Your personality isn’t your identity: it’s a tool. I believe it to be an expression of your soul: the Divine guide within. When you operate from this POV, your personality becomes an expression of your soul’s desires, guiding you to take inspired, purposeful action from your true self. When you soly rely on your personality — your often driven by the false self, typically taking fear-based actions
For many, career personality typing from the 1950s has become a way to define themselves. But these labels—often perpetuated by memes, stereotypes, and false narratives—are just that: labels. 🙃 They don’t reflect your true essence.
This is a monumental shift that can change your life. It changed mine, and if you’re open to it, it can transform yours too. – Nina Zapala, Founder & Guide The Soul’s Role In Personality Typing: Author of Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide.
For many, career personality typing from the 1950s has become a way to define themselves. But these labels—often perpetuated by memes, stereotypes, and false narratives—are just that: labels. 🙃 They don’t reflect your true essence.
Your Personality Type Isn’t Your Identity: Be Aware of What’s Online
Your personality type isn’t your identity—it only reflects certain behaviors and characteristics. Be aware of what’s online it can be cruel, untrue and mental harmful. Don’t let what others say efine you, because you are more profound than the human mind can comprehend. You are an eternal soul, a fractal of the Great I AM.
This blog introduces a new narrative: personality typing with a spiritual lens. It goes beyond traditional career typology to explore how Divine Intelligence, the infinite potential of all that IS, works through your personality. This process creates a reality that guides you toward your highest good, your truth, and your true self.
Head on over to my for an elevated learning experience on the topic; YouTube channel for an unedited, 30-minute video on the topic. Or if you prefer schedule a guided clarity session to discover your purpose path.
Stop looking outside for help. You’re sourced and fuelled and funded by a renewable resource, which is within you. It never runs out. It is your Essence. It’s your life. – Michael Beckwith, New Thought minister, author, and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center
What is the True Self? Hint it’s Not a Personality Type Identity
The true Self isn’t just a personality or a set of traits. It’s the complete essence of who you are—both the human being and the divine spark within; the totality of your being here on earth.
The human aspect of self: is the mind, the logical thinker, the one who interacts with the world through the five senses – influenced by the world at large. It’s your “mind feed,” the part of you that processes, analyzes, and makes sense of the world through the lens of the egoic mind.
On the other hand, you possess a beingness—the eternal essence. The deeper, more subtle aspect of you. This is the heart, the soul, the spark of Divine Intelligence that exists within you, and every human. It is through this deep inner connection that we tap into the unlimited creativity and wisdom of I AM, recognizing the Divine presence that flows throughout all life.
In essence, your true Self is the blend of both the human mind and the divine spark, interconnected with the vast intelligence of all that is. It’s not limited by identity, and it’s not confined to personality. It’s the essence of who you truly are, both seen and unseen.
The True Self: How Your Soul Unites With Your Persona?
In essence, your totality—the combination of your personality and your soul—creates the true self. When your true self takes charge, it expresses Divinely inspired actions through your personality, consciously creating your personal reality. It’s the essence of your beingness flowing through your humanness.
However, when you disconnect from your soul’s essence, you begin to create solely from the mind. The mind taps into the past, driven by familiar thoughts and ingrained beliefs. This mental state often breeds fear-based actions, fueled by ego, doubt, guilt, shame, and the voices of others telling you who you are. This is the false self, unconsciously creating your life.
It’s time to flip the script. “Stop looking outside of yourself.” The external world may offer answers, but they are often rooted in fear, not truth. If you seek real clarity, look within. Understand your personality type, but remember to put your true Self in charge—only then will you live in alignment with your highest purpose.
What Makes You Special?
Can You Answer That Question? Here’s a blog that may help you: How To Be True To Yourself.
Do you know what makes you unique? If so, share it in the comment box below—I’d love to hear from you!
If you’re unsure, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Let me help you uncover what makes you truly special and guide you toward recognizing your unique gifts. Book a clarity call today. Click here to get started.
See Your Personality As More Than An Identity: It’s an Extraordinary Tool for Self Growth
What Makes You Unique
Hidden within you is a radiant, light-filled being that holds the answer to what makes you truly unique. Let me use myself as an example. I’m an ENTP, or as I’ve come to understand it, a “Curious” personality. It’s important to remember, that life experiences also play a significant role in shaping the human aspect of your personality.
Here’s how others have labeled my type:
- Innovator
- The Executor
- Debater
- Visionary
- The Inventor
Understanding Why Your Personality Isn’t Your Identity
My personality type, an ENTP, is characterized by traits like being a novelty seeker, highly creative, and a pattern-spotter who thrives on possibilities and opportunities. Sounds great, right? But if I don’t apply my natural curiosity to these behaviors, they can turn into routines, keeping me stuck in what already exists. Without embracing curiosity, my desire to learn, explore, and grow becomes unconscious, and I remain limited by the familiar.
When I recognize curiosity as a core aspect of my true Self, I can fully accept who I am. I use creativity to gain new knowledge, stay open-minded to fresh perspectives, and question everything. This exploration—into different opinions, cultures, and ideas—expands my consciousness and brings me peace.
I hope that makes sense.
Want to dive deeper into your own spiritual personality? Do you even know your personality type? Schedule a 1:1 bespoke session with me, and let’s explore your essential self.
A symbol is a term, a name, or a picture possessing specific connotations in addition to its conventional and obvious meaning. It implies something vague or hidden from us. – Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology.
Your Personality Isn’t Your Identity: Trust In Your True Self
When you’re browsing personality profiles online, it’s easy to get caught up in what’s said about your type—but don’t take everything literally. Ask yourself how you feel about it, and remember: don’t take anyone’s word as the “gospel” of your true Self.
Why? Because when you do, you give your power away. We’re all beautiful souls with unique life experiences, and we view the world through those lenses. Our beliefs, values, and past experiences shape the way we see things, so any opinions shared are influenced by those filters.
So, are these beliefs, values, and opinions truly yours? Before blindly agreeing, take a moment to question it all. Ask yourself, Is this MY truth? Your body will quickly respond. If you feel a sense of calm knowingness, the answer is yes. But if you notice tension—tightness in your throat, a knot in your stomach, or a headache—those are signs you might be moving away from your truth. Trust your body’s wisdom!
I don’t know who I am right now. But I know who I’m not. And I like that.” ― Amber Smith, The Way I Used to Be
How You Enjoyed: Your Personality Isn’t Your Identity
Let me know if this blog post helped you better understand yourself. It’s an ongoing commitment that demands self-awareness, bravery, and self-acceptance. Remember, being true to yourself isn’t about meeting others’ expectations—it’s about celebrating your own unique identity and boldly living it out. Embrace who you truly are, stay true to your path, and watch as your life transforms in extraordinary ways.
I’d love to hear how you embrace authenticity in your own life. Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Clarity Session
You know what they say: “Necessity is the mother of invention.” After years on the psychiatrist’s couch, countless masterclasses, and working with various coaches, I still felt like something was off. I was struggling—lost without my voice, my vision, and any clear solution in sight.
Then came my life tsunami. It was through embracing spirit-driven teachings and the psychological tools of Dr. Nix, Ph.D., that I uncovered my true calling: Spiritual Personality Typing (SPT). This emerging typology is a roadmap to your authentic self, bridging your soul (higher consciousness) with your personality (the soul in action). It’s perfect for business who desire to successfully weather these transformative times.
I offer bespoke 1:1 clarity sessions that just may be what you need to stop merely living your life and start creating the life of your dreams!”
“Working with Nina helped me remove the blind spots that were holding me back”, Judith Wilms, TedX, Author. A bespoke clarity session maybe just what you need to stop living your life and instead create the life of your dreams!
Book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide
New here? Curious about travel personality typing? My debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, is your gateway to discovering your true self through travel. This book serves as the ultimate toolkit, introducing an exciting personality framework rooted in spirituality.
Inside, you’ll uncover how the joys of travel provide the perfect playground for self-awareness, complete with reflective questions that guide you on your journey. Explore top destinations for adventure, relaxation, and inspiration, along with practical tips for leveraging your personality preferences to create more fulfilling getaways. By harmonizing the insights of your personality with your inner guide (your higher self), you can elevate your travel experiences, embracing both worldly wonders and divine transcendence.
For me, travel has become a powerful way to embody my true self, whether I’m exploring distant lands or my own backyard. Ready to embark on this journey? Grab your copy of my debut book Unpack Your Personality: here.
Step Into The Pages of the Book with Moi! Schedule a personalized 1:1 power hour where we explore your travel personality in detail.
Welcome, Friends… It’s Time for a New Life!
Ready to connect with an amazing community? Dive in and subscribe to Nina’s Newsletter! It’s your go-to hub for true self living. A newsletter packed with practical tips and insights to help you understand yourself better. Don’t miss out—join today and embrace a true self lifestyle.
Part of my purpose is to help you rethink how you see yourself and your business. What I now know is we don’t need more work; we need what works. Additionally, you also don’t need anyone telling you what to do!
This community is all about helping you reset, restore, and reinvent yourself. Let’s keep the conversation going on Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium @ninazapala, or on YouTube @ninazapalaENTP.
For career women who think they can do it all, empty nesters, newly widowed or divorced women, young mothers, and artful agers who want to carve out a new season in life. I’ve got you! Listen you’re never to old to fully embrace who you’re meant to be.
The world needs YOU—not some version of you.
Discover Spiritual Personality Typing. It’s a new personality paradigm that helps you embody your true self.
Nina Zapala is the founder of the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing. She offers an emerging and mystical approach to personality typing, ideally suited for these evolving times. By integrating the soul’s role into personality typing, I provide women with a personalized roadmap to fully embody their true selves. This spiritual typology unveils a pioneering perspective, helping women not only understand and embrace their outer persona, but also connect with their deeper essence—identifying their soul’s true purpose. It’s a profound shift that empowers women to align with their highest potential and live with purpose. This isn’t just insight; it’s a life-changing journey.
Note: I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side and ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing supported by a spiritual understanding.
Photo by Matt Quinn: Unsplash
Updated: 11.12.2024