How One ENFP Is A Champion For Forgotten Women Artists

alt="Jane Adams A Champion of Women Artists. Picture with Sinite Parvulos Fresco"

How one ENFP is a champion for forgotten women artists is a continuing series for women entrepreneurs; through the lens of spiritual personality typing. An entrepreneurial series that highlights real-world examples of women who live life to its fullest. It’s for those who want to nourish their sacred personalities knowing this path supports spirit-centered living […]

7 Ways To Determine if You’re a Spirit-Led Entrepreneur

alt=Lisa Van Roede Owner Lan Sabi.

7 Ways To Determine if You’re a Spirit-Led Entrepreneur is for those who desire to run soulful enterprises allowing the true Self to lead the way! In the world of entrepreneurship, there’s a growing recognition of the soul’s role in business related to trusting your intuition and fully stepping into your passion and purpose. It’s […]

How To Be True To Your True Self

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How To Be True To Your Self is a post to help you understand, overcome, and cultivate a true self lifestyle.   Do something brave. Do something unexpected. Just do something. – Nina   The world is filled with pressures to conform; staying true to your true self can be confusing, challenging, and overwhelming. However, […]

Giving the Best Gift for Any Occasion

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Giving the best gift for any occasion isn’t really about the stuff. It’s about acceptance and understanding another’s differences. Isn’t that what we all truly desire? To be understood, seen, and accepted – being your true Self? We all crave this, and I believe it with all my heart. Yet only a few people have […]

The Magic of Slow Travel in a Disconnected World

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The magic of slow travel is a beautiful gift, especially in today’s disconnected world. For me, slow travel is an intention to travel to observe oneself while awakening your senses and seeing things anew – provisioning yourself to be all you came here to be! One of the things I suggest, and it’s pretty simple, […]