What Happens When Your Personality Type Isn’t Soul-Centered?

alt= "women in field thinking about her soul-centered personality type."

What happens when your personality type isn’t soul-centered is a splendid question. In my viewpoint, the stakes are high, like a 7-year life tsunami high! Here’s why. I believe you chose your personality type, and it isn’t a random choice. The personality you choose is ideally suited to help you work through your specific problems, […]

How To Gain Clarity Through Personality Typing

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How to gain clarity through personality typing is a topic I will be discussing in great detail in 2021 and beyond. Why am I so passionate about the topic? It’s been a thorn in my side for a very long time. The Divine gifted me with a book premise, Unpack Your Personality©️, based on personality […]

Fall Foliage Trip Ideas for Extroverts

alt="Fall Foliage Trip Ideas for Extroverts; photo of Blue Ridge Mountains."

My latest post, fall foliage trip ideas for extroverts, is chock full of travel ideas, tips, and fun ways to say yes to fall. Autumn ushers in leaf-peeping season. It’s time to look up and delight in the colorful fall leaves. Fall is about crisp days and plenty of excuses to get outside and appreciate […]

Stress Release Travel Tips for Extroverts and Introverts

alt="Travel Stress Relief for Introverts and Extroverts a view from an airplane."

Stress release travel tips for extroverts are very different than stress release travel tips for introverts. Extroverts function very differently in the world than introverts, and this doesn’t change while on vacation. This post dives deep into the differences between two personality functions while illustrating a clear travel style between the two. Hopefully, the tips […]