A New Perception You’re More Than Your Personality

A new perception: you’re more than your personality type. What? No, I’m not crazy; here’s why. Your personality type is a set of traits, indicators, characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors – it’s how you show up in the world. Yes, of course, your personality type influences you. In fact, it infiltrates every aspect of your life. We already realize its effect on career choices, yet it seems to stop here in Western societies. Typology is an expansive theory that moves beyond career typing and into spirituality. It affects how you travel, what you wear, what your home looks like, how you parent your children, your romantic life, and most importantly, your spiritual awakening.


Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves – author, transcendentalism – Henry David Thoreau


Get the Cliff Notes: How To Be An Authentic Extrovert Think Traits

Too busy to read A New Perception: You’re More Than Your Personality Type? No worries. Here are the cliff notes. If you prefer a video on the topic few places to watch. You’ll find me on Pinterest for a story, on Instagram for the elusive reel, or YouTube for a more detailed discussion. I appreciate different personalities have different media needs, so if you want to follow me on Medium or ask a question on Quora.

I’ve talked a lot about my 7-year tsunami sharing the liberating lessons this life season taught me. As you journey through your life season – moving out of the darkness into the light, I hope my missteps will benefit you. I spotlight personal stories and life lessons (lessons are the blessings) exclusively in Nina’s Newsletter – click here to join.


One 1:1 Mentoring Call

– What is 1:1 mentoring for travelers? It’s Myers-Briggs™️ on a spiritual detour. Working personally with me to help discover how to use travel as a classroom to ignite a journey of enlightenment. I teach you how to hear your essential voice, the Divine spark within that will lead you down the perfect path. It could even be a fabulous detour where you meet the love of your life, a new business parter or you learn a valuable life lesson. All you need to do is listen and follow. 

I also speak to you about your ideal vacation spots, best travel companions (friends and couples), and what can trigger you on the road. Book a personalized travel session if this sounds interesting. These sessions are excellent for overcoming choice paralysis – anxiety from overwhelming Google searches.


– If you are on a soul-seeking, entrepreneurial journey, I recommend a power hour call where we work together to explore your personality, purpose, and passion in all its glorious detail. I will guide you using the extraordinary tools, experiences, and lessons that helped me rise up from my 7-year life tsunami and recreate an entirely new life. Note; your journey will be different than mine, but it will involve re-creation on some level. My journey was huge, you’re maybe tiny, but the shifts are always incredible.

No matter which session you choose, you can apply the takeaways from our session immediately. Click the button below to schedule a consult and indicate which session you prefer, travel, or personality. Click here if you desire to work with me personally. Now back to the post.


The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases. Carl Jung, Swiss Psychologist


You’re More Than Your Personality Type: Extrovert, Introvert, Sensing, Intuition…

I love this saying by Jung, a shoe that fits one person pinches another. That holds true for personality typing. All INFPs aren’t alike? Why? Self-experiences influence their lives as much as their personality type, add in spiritual beliefs and you have a recipe for individualization, some similarities, but an individual soul print nonetheless!

Extrovert, introvert, sensing, intuition, feeling, thinking, perceiving, and or judging are traits, patterns of behaviors, and predictive characteristics, that indicate how you show up in the world. Each of these traits impacts you and influences life experiences. And yet, you are more than a limiting trait.

Here’s what I mean. Traits are classified as standards of behavior, agree? And yet, we are eternal beings attached to a sacred soul self on a mission to co-create with Divine intelligence here on earth. We’ve convinced ourselves to live by the ethos; you need to fit in, comply, and play society’s games to be successful.

Who made these rules?

Is their idea of success relevant to yours?

Have you defined what you’re best life looks like for you?

If you don’t know who you are, you’ll depend on someone else to define YOUR extraordinary life. A common belief that has many of us heading down the wrong road – I know I relied on this stinking thinking for years. Because I believed it to be the right way to think and behave to achieve success, boy, was I wrong!


“Its behaviors and ways of thinking I’ve used to protect myself from being hurt.” author Brené Brown


A New Perception Explores the Idea of  Spiritual Personality Typing

Brené Brown says, “95% of us protect ourselves from being hurt using armor”. I did this for years, and so have the hundreds of travelers I spoke with over the years. Many travelers hid behind the armor of superficial issues to avoid what was really troubling them deep down; bad marriages, soul-sucking careers, and families in crises… Worst of all, when I asked what they truly desired, they couldn’t answer.

Today we see the dark side of rampant consumerism and technological advancements that tether us to 24/7 connectivity. We are so attached to the external world that we’ve cut ourselves off from our Soul center. The inner light of love, the nonphysical, unseen aspects of ourselves. The spark of Divine intelligence connects us to others, mother nature, and most importantly, to our sacred, internal beingness that truly knows what we long for.


The Dark Side of Personality Typing

The dark side of personality typing is twofold. First, we’ve been brainwashed to believe in oversimplified, biased, stereotypical assessments of our personalities, seeing ourselves in a negative light. Secondly, the dysfunction of believing answers to life’s most essential questions are found in the external world is wrong. I mean, look at the world. This type of thinking separates us from our sacred souls.

This thinking is prevalent due to the daily barrage of fear-based messages, which distract us from moments of stillness – time spent connecting to the Divine. We see this happening around the world. Many have become mentally unbalanced. Illness of every kind is rising daily. Mental health issues, suicide, chronic anxiety … and addictions surface to help us escape the barrage of endless desires for material wealth.

To what end?

When do I retire?


Who makes up these rules?

Why not live every day with success in mind? And I’m not speaking of monetary success. I speak of success related to “ordinary everyday moments.” The many beautiful travelers I conversed with said, “I just want to be loved, recognized, and acknowledged for who I am.” This pure human desire happens in ordinary moments, not chasing after the car, home, or 5-star vacation…


“There is only one Master and that is the Self. author and Indian Hindu sage, Ramana Maharshi


A New Perception You’re More Than Your Personality Type

Are you beginning to see a new and expanded perspective around personality typing? Personality typing is an exciting tool, a doorway into how your mind works, but as I profess, you’re more than your mind. You are a physical and nonphysical being. And no, I don’t have hard evidence, but I have experienced metaphysical phenomenons that can’t be explained logically – and I bet you have too!

Can you accept how limiting it is to think of yourself as a trait or bundled traits that comprise your personality? In my opinion, restricting yourself to believe you fit a standardized definition is a subjective and inadequate truth of who you really are, a sacred soul experiencing itself in human form.


Recap: A New Perspective You’re More Than Your Personality Type

– You’re More Than Your Personality Type,

– Building on the idea of the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing,

– The Dark Side of Personality Typing is Twofold.


My Debut Book: A New Age Travel Guide

Let’s redefine how we travel – consciously, with purpose – self-aware.

In my debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide – I provide a personalized look at who you really are. It’s Myers-Briggs on a spiritual detour with specific tools to help travelers set intentional travel goals.  The goal isn’t just seeing new places; it’s to become a better version of yourself. As a result, you are encouraged to be a more conscious traveler, respectful of diverse cultures and supportive of sustainability. By traveling with purpose, you not only discover the world but you also discover your place in the world.

Unpack Your Personality also provides a roadmap for understanding oneself and awakening through travel. It was written to empower you, to uncover your authentic self and guide you toward who you aspire to be. Think of it as a new-age travel guide providing actionable steps to plan intentional, inside-out travel experiences. With each chapter, you learn how to embark on a transformative journey towards your true self, as well as understand your fellow travelers’ perspectives. Embracing intentional travel empowers you, to reveal your authentic self while guiding you to your becoming.

More About Spiritual Personality Typing

Did you find; A New Perspective You’re More Than Your Personality Type eye-opening?

I’m here to share a new philosophy, spiritual personality typing. I want to get you excited about your sacred personality type. It’s much more than a career construct; it’s a beautiful tool to support your soul on this earthly journey. I hope you begin to see your personality as a magical tool, realizing its importance in a purposeful, passionate, and meaningful life.

Make understanding your personality type a priority; it’s the best relationship you can cultivate in this lifetime.

I hope you realize the only way your soul, the higher self, can express itself is through a healthy, sacred personality. As this realization sets in, a profound awakening emerges, moving you closer to your truth and unshackling you from a purposeless existence into a new reality of unlimited possibilities. You’ll be ready for any occasion, situation, or event — travel, relationships, career, and most importantly, a meaningful life.


Join The Movement

Are you ready to rediscover yourself? If so, I’d love to see you on YouTube. I’m a Pinterest lover, and if you are, too, let’s connect. LinkedIn is another way to stay in touch. The best way to truly become a part of a community is to subscribe to Nina’s Newsletter.

Photo Credit: Unsplash Nappy

Updated: 6.24.2024



Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

Nina Zapala with Book

Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

Begin A New Journey Today.

Enjoy weekly happy mails to inspire your true self, with insights on entrepreneurship, travel, and finding your mid-life magic.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a call to discover a path that is uniquely yours. It’s for those who yearn to be their truest selves in every aspect of life—work, travel, and as we age. This journey embodies inspired living, filled with purpose, meaning, and the freedom to be unapologetically you.

Join me in exploring this transformative, spirit-fed paradigm. It’s a journey of conscious living rooted in awareness and self-discovery—unconventional and life-changing. Together, let’s craft a life rich in spirit, soul, and story. I welcome you on this path. 🕊