20 of the Best Fall Weekend Getaways for Introverts

20 of the best fall weekend getaways for introverts this blog allows you to head out of town for a fall weekend getaway sans the crowds! Data from Airbnb indicates that fall is the most affordable season for travel, with the price per night at its lowest compared to other times of the year. So […]
Tap into Your Divine Design a new way to use Personality Typing

Tap into your DivineDesign a new way to use personality typing, which I believe is essential to help you discover your path to purpose. This concept is integral to a book that I’ll soon be releasing entitled; Unpack Your Personality.©️ The idea for the book was presented to me during my spiritual awakening, an awakening that […]
Travel, One of the Best Ways to Connect to Your Soul

Travel, one of the best ways to connect to your soul is the premise for Unpack Your Personality, For All Types of Travelers, is a book I’m working. A sneak peek into the how-tos of it all. People Inspired Me Honestly, it was the people I meet during my twenty-year career as a tourism marketing […]
A New Travel Paradigm that’s Good For the Soul

A new travel paradigm that is good for the soul centers around asking different questions and helping you do travel differently. The question many of us ask, ‘Where do I want to go.” But maybe the better question to ask is, “What does my soul need and how can my travel personality support this need?” […]
How To Unpack Your Authentic Self to Be Remarkably Happy

How to unpack your authentic self to be remarkably happy is about accepting your TrueSelf, the good, bad, and ugly ⏤ what makes you irreplaceably you, without needing to compete, compare or beg for approval. A New Fun Way To Unpack Your Stinky Laundry How many of us rush through unpacking or ignore it altogether. […]
How to Correctly Identify Your Personality Type

How to correctly identify your personality type, aka, typology, is critical to tap into your authentic self. Your personality type can help you answer questions like: Who am I? What is my life purpose? Why am I drawn to certain people, places, and situations? Answering these important life questions can bring peace of mind, a […]
Being Obsessively External can Leave you Powerless.

Being obsessively external can leave you powerless, taking you on life detours that lead to painful outcomes, major life tsunamis, and unhappiness. Believe me, I know. It’s taken me more than ten years to figure this out. I’ve had a spiritual practice in place for decades. I always thought of myself as a person on […]
Why We Freakout on Vacation, it’s Not What You Think!

Why we freak out on vacation is not what you think, but I know it’s more than meets the eye. Have you seen it? A person goes a bit berserk on vacation. I have had a few breakdowns, and I think we all have. Traditional thinking on the topic goes something like this: you’re in […]