How To Nurture Yourself on Your Next Getaway

alt="Women nourishing herself on a retreat"

How to nurture yourself on your next getaway is a wonderful way to take happier vacations. Do you plan to nurture yourself on vacation or is this a passing thought that never manifests?  Isn’t their great irony in this?  We yearn to travel for health and wellness, yet most of us ignore our well-being on […]

How Personality Triggers Inspire Personal Growth on Vacation?

alt="Vacation Photo of the Beach"

How do personality triggers inspire personal growth on vacation? Let’s face it; you pack your personality (healthy or unhealthy) right along with the sunnies and the sunscreen. So it’s reasonable to assume your personality may get triggered on vacation. Personality triggers are emotionally charged traits with low vibrational energy; they are unhealthy traits. Honestly, emotional […]

The Magic of Slow Travel in a Disconnected World

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The magic of slow travel is a beautiful gift, especially in today’s disconnected world. For me, slow travel is an intention to travel to observe oneself while awakening your senses and seeing things anew – provisioning yourself to be all you came here to be! One of the things I suggest, and it’s pretty simple, […]

How to Avoid Vacation Option Overload and Travel Happier

alt="Avoid Vacation Option Overload and Travel Happier, photo of a rural farm."

Do you suffer from vacation option overload? How can you avoid it? How can you make your travel experiences happier? These are questions I’m going to attempt to answer. An NOPE, I don’t have all the answers, but I do hope you’ll find this post stimulates new thinking. Avoid Vacation Option Overload Love it or […]

Extroverts and Introverts How to Travel Happier this Fall?

alt= "Introvert and Extrovert women enjoying fall"

Extroverts and introverts, how to travel happier this fall? Our differences are like the changing colors of autumn leaves. But what if you could travel with people who aren’t like-minded? Travel that is expansive and broadens perspectives? What if I could help you find ways to do this? Are you ready for more expansive fall […]

Navigate a Delightful, New, and Inspirational Way to Vacation

alt="Oceanalt=" A new vacation inspiration slow travel to Gulf of Mexico visiting Ocean Springs, Mississippi."

Navigate a delightful, new and inspirational way to vacation came to me as I put the finishing touches on the Playful Traveler, one of the 16 travel personalities, I’m developing. It starts with a deep study into the world of personality typing. The Playful travel captivated me. Their style of travel embraces vacations; joyfully, and […]