How to Remove the Mask Using Spiritual Personality Typing?

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How to remove the mask using spiritual personality typing uses the idea of personality typing with a spiritual understanding: Spiritual Personality Typing. An emerging typology that harnesses the power of personal creation–a blending of soul and personality — your higher-conscious self; the real you! When you fully embrace this new way of thinking around Myers-Briggs® […]

How Famous Christmas Movies Make Us Reflect On Ourselves?

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How famous Christmas movies make us reflect on ourselves takes a look at enduring holiday movie characters we’ve come to love while teaching us about our struggles and challenges, giving us hope. Have you ever wondered why some Christmas movies become iconic while others seem to have their day and fade away? The characters mentioned […]

Your Personality Isn’t Your Identity: It’s A Tool

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Your personality isn’t your identity: it’s a tool. I believe it to be an expression of your soul: the Divine guide within. When you operate from this POV, your personality becomes an expression of your soul’s desires, guiding you to take inspired, purposeful action from your true self. When you soly rely on your personality — […]

Three Ways Listening Helps You Better Understand Your True Self

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Three ways listening helps you better understand your true SELF was a message I received on a meditative walk. When I walk, I typically have a question to ask Divine Intelligence. The question on my mind the other day was, “How can I listen more deeply to what my spirit guides are trying to tell […]

How To Find Yourself Through Spiritual Personality Typing?

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How to find yourself through spiritual personality typing is a big question with a four-word answer. Understand your personality type. Easy-peasy right? Well, yes, and no. The world isn’t easy-peasy. It’s changing rapidly. It’s chaotic, and what worked yesterday doesn’t work today. Our transitioning world is causing eight out of ten Americans to be anxious, […]

How To Unpack Yourself to be Unforgettable

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How to unpack yourself to be unforgettable is the realization you are Divinity expressing itself through your personality type! WOW. Let that sink in. You are here for a Divine reason. FACT. Your wounds gave your wisdom. FACT. You have a meaningful purpose. FACT. Your personality is assigned to you, FACT. Your persona is perfectly […]

18 Inspirational Tips From Pixar’s New Film Soul

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18 inspirational tips from Pixar’s new film Soul looks at ways to adopt a joyful lifestyle. It illuminates the many foibles we face as humans and explores personality types and their relation to our soul’s evolution. The movie is fun, musical, realistic, and metaphysical. Of course, I love it. It aligns with my passion and […]

Sixteen Reasons to be Grateful for Your Personality Type

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Sixteen reasons to be grateful for your personality type; look closely at personality traits; the unique gifts you bring to the world. And please know this is not about career typing. It’s more about understanding the soul’s role in personality to become your TrueSelf your authentic self. Many of us have unrealized aspects of our […]