How My Journey Began and Where it’s Going?
How my journey to self began and where it’s going. It started with a horrible divorce and coincidently finding a fabulous new client, Dr. June Lee Nix, Ph.D. Dr. Nix was a renowned spiritual psychologist with deep insights into the art of soul evolution, spirituality, and the laws of metaphysics. She taught me how to […]
Sixteen Reasons to be Grateful for Your Personality Type
Sixteen reasons to be grateful for your personality type; look closely at personality traits; the unique gifts you bring to the world. And please know this is not about career typing. It’s more about understanding the soul’s role in personality to become your TrueSelf your authentic self. Many of us have unrealized aspects of our […]
Seven Ways to Live an Authentic Life
Seven ways to live an authentic life are mindfulness tools to help me stay connected to my soul’s intentions. Remember, intentions come from your spiritual senses, the 6th sense, beyond your physical five purposes. The key is to have a healthy personality type, to allow inspired intentions to shine through. For several decades I worked […]
Tap into Your Divine Design a new way to use Personality Typing
Tap into your DivineDesign a new way to use personality typing, which I believe is essential to help you discover your path to purpose. This concept is integral to a book that I’ll soon be releasing entitled; Unpack Your Personality.©️ The idea for the book was presented to me during my spiritual awakening, an awakening that […]
2020 The Year of Revisioning Yourself a New
2020 the year of revisioning yourself anew. To see things with great clarity (2020 vision). It’s about releasing Matrix momentsthat bring enlightenment and help us understand what’s truly important and meaningful. I’m wondering if the pandemic as been seeded in the world right now, giving us all a forced time-out to go deeper ⏤ to […]
How To Unpack Your Authentic Self to Be Remarkably Happy
How to unpack your authentic self to be remarkably happy is about accepting your TrueSelf, the good, bad, and ugly ⏤ what makes you irreplaceably you, without needing to compete, compare or beg for approval. A New Fun Way To Unpack Your Stinky Laundry How many of us rush through unpacking or ignore it altogether. […]
How to Correctly Identify Your Personality Type
How to correctly identify your personality type, aka, typology, is critical to tap into your authentic self. Your personality type can help you answer questions like: Who am I? What is my life purpose? Why am I drawn to certain people, places, and situations? Answering these important life questions can bring peace of mind, a […]
Being Obsessively External can Leave you Powerless.
Being obsessively external can leave you powerless, taking you on life detours that lead to painful outcomes, major life tsunamis, and unhappiness. Believe me, I know. It’s taken me more than ten years to figure this out. I’ve had a spiritual practice in place for decades. I always thought of myself as a person on […]