How to Live Your Legacy from Authenticity

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How to live your legacy from authenticity can’t be summed up in a blog post. What I can offer is a starting point, which I believe focuses on collaborating intimately with your personality type, a sincere and committed spiritual practice, and an ongoing quest to live your legacy every day. No biggie, right? 😏   […]

How To Nurture Yourself on Your Next Getaway

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How to nurture yourself on your next getaway is a wonderful way to take happier vacations. Do you plan to nurture yourself on vacation or is this a passing thought that never manifests?  Isn’t their great irony in this?  We yearn to travel for health and wellness, yet most of us ignore our well-being on […]

Personality Functions Three Hidden Secrets to Find Your True Self?

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Personality functions three hidden secrets to find your true self.  It’s more than just a great headline. Honestly, there are untold hidden secrets to finding your true self, but I’m keeping the information bite-sized. Lots more to come. Anywho, I hope these small bits of information lead to profound insights, helping you see that personality […]

Why Travel is the Best Tonic For Self Discovery

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Why travel is the best tonic for self-discovery is one of the philosophy pillars in my upcoming book Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide. Feel free to sign up here for preorders and who knows what. So typical of an ENTP. As a travel professional, I know full well that […]

Unlock the Impact of Soulful Quotes on Your Personality Type

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Unlock the impact of soulful quotes on your personality type. A new blog offers 30 inspiring quotes to bring a new perspective into your life by focusing on quotes that speak to you to help you know yourself better. Have you ever wondered why one quote sticks while others fall away? You’ll learn why and […]

The Truth about Spirituality

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Geez, I wish I could say I hadn’t skipped this step, but it, too, was part of my 7-year life tsunami. I learned that bypassing psychological analysis puts you in denial, avoidance, repression, disconnection, and dissociation from yourself. Which, for me, led to a diminished sense of self. And I found myself living in a […]

How To Unpack Your Personality Type

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How to unpack your personality type for a happier you and a happier vacation? It begins before you start a paralyzing Google search on where to stay, play, and go. Before you get into Googling it, stop and take time to set travel intentions. Here’s what I know. I’ve spoken with hundreds of travelers who […]

How to Avoid Travel Stress for Your Personality Type

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How to avoid travel stress for your personality type? In today’s day and age of never-ending travel rules popping up daily around the world, I believe travel and stress are becoming synonymous. Now is the best time to realize our stress buttons in an attempt to control what we know and deal with the rest […]