How To Nurture Yourself on Your Next Getaway

alt="Women nourishing herself on a retreat"

How to nurture yourself on your next getaway is a wonderful way to take happier vacations. Do you plan to nurture yourself on vacation or is this a passing thought that never manifests?  Isn’t their great irony in this?  We yearn to travel for health and wellness, yet most of us ignore our well-being on […]

Travel, One of the Best Ways to Connect to Your Soul

alt="A lady on the beach connecting to her soul self"

Travel, one of the best ways to connect to your soul is the premise for Unpack Your Personality, For All Types of Travelers, is a book I’m working. A sneak peek into the how-tos of it all.  People Inspired Me Honestly, it was the people I meet during my twenty-year career as a tourism marketing […]

Labor Day The Best Trip Tips for Introvert Travelers

alt=" Bainbridge Island a great escape for an Introvert Traveler - photo of the island."

Labor Day is right around the corner. You, as an introvert traveler, maybe thinking do I want to travel or stay put? Would you rather skip the holiday altogether; the crowds, the traffic, and crazy that comes with the end of summer travel? Here’s a trip tip. No matter when you travel; do the opposite […]

How To Use Travel Personality Typing To Go Within To Find You!

alt="Travel personality typing for inner journey seekers."

How to use travel personality typing to go within to find YOU. It’s a new paradigm in travel and personality typing. Knowing your travel personality can turn an ordinary vacation into an extraordinary adventure for the mind, body, and soul. Are you asking if you have a travel personality? Funny You Should Ask About Your Travel […]