Are the Delusions of the External World Keeping You Stuck?

Are the delusions of the external world keeping you stuck? If so you may be living an unfulfilled, unclear, + unhappy life. Ask yourself do delusions support a solid choices, or are they leading you to unhappiness? What if there was another way? What if your inner guide, (the Divine spark within), is the way to higher consciousness and is, exactly what we need to rely on because it feeds the logical  mind with wisdom from Divine Intelligence. This new perspective helps you live truthfully, embracing a  true self lifestyle.

Are you questioning your life?

Moving through a major life transition or at a crossroads?

Getting wise to the delusions of the world to bring about the best outcomes.

You realize the answers you seek come from within.

Get the cliff notes for Are You Anchored in the Illusions of the External Being the Only Way here. Or, if you prefer to work with me personally, to learn about your persona’s magic, purpose, and power, click here to begin your journey.


Are the Delusions of the External World Keeping You Stuck?

It’s easy to stay stuck in the illusions of the external world, as they’ve been conditioned in us since childhood. I believe it’s how we’ve come to accept false beliefs as our truth? Typically false beliefs are inherited from influential figures in our lives; parents, teachers, partners, friends, politicians, … People who we consider to be unquestionable authorities. Many of these people live from the illusions they speak of which tend to be  unhealthy and unbalanced. They life us have been told be someone other than themselves.

No judgment here. It’s just what a person believes to be true until a time comes when it is no longer the truth.

In my experience, the delusions of the world keep us stuck and are based on false beliefs. They move us away from clarity, confidence, and courage. Away from who we are destined to be. Why? Because a false belief is usually a conditioned one, inherited by the fears and ego of another. It’s likely to be part of the collective illusions of society.


The collective delusions of travel and typology, chapter one from my debut book; Unpack your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide goes into detail as to why looking outwards, and believing what you’re told online is right for you. It may be, but more often than not you need discernment. Nina Zapala, author, introducing spiritual personality typing, a modern day tool for self-discovery.


Do External Delusions Keep Us Focused Outwardly Instead of Inwardly

 Are you bowing to the delusions of the external world pressures: do this,  be this, or need to wear this to be accepted? These are false beliefs and illusions that separate you from your true self.

Many of us overlook the importance of a healthy and balanced personality type. In Western cultures, we are not taught to find ourselves and live heart-centered lives? We are taught: 

  • making money is the only way.
  • work hard,
  • look a certain way,
  • fit in, 
  • power-down what makes you different.
  • live consumptively,
  • And then retire.

Society claims, retirement is the time to enjoy life. But at that point in life do we even know how to do this?

So is society telling us our lives aren’t to be enjoyed until we retire?  Not to enjoy our daily life? To live in joy, peace, and the wisdom of being present. In my opinion, we are here to learn about ourselves, and become more God-like, not bend to the illusions of power, and wealth.

What if we are all here to create ourselves anew every day? It doesn’t have to be in a big way. It can be in small ways. Regardless the idea is to learn, grow, play, and evolve.  I don’t believe it means dedicating every day to making a buck!


It’s about human imagination and curiosity. What’s out there? What’s in the great beyond? What exists at levels we can’t see with our five senses? – James Cameron.


Are you Anchored in the Delusions of the External World Being the Only Way?

Are you anchored in the illusions of the five senses? If so you’ll want to ask yourself these three questions. If you answered yes to these, your beautiful soul is likely to be separated from your true self: your sacred personality type, and the soul self, the spirit mind which should always be leading your life.

#JOURNAL PROMPT: Time to get out a journal, tape recorder, or whatever your personality does to help think through the questions below.

1. Are you unclear about the way forward in life? Is your ego, shadowing your truth, powered by the delusions of the external world?

2. Do you live life overwhelmed and make decisions out of fear, relying on external answers, thinking you are not enough, being told by another what’s best, afraid to let go and do things differently…

3. Your emotions mirror a roller coaster ride up one day and down the next. Why? Your True Self conflicts with who you are, keeping the emotional roller coaster alive and well.


Is There Another Way Beyond Delusional Thinking?

Every coin has two different sides, which make it one.

We as human beings have a front and back; both are different, yet they make a whole person.

So I pose this question. Can we agree we are human beings having a spiritual experience?

If so then do you believe as human beings, we are made up of two completely different aspects of self; the human self, ego, and the Divine Self, the higher self; spirit, your soul?

The human self lives in the physical world, experiencing itself through the five senses. The beingness aspect of self lives in the nonphysical world, the world of intentions, serendipity, and surprises: the multi-dimensions of the Divine Intelligence. Both parts of the self must work together to bring about an organic whole, which I’ve determined to be the true self the truth of who we are.

When we live by the true self, we communicate Divine messages taking inspired actions expressed through our personality, aka our personal reality.


“Knowing yourself is life’s eternal homework.” Felicia Day, an American actress, writer, and web series creator.


What if Your Inner Divine Self Could Show You Another Way?

What if inner Divine self was an invaluable tool? I belief when you rely on your Divine self, and let it inform your logical self you open the gateway to higher consciousness, allowing the spark of the Divine within  inspire your best life. When you allow it to speak through your five senses you’ll consistently take inspired actions?

Knowing yourself is a daily practice of self-examination and questioning. A practice that is foreign to many of us. You must journal, meditate, pray, and work to stay in the presence of Divine Intelligence; which means stopping the busyness, the mind-numbing consumption of food, “tell-a-vision”, scrolling, and work. Get out in nature, in stillness, and hear the whispers of Divine Intelligence. What are those messages? Take them into your heart and learn. Learn it all, Each day, each hour, each moment!


It’s about human imagination and curiosity. What’s out there? What’s in the great beyond? What exists at levels we can’t see with our five senses? – James Cameron.


What If The External World Told You …

– Follow your dreams,

– Do what you love,

– Have faith in knowing the world works with you, not against you?

Suppose the vast majority of us had been taught self-love, to reflect upon choices beyond physical world ideology, and had been shown to embrace our higher selves. In that case, I think we would naturally take full responsibility and not let another person become the author of our lives.

What if we were taught there is a six sense that are beyond our physical world senses that actually inform the five senses?

Our choices would stem from trusting ourselves, and we would be crystal clear moving forward in our lives with courage and confidence. Likewise, our commitment to finding the center of who we really are would be as natural as breathing.

I think we can all agree, that chasing after the perfect career is an external battle that never resolves itself. It’s why over 86% of people are unhappy with their careers.

How do we arrive at our truth? It begins with a daily examination and questioning of all the information we’ve encountered. It’s asking the question, is this information for our highest good or the good of humanity? If not, throw it away.


I boldly claim that finding yourself is your life purpose. Is it critical to a joyful, soul-centered, peaceful existence? Another post to ignite your passion for getting to know the True Self is this blog post, Discover You True Self!


Recap: Are Delusions of the External World Keeping You Stuck?

– What if there was another way beyond the illusions of the five senses,

-How have we come to accept false beliefs as our truth,

– Going through a life transition, it’s time to break the illusion of the five senses being the only way,

– Three ways to tell if you are separated from your beautiful soul self; you’re unclear, live overwhelmed, and your emotions mirror a roller coaster ride,

– What if the five senses were invaluable tools intrinsically linked to your soul self, which is inexplicably linked to Divine Intelligence, the gateway that connects to the Spark of Divine within, our truth,

– How do we arrive at our truth? It’s in a daily examination and questioning of all information we come across, asking the question, is this information in for our highest good, or the good of humanity? If not, throw it away.


More About Spiritual Personality Typing

I hope you found “Are You Anchored in the Illusions of the Five Senses Being the Only Way.” eye-opening. I’m doing a happy dance if you say yes. You see, I’m passionate about introducing the idea of spiritual understanding as a component of personality typing.

While the career personality type of the 1950s model is fantastic, as we awaken to our spiritual needs, we must incorporate the gifts of a healthy personality type to align with our signature, Soul Self. When we do this, we express our soul’s intentions through our personality, taking inspired action in all we do. As a result, we show up in the world with great clarity, full of joy, passion, and purpose.

Ready to Release Struggle?

Entering a Midlife Awakening?

Ready for a Reinvention?


Then, get ready to harness the truth of who you really are!  Nina Zapala, author of Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, and introducing a modern day personality paradigm; Spiritual Personality Typing, focusing on the soul’s role in typology.


Ready to Release Struggle? Then You’ll Need to Release The Delusions of the External 

Are you experiencing a divorce, a career change, or entering into an empty nest season? These are times when critical decision-making skills are needed. It’s not the time to rely solely on another’s opinion. If you do, then they become the author of your impending new life. You are not alone!

If you want to write your next chapter, you need to be fully in charge and capable of seeing yourself from your True Self. This season in life is often challenging, and that’s why I included the journal prompts above. I hope they nourish the seeds of your personality’s truth.

Are these questions ruminating in your mind; “Who Am I?” “How Do I Fit Into The World?” “Why Am I Here?” “What About My Dreams and Desires?” Know you are not alone 97% of people desire to know themselves better.

Here’s the thing, 97% want to change, but many of us don’t know how to find ourselves, and our truth, and we often live a life based upon untruths. So I want to help you discover your true self, the WHO of who you really are.

I’m also here for you to walk you through the pain of divorce, career disruptions, and the empty nest phase. To guide you into creating a life beyond your wildest dreams. Are you ready to identify your spiritually inspired personality type to bring about clarity, courage, and confidence? If so, be willing to share your most joyful, passionate, and juicy self with the world.


Soul-Focused Typology: A Revolutionary New Tool to Engage Your Sacred Personality Type?

Let me introduce you to Spiritual Personality Typing® – a contemporary personality paradigm that focuses on the soul self. It’s a personality typing with a spiritual understanding. I want to help you cultivate your true self. It starts with planting the seeds of your truth, nurturing them, being supportive and loving to yourself. It’s time to live a beautiful life, one that’s in full bloom, colorful, and that brings joy to you and all who encounter you.

How, you ask?

Start by perusing the blog where I provide resources on how to understand your personality type infused with spiritual know-how to clarify how you show up in the world, and to know your traits and how they influence behaviors. Then I sprinkle in practical spirituality which leads to enlightened living, chock full of meaning and fulfillment.

Did you know that 97% of us want to change something about ourselves. I want you to join the 3%’ers community who know themselves and don’t want to change. You have a desire to evolve. To get clear about who they really are, and live a dream life on their own terms and in unique ways; their ways. I also share the liberating lessons that I learned going through my 7-year life tsunami.

You may want to pick up my debut book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, a powerful tool on self-discovery,  insights on spiritual personality typing and how to travel happier for your type. So what are you waiting for? Click here if you want to work with me personally.

Note: I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side and ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing supported by a spiritual understanding.


Join The Movement

Will you join me on this journey? I believe spiritual personality typing is Divinely timed. It’s a contemporary new tool to assist those who aspire to awaken during these transformative times we are all experiencing. So let me ask, are you ready to learn more about who you really are? To illuminate your true Self?

Are you ready to rediscover yourself? If so, I’d love to see you on YouTube,  PinterestLinkedIn, or  Instagram. But, of course, the best way to feel part of this community is by subscribing to Nina’s Newsletter. You’ll get front-row seats to book signing events,  classes, travel and lifestyle tips for positive mental health! It’s shenanigans on steroids.

Spiritual Personality Typing – Nina Zapala, the Curious Traveler, ENTP.

It’s Time to Discover; Spiritual Personality Typing™️, a new personality paradigm that focuses on the soul’s role in typology. – Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP.


Photo: Women in Stillness



Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

Nina Zapala with Book

Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

Begin A New Journey Today.

Enjoy weekly happy mails to inspire your true self, with insights on entrepreneurship, travel, and finding your mid-life magic.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a call to discover a path that is uniquely yours. It’s for those who yearn to be their truest selves in every aspect of life—work, travel, and as we age. This journey embodies inspired living, filled with purpose, meaning, and the freedom to be unapologetically you.

Join me in exploring this transformative, spirit-fed paradigm. It’s a journey of conscious living rooted in awareness and self-discovery—unconventional and life-changing. Together, let’s craft a life rich in spirit, soul, and story. I welcome you on this path. 🕊