How To Be In the World but Not of It?

alt= "Be of the World but Not In It described by a meadow and the stars."

How to be in the world but not of it is a beautiful paradox. To unlock this secret, you’ll want to figure out how the dualistic nature of the planet and your free will help you sort through the chaos and overwhelm that is now prevalent in our society. Here’s what I believe. The Divine […]

Are Old Beliefs Sabotaging Your Personal Growth?

alt= "Women on Bed overwhelmed by sabotaging beliefs"

Are old beliefs sabotaging your personal growth? Unfortunately, I believe many of us self-sabotage daily. We’ve become confused in an over-communicated world that tells us how to behave, what to wear, and how to think… Oh, and let’s not forget all of our childhood and relationship experiences and how they, too, have dramatically influenced us. […]

18 Inspirational Tips From Pixar’s New Film Soul

alt=Photo from the movie SOUL."

18 inspirational tips from Pixar’s new film Soul looks at ways to adopt a joyful lifestyle. It illuminates the many foibles we face as humans and explores personality types and their relation to our soul’s evolution. The movie is fun, musical, realistic, and metaphysical. Of course, I love it. It aligns with my passion and […]

How To Gain Clarity Through Personality Typing

alt="Women in Nature Time for Clarity"

How to gain clarity through personality typing is a topic I will be discussing in great detail in 2021 and beyond. Why am I so passionate about the topic? It’s been a thorn in my side for a very long time. The Divine gifted me with a book premise, Unpack Your Personality©️, based on personality […]

Baking Cranberry Bread with an extrovert (ENTP)

alt="Wrapped Cranberry Walnut Bread"

Baking cranberry bread with an extrovert (ENTP) is not a measuring task. It’It’seative, a dash of this and that, a new look on an old recipe. As an extrovert, ENTP, for those who know ENTPs, youyou’llready know that I diddidn’tllow the recipe exactly. I’mI’mone to changing things whenever possible, and baking is no exception. Yes, […]

Best Halloween Costumes Ideas For Your Personality Type

alt="Halloween Witches Boots."

Happy Halloween! Best Halloween costumes for your personality type, well, OK, you know you better than me, but this list could be a great place to start. Forget staid career typology analysis and instead think Halloween fun and costume ideas. It is time to show off your true self, your authentic personality. Let us tell […]

Sixteen Reasons to be Grateful for Your Personality Type

alt= "person jumping for joy thankful for their personality type"

Sixteen reasons to be grateful for your personality type; look closely at personality traits; the unique gifts you bring to the world. And please know this is not about career typing. It’s more about understanding the soul’s role in personality to become your TrueSelf your authentic self. Many of us have unrealized aspects of our […]

20 of the Best Fall Weekends for Extroverts

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20 of the best fall weekends for extroverts, a newly updated travel post for extroverts is the ultimate leaf-peeping travel guide. Ready to dive into the vibrant, crisp days of fall? This newly updated travel post is packed with exciting ideas, tips, and fun activities that celebrate the season. It’s time to look up, soak […]