What Happens When Your Personality Type Isn’t Soul-Centered?

alt= "women in field thinking about her soul-centered personality type."

What happens when your personality type isn’t soul-centered is a splendid question. In my viewpoint, the stakes are high, like a 7-year life tsunami high! Here’s why. I believe you chose your personality type, and it isn’t a random choice. The personality you choose is ideally suited to help you work through your specific problems, […]

How to Discover Your Powerful True Self and Stop Pleasing!

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How to discover your powerful true self and stop pleasing others, is typically a forever journey. Yet it does get easier. I’m here to share that you’ll have times when you slip back into your pleasing ways. The good news is you recognize it faster and move through it quicker.   Following our inner guidance […]

How To Find Your TrueSelf Starts With Three Steps?

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How to find your TrueSelf, is a big topic, and honestly, it’s probably a mountaintop very few will ever climb in a lifetime. Here’s Why? We’re human. The good news you’re not alone because we’re all HUMAN. 😇 Every one of us will have challenges, struggles, and pain. Yet, through these trying times, your SoulSelf […]

How To Unpack Yourself to be Unforgettable

alt="Nina Waling With a Suitcase Ready to Unpack Myself."

How to unpack yourself to be unforgettable is the realization you are Divinity expressing itself through your personality type! WOW. Let that sink in. You are here for a Divine reason. FACT. Your wounds gave your wisdom. FACT. You have a meaningful purpose. FACT. Your personality is assigned to you, FACT. Your persona is perfectly […]

What is the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing

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What is the soul’s role in personality type? As a life guide, I’m combining traditional career typology with spiritual perspectives specific to your type. My tsunami taught me when you let your spirit self guide your logical self you become more centered, balanced, and healthy. It’s all about leaving behind fear-based living led by your […]

5 Ways To Engage Your TrueSelf In A Romantic Relationship?

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5 ways to engage your TrueSelf in a romantic relationship may create a fresh start in your relationship or unearth triggers that you both have long ignored. What inspired this blog post was an interview on the Super Soul podcast; Oprah interviews Chip and Joanna Gains. Both are magnetic and so tapped into their TrueSelf. […]

Steps to Discover Your True Self

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Steps to discover your true self. Here’s the truth. Identifying your true self is a life-long journey. It’s about self-examination, taking responsibility for all your life choices, trusting beyond the five senses, anchoring yourself to the Divine spark of intelligence within and staying commitment to finding your truth. You’ll have to choose a new path. […]

Personality Typing: The Dark Truth of Personality Typing

alt="Susan Cain On Personality Typing."

Personality tying: The Dark Truth Behind Personality, is an HBO/CNN documentary, that renounces personality typing. The Big Five and the founders of Myers-Briggs®, the mother-daughter duo Isabel Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs are on the hot seat. Third-party vendors are joining them. The documentary explains how third-party vendors market personality testing to companies as the […]