How to find yourself through spiritual personality typing is a big question with a four-word answer. Understand your personality type. Easy-peasy right? Well, yes, and no.
The world isn’t easy-peasy. It’s changing rapidly. It’s chaotic, and what worked yesterday doesn’t work today. Our transitioning world is causing eight out of ten Americans to be anxious, sad, and angry, with prolonged emotional anxiety and stress.
Yikes, that’s 85% of the population!
In this type of environment, we get caught up in drama, fear, and chaos embracing low-frequency energies. We spin out of control. We have stepped into the chaos trap of the outer world, ignoring our persona and soul self.
Pressed for time, watch the 5-minute video or click here for the cliff notes. If you want to learn more about the beautiful ways your personality type can change your life, click below for a private session.
Learn How to Master Your Spiritual Personality Type?
Let me introduce you to the Spiritual Personality Typing©️. It’s personality typing with a spiritual understanding — Myers-Briggs® on a spiritual detour.
If you want to live life from the true Self, master your personality type.
Become intimate with all of your traits and embrace opposing pairs – the dualistic sides of them as well. If you don’t fully understand your personality, how can you make smart decisions or decide what is best for you? You can’t and won’t!
How, you ask?
I provide resources using your personality type traits infused with spiritual know-how to help you clarify who you really are, which leads to enlightened living full of meaning, purpose (deep soul work), and fulfillment.
I’m also here to share the liberating lessons I learned through my transitional 7-year life tsunami to help guide you through yours. So what are you waiting for? It’s time.
Note: I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side and ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing supported by a spiritual understanding.
Want More?
Are you longing for soulutions that encourage you to become the hero of your own fairy tale? Realize we are cosmic beings, complex and overflowing with eternal wisdom. Today, it’s time to arm yourself with new dreams, hopes, and desires to accelerate the experience of being fully alive – living your truth.
When you commit to your truth, Divine Intelligence conspires with you and brings you all you want and all that you’ll ever need. No chasing is required.
So, I ask again, are you ready to become the hero of your own fairy tale?
If so, I’d love to see you on
LinkedIn, or
The best way to feel part of this community is by subscribing to my email list, where you’ll get front-row seats to a weekly word of inspiration, teachings on how to know yourself, book recommendations, and more!
It’s Time to Discover; Spiritual Personality Typing ™️ — Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP. I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing supported by a spiritual understanding.
Photo credit: Ashley Inguanta Unsplash
Article updated: 5.2023
A recent post on Harvard Business Review says, 95% of people believe they know themselves why only 10-15% actually do.
Changing Yourself Is Not The Way To Know Yourself
Are you asking yourself these questions; “Who Am I?” “How did I get here?” “Why Am I Here?” “What Are My Dreams and Desires?” Know you are not alone 95% of people don’t know themselves.
Please know it’s not about changing yourself. Why would you want to change what the Creator intended for you? From my own spiritual studies and Tsunami self experiences, you can’t create yourself better than the creator of the universe; Divine intelligence created you to be. So let’s forget about changing and instead think about evolving ourselves.
Your personality type can help you find answers during times of great challenge, struggle, and pain. Challenges are all about expanding and evolving to bring more joy, growth, and gifts into the world. That is what Divine intended.
Repeat this mantra: Don’t Change Yourself. Know Yourself.
I’m here for you.
I will walk you through major life transitions.
To guide you into creating a life beyond your wildest dreams. A big, bold, juicy life ⏤ legacy living!
Are you ready to identify your spiritually inspired personality type to bring you clarity, courage, and confidence? I believe in you and know your next life chapter will be more beautiful than you can imagine.
Three Steps to Finding Yourself Through Spiritual Personality Typing
1. You must correctly identify your personality type. Here are a few recommended resources. Please note some of the free tests are great and some aren’t, so be aware. These are a few I have used with positive results:
Myers Briggs Type Indicator, $49.95, free, free
(I can help, and yes, I charge a fee, but it’s worth knowing your type, as often people misidentify their personality because of conditioned programming. Click for a “Do we vibe 10-minute call.”
2. After you’ve correctly identified your personality type, begin to study your dominant trait, aka the function you rely on the most. I view this as your definitive or primary trait. Spiritually I refer to this trait as your North Star as it helps answer the questions Who am I, What’s my Purpose, and Why and I Here? A major part of knowing yourself is figuring out who you are and understanding your true Self. Know this trait as it moves you into a place of alignment on the journey to yourself.
3. It’s vital to deeply understand and explore your auxiliary trait, the second most used trait. Spiritually, I look upon this trait as your harmonious Self. This trait is critical to a well-balanced North Star. It helps maintain a healthy mindset. If these two traits are out of balance, you will unconsciously make unwise decisions and poor choices and separated from your truth.
One last tip, you must identify the best spiritual tools: stillness, religion, meditation, prayer, or your way of connecting to your Divine Intelligence. Know the spark of a loving Divine is within us all.
Spiritual tools bring you back to your soul. They keep you grounded and move you toward your best life.
You’ve got to find yourself first. Everything else’ll follow. Charles de Lint, Canadian author of fantasy fiction.
Journal Prompt Takeaway
Do you know your dominant trait: your North Star? Knowing this trait is an ongoing study as it evolves as you do; it’s limitless, especially when you fully understand the soul’s role in personality typing.
What can it help you to discover about yourself? This blog offers 30 inspirational quotes that can help you know yourself better by interacting with the quotes that resonate. What are they trying to reveal?
Recap: How To Find Yourself Through Spiritual Personality Typing?
- Stressed-out Americans,
- Why stepping into chaos brings more chaos,
- Three Steps to Rediscovers Yourself Through Spiritual Personality Typing,
- Journal prompt question.
Spiritual Personality Typing: A New Paradigm in the Study of Self Knowing
I hope you found How To Find Yourself Through Spiritual Personality Typing eye-opening. I’m passionate about introducing the idea of personality tying with a spiritual understanding – the soul’s role in personality typing.
The career personality typing model of the 1940s is fine. Yet, as we embark on a spiritual journey, we must incorporate the gifts of a healthy, conscious personality type to support a soul-led lifestyle. When our physical and spiritual selves are in union with one another, we express our soul intentions through our persona, taking Divinely inspired action in all we do. Ahh, the true Self in action. The true Self is your eternal beingness is within you, exuding joy, passion, and pure potentiality.
Are you going through a life transition? Becoming a parent, empty nester, going through a divorce or major career change? Mastering your spiritual personality will give you the clarity, confidence, and courage to guide you into your next life chapter. – Nina Zapala, founder: Spiritul Personality Typing™️
In times of great chaos and evolution, when critical decision-making skills are needed to positively alter the course of your life, you must understand your decision-making trait. It’s not the time to rely on someone else’s opinion or herd mentality. If you do, then THEY become the author of your impending new life. If you want to be the author of life, you need to be in charge and capable of seeing yourself from your true Self — your pure potential. Remember, your soul is the loving inner guide to who you really are!
I know this to be true. I experienced a significant transformation during my 7-year life tsunami. During this time, I began to discover SOULUTIONs which took me through many life transitions; divorce, relocation, career change, single parenthood… These were life-saving SOULUTIONs I didn’t even know I needed, but boy, did I ever!
Learn How to Master Your Spiritual Personality Type?
Let me introduce you to the Spiritual Personality Typing©️. It’s personality typing with a spiritual understanding — Myers-Briggs® on a spiritual detour.
If you want to live life from the true Self, master your personality type.
Become intimate with all of your traits and embrace opposing pairs – the dualistic sides of them as well. If you don’t fully understand your personality, how can you make smart decisions or decide what is best for you? You can’t and won’t!
How, you ask?
I provide resources using your personality type traits infused with spiritual know-how to help you clarify who you really are, which leads to enlightened living full of meaning, purpose (deep soul work), and fulfillment.
I’m also here to share the liberating lessons I learned through my transitional 7-year life tsunami to help guide you through yours. So what are you waiting for? It’s time.
Note: I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side and ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing supported by a spiritual understanding.
Want More?
Are you longing for soulutions that encourage you to become the hero of your own fairy tale? Realize we are cosmic beings, complex and overflowing with eternal wisdom. Today, it’s time to arm yourself with new dreams, hopes, and desires to accelerate the experience of being fully alive – living your truth.
When you commit to your truth, Divine Intelligence conspires with you and brings you all you want and all that you’ll ever need. No chasing is required.
So, I ask again, are you ready to become the hero of your own fairy tale?
If so, I’d love to see you on
LinkedIn, or
The best way to feel part of this community is by subscribing to my email list, where you’ll get front-row seats to a weekly word of inspiration, teachings on how to know yourself, book recommendations, and more!
It’s Time to Discover; Spiritual Personality Typing ™️ — Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP. I’m a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive side ready to introduce you to a new paradigm in personality typing supported by a spiritual understanding.
Photo credit: Ashley Inguanta Unsplash
Article updated: 5.2023