So much of the travel industry is about putting you in a travel box. It’s about selling the latest destination, resort wear, and gear for an uber-trendy activity… In 2020 global tourism accounted for 4.7 trillion dollars, according to Statista. It’s an industry that wants to sell you something!

Do you feel bad about yourself when a destination or place to stay is touted as a must-visit or a travel guru pushes an activity that stimulates thousands of social media chats, and none of it resonates with you? Are you thinking, if everyone’s loving it, why aren’t I?

Does this make you apprehensive because you feel like you don’t fit in?


Travel Stereotyping Adds to Apprehension

Here’s what you must realize. We all have different personality types, layered with life experiences and parental, cultural, and government influences, which trickle into our life experiences and into our travel choices. 

The thing is, all of this is external to who you really are. You must understand your personality type; it will guide you to the ideal getaway if you let it. Becoming fully aware of each of your traits is key to taking more meaningful vacations.

You must also realize that we all have primary traits that dominate our decisions, and your travel partners do, too. Just knowing this and fully recognizing that everyone has faults and fabulousness will be a gigantic leap forward to enlightened sojourns.


Think for yourself and let others enjoy the privilege of doing so too. ― Voltaire 


What Stresses You Out?

Think back on personal vacation mishaps. Where were you? What was the situation? What caused the stress? Were you stressed, but no one else was? Do you recall the physical or emotional symptoms that created your anxiety?


Know The What Stresses You the Most: Then Answers These Questions

Have a journal handy to go through these questions before you hit the road


– Was the cause of stress something you couldn’t control (plans got canceled, schedules changed, or people didn’t show up)?

– Or was it something you can control: I sacrificed myself to please everyone else?

– Who else else was involved in the situation; a stranger, friend, or family member? If it was a total stranger, did they trigger you because of a differing cultural belief – this is a good thing as it should make you question your assumption: is it yours or inherited through society? If it was a friend or family member, has this happened before? Do you remember the who, what, when, and how the situation was resolved or was it?

– Did you express your feelings of anxiety? Tip: What stresses you may not be a big deal for another personality type?

– What actions can you take to feel less stressed on vacation? Is it possible to remove yourself from the situation? Can you call a good friend who’s caring and calm? Maybe you should take a moment for yourself to write down your feelings, go for a walk, a swim, or head back to the hotel. Explain your distress – plan or spontaneously enjoy a solo excursion. You’ll return a new person.  


Unpack Your Personality With a List of Vacation Stressors With Your Type in Mind

Every personality is unique, so I can’t possibly create the perfect list –you’ll probably want to add a few things to the checklist. Remember, you’re a beautiful soul who knows yourself better than anyone. Please put it in the comments below or connect here. if you have a question 


Once You Know What Stress You How Will You Apply It. Will it Be Wisdom Gained or Knowledge Untamed? – Nina Zapala, Founder of

The Soul’s Role in Typology


Top Five Stress Hacks For Introverts

Assuming Travelers (ISTP)

  • Overly stressful situations cause you to become emotional and out of control while others wonder what just happened,

  • Downtime is needed to sort out the unending information you absorb. If you don’t take a time out, you’ll become exhausted and stressed,

  • You’re uber-practical in hiccupy travel situations, and it annoys you that others ignore your rational,

  • People hovering over you and trying to control your every move is aggravating, you seek independence, not a babysitter, and you express your feelings – play nice,

  • Relaxing, and doing nothing, makes you cantankerous, so excuse yourself and enjoy a solo adventure.


Abstract Travelers (ISFP)

  • Environments that overrule personal values will have you on edge,

  • Too much going on, all at once, brings overwhelm,

  • Feeling pressured, take a moment to breathe, then decide,

  • Dismissed feelings, shut you down, making you feel bad about yourself, speak up and make your feelings heard; I know easier said than done,

  • Rules that limit my freedom.


Grounded Travelers ( ISTJ)

  • When things get messy, you get cranky,
  • Deviating from a set schedule causes frustration,
  • Vague information won’t work; you prefer specifics – directions, times, plans…
  • You don’t like to be rushed – slowcations are ideal
  • If others deny your needs, hear them out and compromise if need be,


Unassuming Travelers (ISFJ)

  • You’ll feel unappreciated when no one gives thanks for everything you did to plan the vacation,
  • Saying no is tricky; you want to please, but if you only say yes, you’ll never take your dream vacation,
  • Snap decisions don’t work, so why put yourself in these situations? If others demand a decision, tell them to make it, or give you time to think things through,
  • You abhor repetitive incompetence and will let those who continually make mistakes know,
  • You can be sensitive when another blatantly dismisses you, understandably so, but read the situation – are they stressed, or are you taking it personally?


Insightful Travelers (INFJ)

  • You stress out when you feel unappreciated; love yourself, and please realize your self-worth shouldn’t depend on someone else recognizing your genius,
  • Indecisiveness can dampen your vacation, but you quickly make decisions and take action – recognize everyone doesn’t work like you,
  • You’re an excellent mediator, but sometimes one person really is in the wrong, be aware,
  • Being around other travelers who are inflexible is stressful for you; speak up or go solo,
  • Ideas met with criticism cause you anxiety – choose your battles wisely. Is the argument worth fighting for, or is it your ego?  


Inventive Travelers (INTJ)

  • Disorganization causes anxiety; you expect others to be organized as well – this is a false belief,
  • When someone challenges your abilities, it irks you – challenges are inevitable, pick your battles wisely,
  • Wandering here and there without an end goal is stressful,
  • You’ll need a heads-up if plans need to change, or else you’ll stress and make those around you unhappy,
  • Chatting about your feelings on vacation is anxiety-provoking, but sometimes people really wanna know.


    Seeking Travelers (INFP)

    • People that impose themselves on your individuality will make me run the other way,
    • Too many schedules and plans are anxiety provoking
    • Mundane tasks; packing, clean-up, cooking…
    • Critical responses or open disrespect to what you’re doing or suggesting, cause great tension,
    • Shutting down ideas without questioning what you’re explaining – speak up to see where the miscommunication is stemming from,


    Ingenious Travelers (INTP)

    • Conventional travel,
    • Non-stop socializing will have you retreating,
    • When others challenge well-researched opinions while reciting “buzz speak” that has no merit, recognize this is their opinion,
    • Constant interruptions are very disruptive,
    • Talking with people who don’t listen and you have to repeat yourself.


    Do not Compare, do not Measure. No Other Way is Like Yours. All Other Ways Deceive and Tempt You. You must Fulfill the Way that is in You.Founder of Analytical Psychology, Carl Jung


    Top Five Stress Hacks For Extroverts

    Spirited Travelers (ESTP)

    • Inefficiency,
    • Disregarding the practical solutions you’ve introduced,
    • Being alone for too long, you’ll want to socialize with others it fuels you,
    • Not being able to realize a travel goal after so much effort has been made,
    • Required planning for every moment of the vacation.


    Playful Travelers (ESFP)

    • Not being appreciated for the hard work it took to make the vacation happen,
    • Dismissing how you feel, it hurts when others don’t understand,
    • Being restricted by too many scheduling and routines,
    • Being unable to change travel plans when something better comes along, 
    • Too many details and not enough freedom.


    Expressive Travelers (ENFP)

    • Overly organized, which squashes your creativity,
    • Endless details, not enough flexibility,
    • People going through the motions without enthusiasm,
    • Forced to decide and not feeling ready to do so,
    • A romantic partner that insists you follow their rules.


    Curious Travelers (ENTP)

    • Being told to do something by a partner or friend removes your independence, stressful for sure,
    • Contrived and conventional stays or uber-popular vanilla getaways,
    • My trip ideas aren’t respected or acknowledged,
    • Too many details, reservations, and schedules,  
    • Not being able to explore on your own, to understand the why of a place.


    Dutiful Travelers (ESTJ)

    • Disregarding your established vacation rules,
    • Dismissing analytical decisions without reason,
    • Traveling with others who are highly unorganized, indecisive, and inefficient,
    • Vacation plans that are out of control, constant changes,
    • When a commitment is unfulfilled, a missed reservation, a no-show, someone’s late.


    Attentive Travelers (ESFJ)

    • Disrupting harmony with drama, criticism, and negativity,
    • Lack of emotional support for a trip you’ve highly invested in,
    • Challenges a vacation strategy without offering additional solutions,
    • Becoming frustrated and unintentionally mistreating another person,
    • Being left to your own devices for too long.


    Harmonious Travelers (ENFJ)

    • Procrastination, yours, or in dealing with other procrastinators, leads to anxiety,
    • Too much alone time, people are your muse,
    • Excessively critical travel mates, speak up or walk away,
    • Short-sided travel mates, who act quickly without thinking about long-term outcomes,
    • Harmony is disrupted because people don’t understand your feelings.


    Assured Travelers ENTJ

    • Misinformation, inefficiency, and indecisiveness will have you frustrated to the max, 
    • Travel situations that are out of control, 
    • The inability to make decisions in a fast-moving travel situation, you need time to think things through,
    • To much me-time becomes stressful,
    • Travel companions who disregard decisions but don’t offer another.


      We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next to find ourselves. Author, Travel Writer – Pico Iyer


      More About Spiritual Personality Typing™️

      I hope you found How to Avoid Travel Stress for Your Personality Type eye-opening. I’m here to share a new philosophy to get you excited about your personality type. I hope you begin to see your persona as a magical tool and realize its importance to a meaningful life.

      Make understanding your personality type a priority. It’s one of the best relationships you can cultivate in this lifetime.


      Clarity Session

      You know what they say: “Necessity is the mother of invention.” or as I say, reinvention. After years on the psychiatrist’s couch, countless masterclasses, and working with various coaches, I still felt like something was off. I was struggling—lost without my voice, my vision, and any clear solution in sight.

      Then came my life tsunami. It was through embracing spirit-driven teachings and the psychological tools of Dr. Nix, Ph.D., that I uncovered my true calling: Spiritual Personality Typing (SPT). This emerging typology is a roadmap to your authentic self, bridging your soul (higher consciousness) with your personality (the soul in action). It’s perfect for business who desire to successfully weather these transformative times.

      I offer bespoke 1:1  clarity sessions that just may be what you need to stop merely living your life and start creating the life of your dreams!”  


      “Working with Nina helped me remove the blind spots that were holding me back”, Judith Wilms, TedX, Author. A bespoke clarity session maybe just what you need to stop living your life and instead create the life of your dreams!



      Book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide

      New here? Curious about travel personality typing? My debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, is your gateway to discovering your true self through travel. This book serves as the ultimate toolkit, introducing an exciting personality framework rooted in spirituality.

      Inside, you’ll uncover how the joys of travel provide the perfect playground for self-awareness, complete with reflective questions that guide you on your journey. Explore top destinations for adventure, relaxation, and inspiration, along with practical tips for leveraging your personality preferences to create more fulfilling getaways. By harmonizing the insights of your personality with your inner guide (your higher self), you can elevate your travel experiences, embracing both worldly wonders and divine transcendence.

      For me, travel has become a powerful way to embody my true self, whether I’m exploring distant lands or my own backyard. Ready to embark on this journey?

      Grab your copy here. 


      Step Into The Pages of the Book with Moi! Schedule a personalized 1:1 power hour where we explore your travel personality in detail. 


      Welcome, Friends… It’s Time for a New Life!

      Ready to connect with an amazing community? Dive in and subscribe to Nina’s Newsletter! It’s your go-to hub for true self living.  A newsletter packed with practical tips and insights to help you understand yourself better. Don’t miss out—join today and embrace a true self lifestyle.

      Part of my purpose is to help you rethink how you see yourself and your business. What I now know is we don’t need more work; we need what works. Additionally, you also don’t need anyone telling you what to do!

      This community is all about helping you reset, restore, and reinvent yourself. Let’s keep the conversation going on Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium @ninazapala, or on YouTube @ninazapalaENTP.

      For career women who think they can do it all, empty nesters, newly widowed or divorced women, young mothers, and artful agers who want to carve out a new season in life. I’ve got you! Listen you’re never to old to fully embrace who you’re meant to be.

      The world needs YOU—not some version of you.

      Discover Spiritual Personality Typing. It’s a new personality paradigm that helps you embody your true self. 



      Nina Zapala is the founder of the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing.  She offers an emerging and mystical approach to personality typing, ideally suited for these evolving times. By integrating the soul’s role into personality typing, I provide women with a personalized roadmap to fully embody their true selves. This spiritual typology unveils a pioneering perspective, helping women not only understand and embrace their outer persona, but also connect with their deeper essence—identifying their soul’s true purpose. It’s a profound shift that empowers women to align with their highest potential and live with purpose. This isn’t just insight; it’s a life-changing journey.

      Photo Credit: Ayo Ogunseinde

      These travel personality archetypes are found in my debut book: Unpack Your Personality – Grab it on Amazon

      This post was update 11.1.2024



      Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

      Nina Zapala with Book

      Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

      It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

      This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

      • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

      • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

      • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

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      Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

      Spiritual Personality Typing is a call to discover a path that is uniquely yours. It’s for those who yearn to be their truest selves in every aspect of life—work, travel, and as we age. This journey embodies inspired living, filled with purpose, meaning, and the freedom to be unapologetically you.

      Join me in exploring this transformative, spirit-fed paradigm. It’s a journey of conscious living rooted in awareness and self-discovery—unconventional and life-changing. Together, let’s craft a life rich in spirit, soul, and story. I welcome you on this path. 🕊

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      Interested in travel for self-discovery? 

      Grab my free e-book Travel Happier. An intro to my debut book.