96% of People Fail When Trying to Better Themselves —Here’s My Secret to Better

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Why do 96% of people fail when trying to better themselves? This statistic comes from a Business Insider article authored by Srinivas Rao, who hosts The Unmistakable Creative podcast. The article’s premise is to take action and use a catalyst to motivate a better self. I took action, thought myself into a stupor, and leaned into […]

Personality Typing Isn’t Your Identity. It’s a Tool Part Two

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Your personality type is a tool. It uses a set of indicators supported by your True Self to help you take Divinely inspired actions. Remember, the True Self is your conduit for Divine intelligence. I don’t believe your personality type identifies you. It supports your soul self, which is your eternal being, the who of […]

Are the Delusions of the External World Keeping You Stuck?

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Are the delusions of the external world keeping you stuck? If so you may be living an unfulfilled, unclear, + unhappy life. Ask yourself do delusions support a solid choices, or are they leading you to unhappiness? What if there was another way? What if your inner guide, (the Divine spark within), is the way […]

Could a Person Have More than One Personality Type?

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Could a person have more than one personality type? What do you think? (Please know I speak of Myers-Briggs©️ typing here exclusively) Recently on a podcast, I was asked, could I have two personality types? The host believed her personality type in college was vastly different than her personality type of today. As we began […]

How to Love Being an Extrovert Own Your Truth

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How to love being an extrovert and own your truth? First, acknowledge your energy which you exude tenfold. It is all about energy flow, and when you operate from your truth, you have the power to change cultures, start a movement, and move mountains; think Reese Witherspoon, Michelle Obama, and Taylor Swift. You probably don’t […]