How to Travel Like a Kid This Summer?

alt="Travel Like a kid a flamingo raft awaits.

How to travel like a kid this summer starts with remembering what it feels like to be a kid again? What if the kid within could trigger what the eyes can’t see — what the heart knows you to be  (playful, happy-go-lucky, curious, unabashedly you) the force of nature you truly are? Have we become so rigid […]

5 Ways To Engage Your TrueSelf In A Romantic Relationship?

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5 ways to engage your TrueSelf in a romantic relationship may create a fresh start in your relationship or unearth triggers that you both have long ignored. What inspired this blog post was an interview on the Super Soul podcast; Oprah interviews Chip and Joanna Gains. Both are magnetic and so tapped into their TrueSelf. […]

Are Old Beliefs Sabotaging Your Personal Growth?

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Are old beliefs sabotaging your personal growth? Unfortunately, I believe many of us self-sabotage daily. We’ve become confused in an over-communicated world that tells us how to behave, what to wear, and how to think… Oh, and let’s not forget all of our childhood and relationship experiences and how they, too, have dramatically influenced us. […]

The Magic of Slow Travel in a Disconnected World

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The magic of slow travel is a beautiful gift, especially in today’s disconnected world. For me, slow travel is an intention to travel to observe oneself while awakening your senses and seeing things anew – provisioning yourself to be all you came here to be! One of the things I suggest, and it’s pretty simple, […]

Unpack the Secrets of Your Unique Travel Personality

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Today we’ll explore the secrets of your unique travel personality to help you better understand your distinct travel type. Did you know everyone has a distinct travel personality related to your persona? Well, you do. Heck, even my rescued poodles had a type. William was the extrovert, and Harry was the introvert! Also, realize you […]

Does Travel Really Make You Happier?

alt="Does Travel Make Your Happier - Lady Smiling."

Post in brief: Does travel make you happier? Are you looking for travel to make you happier or are you traveling to expand the happiness within. Let’s unpack that! Ever find yourself with your suitcases by the door, bubbling with excitement for your vacation? But then—bam!—a wave of stress crashes in. Is this the right […]

Is Your Life Up in the Air?

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Is your life up in the air? How do you take care of yourself when this happens? It all comes down to FOCUS, staying grounded in your personality type, and using the tools from your spiritual practices. I know this isn’t easy, but when your move away from focusing on your truth, you invite worry, […]

How To Use Travel Personality Typing To Go Within To Find You!

alt="Travel personality typing for inner journey seekers."

How to use travel personality typing to go within to find YOU. It’s a new paradigm in travel and personality typing. Knowing your travel personality can turn an ordinary vacation into an extraordinary adventure for the mind, body, and soul. Are you asking if you have a travel personality? Funny You Should Ask About Your Travel […]