7 Great Books to Help You Understand Personality Typing

Do you have a deep desire to learn more about Who you really are? These 7 great books on personality typing will help you understand yourself a whole lot better. It’s summer what better time to dive in and read a good book? Better yet, why not read a good book with life-changing energies behind […]
Sixteen Remarkable Ways Travel Awakens Your Personality

Sixteen remarkable ways travel awakens your personality type. A look at each Myers-Briggs ® archetype seeing how travel can bring about self-awareness by tapping into your true Self. What if travel acts as a reflection of your personality, your personal reality, while on vacation? Have you ever had a travel moment that took your breath […]
Could a Person Have More than One Personality Type?

Could a person have more than one personality type? What do you think? (Please know I speak of Myers-Briggs©️ typing here exclusively) Recently on a podcast, I was asked, could I have two personality types? The host believed her personality type in college was vastly different than her personality type of today. As we began […]
10 Unmistakable Ways You’ve Lost Yourself

10 unmistakable ways you’ve lost yourself; looks at how triggers, drama, and repeatable patterns shape your life story. Unfortunately, like most things in life, many of us don’t pay attention to these slow-moving, insidious ways until life explodes. Our awakening begins to shed light on the path to the true self. My definition of the […]
How to Love Being an Extrovert Own Your Truth

How can you love being an extrovert and truly own your truth? Start by embracing the powerful energy you radiate. It’s all about energy flow. When you operate from your authentic self, you have the power to transform cultures, spark movements, and achieve great things—think of icons like Reese Witherspoon, Michelle Obama, and Taylor Swift. […]
What Happens When Your Personality Type Isn’t Soul-Centered?

What happens when your personality type isn’t soul-centered is a splendid question. In my viewpoint, the stakes are high, like a 7-year life tsunami high! Here’s why. I believe you chose your personality type, and it isn’t a random choice. The personality you choose is ideally suited to help you work through your specific problems, […]
How to Discover Your Powerful True Self and Stop Pleasing!

How to discover your powerful true self and stop pleasing others, is typically a forever journey. Yet it does get easier. I’m here to share that you’ll have times when you slip back into your pleasing ways. The good news is you recognize it faster and move through it quicker. Following our inner guidance […]
How To Find Your TrueSelf Starts With Three Steps?

How to find your TrueSelf, is a big topic, and honestly, the path to discovering your heart-centered essence is like climbing an inner mountain – challenging, transformative, and ultimately breathtaking. Yet so many of us struggle with this inner journey. The bold true is we’ve not been taught to connect with our heart-center, the Divine […]