How To Discover The Shadow Side Of Your Personality Type

How to discover the shadow side of your personality type seems appropriate as the zombies, ghosts, and grim reaper are near. Maybe we need to rethink Halloween. Can it be a time to reflect on the aspect of the shadow self instead of falling headfirst into a sugar-induced coma? 

Reels, Toks, and Shorts Oh My!

In this day and age of reels, toks, and shorts, it’s easy to ignore that we are all multifaceted individuals. We all have aspects of our personalities that we’d prefer not to post on social media. It goes beyond the stuff you’d rather keep private. It’s those personality traits and patterns of behavior we cringe at. In fact, we’d be embarrassed or deeply ashamed if someone else knew about them. Instead of facing them, we tuck them away. We put our masks on and pretend it isn’t so, causing our shadow self to dig in a bit deeper.

That hidden side of us, the shadow self, faces the dark. It’s waiting for us to awaken to the light. What remains hidden remains dark, lost in the shadows of self. While you won’t ever defeat your “dark side,” understanding how it operates can make life much easier. When you make peace with it, you can make room for infinite growth and a healthy and more balanced mindset.


Are you ready to know real freedom in your life? An excerpt from my new book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide. Grab Your Copy Here.


No Time to Read The Shadow Side of Your Personality Type?

No worries. Click here to get the recap. I suggest you bookmark this page and come back to begin the shadow work process. For each personality type, I discuss your shadow side and provide journal prompts to bring light to your situation.

If you’re so inclined, join me on Pinterest or Instagram, and I’m on Medium, too. Want front-row seats? Join Nina’s Newsletter for inspirational weekly word prompts, personal stories, and book recommendations. It also puts you on the list to be one of the first to order my book. Yes, it’s finally published. I’m over-the-moon excited. Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide.

“Nina talks about my personality type being creative and intuitive, psychic work is something I have wanted to explore for a while but I was not really sure if I would be good enough to do it.” Amazon book review from Spiritually Poetical.


Pulling Off the Mask: What Does The Shadow Side of Your Personality Type Mean?

The idea that we have a shadow self came from Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, who focused on the unconscious human psyche. As you learn more, you’ll realize that the shadow self represents beliefs and values that you find disturbing or unpleasant—parts of your personality you don’t consciously recognize. Many of us fear these unknown aspects of ourselves. The shadow self is our fear-based selves; ego-ridden, envious, greedy, believing we are lesser than or unworthy. These are false beliefs; nonetheless, we must bring them into the light and make them conscious to understand ourselves better. It’s not easy, as most of us tend to repress or ignore our shadow aspects altogether. If your tummy is getting queasy just thinking about this, don’t worry, you’re not alone.


We All Live With A Shadow Side Of Our Personalities

Regardless of your personality type, shadow work starts with self-reflection, self-understanding, and questioning. It’s important to know which behaviors are genuine while also knowing the ones you use to protect your true self from harm. Here’s a hint: triggers signal a whisper from your spirit mind that a cognitive function is unhealthy. Please attend to it. And for heaven’s sake, don’t be like me and ignore these whispers. Is it any wonder that I experienced a hellish, 7-year life tsunami?

We all have a shadow side. There is no denying this fact. Honestly, I believe the shadow side of our personality type is why our soul is here. It wants to evolve beyond our weaknesses to become more Godlike, to live a spiritually led life, to be of service, to co-create with all there IS. It’s a rising up beyond our unhealthy egos, fears, and prejudices. I know, I’m getting a little preachy.😉


Our shadows hold the essence of who we are. They hold our most treasured gifts. By facing these aspects of ourselves, we become free to experience our glorious totality: the good and the bad, the dark and the light.” – Debbie Ford, said to be an ENTP, the Curious Type


Become More Aware and Discover The Shadow Side Of Your Personality Type

Here’s a brief look at each personality type and their shadow behaviors. All shadow behaviors need to be explored, examined, and released. It’s a process, so please know it’s not an overnight thing. But when you do the work, life becomes remarkable!

I speak about triggers a lot, but if you missed my musings on the topic, here’s a brief recap.

Triggers signal an unhealthy or out-of-balance cognitive function. It’s a lingering behavior or a habit that continues to disrupt lives. Doing the work, taking responsibility, and learning about your shadow side can increase your self-awareness and social awareness—two vital pillars of emotional intelligence. The benefits of doing shadow work can increase the likelihood of healthier relationships with yourself and others. It also releases negative emotions, making room for more positive ones.

Below are each Myers-Briggs® personality types and the shadow aspect of each type. If you have a question, please don’t hesitate to email me. I read all of my emails. 🙋🏼‍♀️


SPs: The Shadow Side of Your Personality if You’re a Sensing Perceiving Type 


David Keirsey, the author of Please Understand Me, describes SPs as artesian types that make up 30% of the world’s population. These types pursue the pleasures of art, not with a desire to make money but to explore a theory or an ethical viewpoint through artistic endeavors. I caution you not to stereotype using one word like artesian. It’s too confining, but it does give a glimpse into the world of SPs.


Spirited Types (ESTP)

The Spirited ESTPs love a good fight for its own sake, focusing on the here and now. You’re extraordinarily adaptive and resourceful. You’ll prefer to put your energy into present action rather than waiting for a long-term plan to develop. Your tertiary extroverted feeling (Fe) function gives you exceptional powers of persuasion and encouragement. Yet a repressed introverted intuition (Ni) function makes you aversive to academic pontificators.

When you overestimate the power of the inferior, paradoxical, and often unconscious (Ni) function, you’ve neglected the power of discernment. Get to know this function and be mindful of its benefits and weaknesses, so you’ll see it and learn how to address it for the best outcomes. #journalprompt

Active Types (ISTP)

Active ISTPs are masters at figuring out the logical systems of reality. You’ll perform any task confidently, giving you a fearless vibe and a cool head even in hopeless situations. You’re intensely focused, while your tertiary introverted intuition (Ni) function collapses ideas into simple, elegant principles. It may be why your communications are terse, simple, and to the point! A repressed extroverted feeling (Fe) function can respond bluntly and directly, wanting to cut to the chase and sometimes unintentionally hurting others.

When you bring light to (Fe), you bring harmony and empathy into your life, helping build interpersonal relationships. When this function becomes conscious, you naturally extend it to others. Of course, use discernment, as this function is not your primary North Star, but it can bring tremendous personal growth. #journalprompt

Playful Types (ESFP)

Playful ESFPs have high-vibing energy and say yes to life, living it to the fullest. You’re spontaneous, passionate, and free-spirited, with a soul-inspiring positivity that motivates others. You’re not as naive as some may think. You have a serious side, using your powerful extroverted thinking (Te) function to accomplish your many goals. However, you’re unconscious introverted intuition (Ni) can create disturbing paranoid thoughts that come to you with great intuitive certainty.

Bring light to (Ni) as it has the power to help you see patterns and possibilities within your own and another’s behaviors to inspire others even more. It’s an unfamiliar function, so you must become intimate with it to understand its strengths and weaknesses. Use discernment when applying it, and know it does offer transformative benefits. #journalprompt

Abstract Types (ISFP)

Abstract ISFPs tend to excel at specific tasks, inserting an uncompromising sense of what they like and don’t. It’s a sum total of genuine aesthetic expressions linked to your non-judgmental understanding of others. However, your repressed extroverted thinking (Te) function clouds your reasoning skills, making it difficult for you to form and accomplish specific goals.

Give your (Te) the light it needs so you can avoid situations where you fail to act or draw logical conclusions about your circumstances. Go back in time and put yourself in a situation where you didn’t act; now journal a new outcome as if you took action. #journal prompt


The good, the bad, hardship, the joy, the tragedy, love, and happiness are all interwoven into one single, indescribable whole that is called life. You cannot separate the good from the bad. And perhaps there is no need to do so, either. The Abstract Traveler, Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis


SJs: The Shadow Side of Your Personality if You’re a Sensing Judging Type


David Keirsey, the author of Please Understand Me, describes SJs as guardian types, which are said to occupy 45% of the world’s population. These types go to great lengths to meet the needs of others, keeping us all from harm or wanting. I caution you not to stereotype them into one word like guardian. It’s too confining, but it does give a glimpse into the world of SJs.


Dutiful Types (ESTJ)

The Dutiful ESTJs are responsible, bowing to logical conclusions while expecting nothing less of your selves and others. You’re not a complainer, no matter the workload, and expect others to be the same. You can be clever with a great sense of humor. Unfortunately, you have trouble recognizing your own and others’ personal values and feelings. You can be insensitive and likely to offend others or roll right over them. 

A repressed introverted feeling (Fi) function needs light for you to better understand yourself and others, as it gives you access to your emotions and others’. Become an observer. See how others are interacting with one another and what feelings arise within. Do this often and journal your feelings. #journalprompt

Grounded Types (ISTJ)

The Grounded ISTJs will patiently determine the reliability of situations and people, always with a nod to prepare for an unpredictable future. Unfortunately, your mistrust of the future can make it difficult for you to accept change and ingenuity without audacious inspection.

Shine the light on extroverted intuition (Ne), a generative function that connects various ideas and opportunities. This function can have you theorizing about politics, religion, or pop culture, which can be future-focused. Meditate, pray, and ask to be shown the best ways to utilize this function. #journalprompt

Attentive Types (ESFJ)

Attentive ESFJs are accommodating and good at fostering collaboration. You are fiercely focused and highly sensitive to the subtleties of peoples’ connections with each other. Unfortunately, a repressed introverted thinking (Ti) function means you may dismiss your sense of right and wrong to please another. You do this in an effort to align with your friends, family, or associates.

Waking up to (Ti) gives you the power to discern what is truthful and reasonable, providing insight. But this function is also independent and objective, very different from your extroverted feeling (Fe) function, which is personal and interdependent. Again, use discernment and study this function. Sometimes, though not always, logic trumps a feeling decision. Be inspired to get to know this function intimately. #journalprompt

Kindly Types (ISFJ)

Kindly ISFJs are dedicated and will coalesce detailed impressions of the world using Fe/Ti, a concern for humanity. You’re recognized as someone who diligently takes care of the mundane for others with thoughtfulness and grace. You have a distinct sense of decency and can be severe when others violate it. A repressed extroverted intuition (Ne) function sometimes has trouble venturing into the unknown realms of creation. You will either refuse or struggle through it.

Awakening to (Ne), which behaves as patterns, possibilities, and opportunistic, yet is also playful, could be a beautiful way to connect with children or your own inner child. Meditate on this function and ask to be shown how to best use it. #journalprompt


 Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience. George Washington, First President of the United States, said to be an ISTJ, the Grounded type.


NFs: The Shadow Side of Your Personality if You’re an Intuitive Feeling Type


David Keirsey, author of Please Understand Me, describes NFs as idealists, with 15% occupying the world’s population. Kindhearted, loving, and authentic, these types seek to learn their truth. I caution you not to stereotype all NFs into one word like idealists. It’s too confining, but it does give a glimpse into the world of NFs.


Harmonious Types (ENFJ)

Harmonious ENFJs are uber-persuasive, have open hearts, and want to unite humanity to a common cause. Your extroverted sensing (Se) function is an excellent barometer, as it appreciates the material world with a willing adaptability to reality. Your repressed and often unconscious introverted thinking (Ti) function makes it very easy to exaggerate the truth. To tell a better story, be mindful of your need to exaggerate.

When you bring light to and awaken your (Ti), you won’t need to exaggerate the truth because you’ll use a nuanced logic layered in feelings that always leads you to your truth. This is your unique logic elixir. Become accepting of it. #journalprompt

Insightful Types (INFJ)

Insightful INFJs are idealistic, developing holistic, perfected systems based on intuitive perceptions; it’s your gift to the world. You’re very empathic. Unfortunately, you struggle to pay attention to the real world and can be overwhelmed by it all, either overindulging or never indulging. This either-or is unhealthy. Work to bring this function into balance.

Extroverted sensing (Si) is a repressed function filtered through your primary function, your North Star, extroverted intuition (Ni). This filtration system gives you more of an impressionistic sense of the world versus a concrete view. Practice daily grounding techniques to help awaken your (Si). It could be as easy as noticing numbers, how many times you see something in a day. Becoming grounded gives you greater peace of mind. #journalprompt

Expressive Types (ENFP)

Expressive ENFPs have a child-like vibe, craving what’s new. People are often attracted to you as they find you quirky and imaginative, a quick thinker, and creative. Sometimes you’re gregarious to the point of over-attachment.

Your repressed introverted sensing (Si) function makes it difficult for you to give the future the respect it deserves, which is what you crave. The unknown is where the new and novel exist. Bring this function into the light to gain fresh perspectives, and ask how to do so in an upcoming meditation or prayer sequence, then journal on the topic. #journalprompt

Seeking Types (INFP)

Seeking INFPs are pure light chasers, emotional, and sentimental truth seekers. You’re a champion of becoming authentically you. Pay attention to your inferior and paradoxical extroverted thinking (Te) function, as it can disrupt your dream world, and yet it can also help you accomplish your visions. You may ignore evidence that contradicts your values. Be aware that ignoring another’s values separates you from the truth, both yours and theirs. You see the world through your eyes only, which is inauthentic.

Shed light on this outward-facing (Te) function, as it can gift you with welcoming, untamed energy in the here and now. You may even find that it inspires you to open up to another’s point of view while seeing your own as different—not good or bad, just different. Examine, study, and observe (Te) to bring about self-awareness. #journalprompt


Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.”― C.G. Jung, said to be an INFJ, the Insightful type.


NTs: The Shadow Side of Your Personality if You’re an Intuitive Thinking Type


David Keirsey, author of Please Understand Me, describes NTs as rationals, which make up 5-6% of the world’s population. These types are known as strategic realists who desire to create a social order in science, technology, and the natural world. I caution you not to stereotype them into one word like rational. It’s too confining, but it does give a glimpse into the world of NTs.


Assured Types (ENTJ)

Assured ENTJs can dominate. They seek to control the environment by leveraging their leadership and ruthlessness against any opposition. Your tertiary extroverted sensing (Se) function provides you with a transparent and real-time relationship with events. It also offers acute adaptability to changing conditions. Your inferior and paradoxical introverted feeling (Fi) function can make you dangerously numb to your own values and the values of others.

Wake up to the benefits and wonders of (Fi); yes, it’s highly individualistic, but it can also help you realize the individuality of those around you. You may see how your opposition can provide you with fresh perspectives. #journalprompt

Inventive Types (INTJ)

Inventive INTJs are visionary, tenacious, and impatient. You’ll strive to accomplish your future-oriented vision. Many see you as independent, self-confident, and a tad unsocial. What they don’t see is how you hold specific values and ideas close to your heart. Your inferior and paradoxical extroverted sensing (Se) function leads to a susceptibility to sensual binges — overindulging. 

 To bring light to (Se), you must first study it and realize its potential. Does it have the power to accomplish your future-oriented vision? It may or may not, but using a more external worldview may help you gain an expanded understanding. #journalprompt

Curious Types (ENTP)

Curious ENTPs have multidimensional perspectives. They are insanely curious, wanting to investigate every viewpoint around an idea or thing. They are skeptical and forever questioning to discover even more possibilities, with a charm or brilliance when presenting things made possible by extroverted feeling (Fe). However, you repress introverted sensing (Si), your inferior and paradoxical function, which often has you ignoring the “small stuff” that a new idea demands.

Bring your (Si) function into your consciousness to understand how it can derail an idea, yet how it can also help you incorporate the details to bring your vision to fruition. #journalprompt

Ingenious Types (INTP)

Ingenious INTPs are abstract. You strip away the nonessential to get to the core of an idea, its foundation, its pure potential. You promote a sense of universal morality, honesty, and a thirst for knowledge for its own sake. Your tertiary introverted sensing (Si) function supplies meticulousness and appreciation of routine. At the same time, your inferior and paradoxical extroverted feeling (Fe) function is often repressed and presents a dislike of superficial appearances and emotional displays, which can make you awkward in handling these matters.

Awakening to your (Fe) will enhance your desire to get to the truth and pureness of people and things. Feeling your feelings beyond sensations can be brought about by observing others and being in the present moment. #journalprompt


Everything that exists in your life, does so because of two things: something you did or something you didn’t do. Albert Einstein, said to be an INTP


Recap: How To Discover The Shadow Side Of Your Personality Type

– Social media is a great place to hide our shadows

– The Shadow Self: Where Did It Get Its Beginnings

– We All Have A Shadow Side

– Pulling Off The Mask

– SPs, SJs, NFs, NTs 

– Journal Prompts for Each Personality Type


Your Relationship with Yourself Is Your Life Purpose

Make understanding your personality type a priority. It’s one of the best relationships you can cultivate in this lifetime, and I believe it is your life purpose—learning to love, understand, and accept yourself so you can do the same with others!

Of course, with all good things in life, if you do the work, take responsibility, and make personality typing with a spiritual understanding a daily ceremony, realizing the two can’t exist without each other, you’ll move closer to your truth. You’ll be ready for any occasion, situation, or event, be it travel, relationships, career, or your sacred life path. Even better, it unshackles you from a purposeless existence.

I know this to be true because this is precisely how it worked in my life.


Blog Updates in 2024

My blog is changing a lot in 2024. I will be featuring creative and interesting concepts about living a true self lifestyle to help you gain more clarity, peace, and joy, centered around spiritual personality typing. I will also share tons of ideas on how to build a spirit-led enterprise, and I’ll write about travel destinations I visit and other travel places I dream of visiting. Each will include insightful tips and unique perspectives relatable to your personality type. It’s a look-see before you spend a dime. As always, take what you want and leave the rest. Remember, it’s about being unapologetically you, on the daily. Last but not least, I will also be talking about the books I’m reading, spiritual tools, and practices I use with suggested journal prompts to help you stay on the path of your true self!

It will be a fun, restorative, spiritually attuned destination where you learn to be unapologetically yourself. If this sounds like your cup of tea, then subscribe to Nina’s Newsletter. Or find me online:





Join The Movement

Will you join me on this journey? I believe spiritual personality typing was Divinely timed to hit the planet during these transitioning and awakening times.

Do you want to be part of a community bound by grace, encouragement, and truth; a true self lifestyle? Then please subscribe to my email list. You’ll get front-row seats to new courses, my debut book, and an upcoming workbook, along with monthly freebies! It’s shenanigans on steroids, with the ultimate goal of knowing your true self, your true calling in life.


It’s Time to Discover Spiritual Personality Typing ™️ — Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP. 

I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side ready to introduce you to a pioneering personality paradigm with spiritual understandings.


Photo credit: Rachel on Unsplash



Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

Nina Zapala with Book

I’m on a mission to help you rediscover your true self through Spiritual Personality Typing™️.

This approach is designed for those seeking deeper meaning and purpose in life, blending innate soul-led wisdom with logical intelligence. It’s an enlightened method to manifest a life you love, offering a roadmap to connect with your inner guide—the Divine wisdom within you.

This new personality paradigm integrates spiritual insights with the Myers-Briggs® framework, aiming to help you uncover your purpose, reinvent your life, and reveal your true self. Book a clarity call here to explore this transformative journey.

  • Entrepreneurs guided by their soul can benefit from tools, tips, and creative resources tailored to uncover their true calling. Book a mentoring call here to get started.

  • Are you hungry for self-discovery & more enriching vacations? Knowing your travel personality type is essential. Explore it, and get tips and travel hacks in my debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide. Embrace the journey to a more fulfilling adventure. 

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a calling to find a path that is exquisitely yours. It’s for those that desire to be their “truest” selves in work, on the road and in life. It’s inspired living. Full of purpose, meaning and the freedom to be unapologetically you!

Begin the journey of discovering this transformative spirit-fed paradigm. Typing that inspires conscious living based on awareness and self-discovery.  Unconventional, and life-changing.🕊

Enjoy a life well lived. Rich with spirit, soul, and story.  I welcome you.