It’s hot, it’s summer and a cold drink awaits. Instead of slurping down your ice-cold beverage please skip the plastic straws and use an eco-friendly one?
States around the U.S. and countries around the world are finally tuning in to the perils of plastic in our seas. Have you watched the video of a courageous sea turtle getting a plastic straw removed from his nose? If you’ve watched this video, (I hope you do), you’ll never want to use a plastic straw again. This video breaks my heart. I’m just happy we have EARTH ANGELS to help animals in peril.

Why all the Fuss About Plastic Straws
Well first, plastic straws are obviously harming sea life, as the turtle video so horrifically demonstrates. I believe we’ve become unconscious in our habits so much, so we’re not even aware of our effect on the planet. Did you know, according to, 500 million straws are used in the US every day, which could fill over 127 school buses a day, or more than 46,400 school buses every year! OMG – UGH!
Straw bans are not without critics. What else is new? Some say it won’t save the oceans. These criticisms have not slowed the movement. Many entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and schools have opted to ban straws, WAHOO. Plus, a handful of cities and states are also on board with skipping plastic staws, altogether. Sadly, I thought there’d be more cities and states involved in banning the use of plastic straws, the list to date:
- New York City, Hawaii, and California have pending straw ban legislation.
- California: Alameda, Carmel, San Luis Obispo, Davis, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, Oakland, Richmond, and Berkeley
- Washington: Seattle and Edmonds
- New Jersey: Monmouth Beach
- Florida: Miami Beach, St. Petersberg and Fort Myers
Critics of Banning Plastic Straws Weigh In
My question is how will banning straws hurt? PEOPLE 🤬THINK! A writer from Pacific Standard makes a few claims, which I beg to differ with.
To me, one straw in the ocean is too many. Yes, the writer cited the turtle video and said, it was horrific. He touched on the video, but I wondered did he think this was the only turtle in the ocean that has been harmed by a plastic straw? Thankfully, this one lucky turtle was helped by caring people. How many more turtles haven’t been helped?
I think this attitude is wrong and with fault. My thought is just helping one person, one animal, or one place isn’t good enough. We need to help everyone and everything if possible. Let’s get real. If we can change a habit, that no longer serves us as a society, then why shouldn’t we? THINK DIFFERENTLY, then act upon it.
People with Disabilities
Of course, there are critics stating the ban ignores the needs of people with disabilities. This is a quote from a Yahoo article posted by Jane Hash, she is a disabled environmentalist. God, We LOVE HER! Jane’s quote, “Repurpose compostable straws, these are the only flexible, compostable straw made from plants on the market. This means they have a much lower carbon footprint than their plastic-producing counterparts, so I don’t have to feel guilty about needing to use a straw, which is a relief.” See there’s always a SOLUTION!
Here’s How to Skip the Plastic Straw

First, bring your own straws. My sister found these gorgeous metal straws (pictured) at an estate sale and she kindly gifted them to me, lucky ME! A few more resources, if you don’t have any luck estate sale’in:
To Skip or Not to Skip?
Well, I’ve not been using plastic straws since 2015. I’m such a freak about it that when I place an order when eating out I say “PLEASE SKIP the PLASTIC STRAWS.” My son, he’s so wonderful, his words to drive-through employees, “No thank you, I HAVE LIPS! 😂🥳😇
If you’re going to skip plastic straws why not also embrace a few more healthy habits, sustainable swimwear, and reef-friendly sunscreen. Well, if you’re jumping in you might as well jump in with both feet!
We can change the planet if we all work together. #dogood.
P.S. is offering free metal straws you pay for shipping. Click here to buy.