15 Inspirational Journal Prompts to an Awakened You!

Aah, 15 inspirational journal prompts to an awakened you were crafted to help you explore you, examine old wounds, and dare dream. Wondering where to start, I’ve got you covered. Review the 15 thought-provoking questions below. Grab a pen and paper and dig in. Recognize we live in a dualistic world, so as you start […]
How Spirituality Shows up in the Every Day

How spirituality shows up in the every day, for me, centers around small joys, not huge, life-shattering moments. Spirituality has been showing up in my life in the simplest of moments; kissing my son, hugging the dog, and random acts of kindness. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been pondering a lot of things […]
How to Shift Perceptions to Step Into a New Reality

Today, I’m want to help you shift perceptions to step into a new reality, a reality of your choosing. Funny enough my career for more than two decades was focused on changing perceptions. Until it wasn’t. A few years ago, I stepped back from my career for a lot of reasons, some I had control […]
Six Initial Steps to Find Purpose In Your Life

Six initial steps to find purpose in your life were based on the question I asked my intuitive coach, Mary Roach, back in January 2020. She’s fantastic and aligned with Edgar Cayce. She’s the real deal. Her response to my questions was, “Nina, you’re a visionary.” She said, “You communicate your visions and ideas through […]
How Decisions Can Become Relationship Disruptors

Post in brief how decisions can be relationship disruptors. Many of our choices are made unconsciously based on habits and past experiences. Think about that. How intentional are you when stopping at a red light? Do you think about it, or do you react unconsciously? Are you interested in how you make decisions based on […]
Making Travel Choices Are You a Thinker or Feeler?

Making travel choices, are you a thinker or a feeler? These cognitive functions are your persona’s decision-making tools. I ask this because these decision-making traits because there is a big difference between these traits when two or more people travel together. How you make decisions can positively or negatively influence vacation outcomes for yourself and your […]
Unpack Your Personality in 2020: The Resolution for Self Growth

Unpack your personality in 2020 is a resolution for self-growth. Skip New Year’s resolutions and learn how micro-moments of awareness can change your life. Sixteen Personalities Unpacked is the start of a journey to your truth. This New Year’s resolution may be the most brilliant one yet. Read on to learn more. How many resolutions […]
Implement These Practical Mindset Tips for a Happier Thanksgiving

Implement these practical mindset tips for a happier Thanksgiving to reduce stress, increase understanding, and maybe even make Aunt Mary’s pumpkin pie taste a little better. 😉 The Thanksgiving season is upon us—a time for gratitude, giving thanks, and spending quality time with family and friends. What typically unfolds? Stressful road trips The impossible task […]