Does Travel Really Make You Happier?

Post in brief: Does travel make you happier? Are you looking for travel to make you happier or are you traveling to expand the happiness within.

Let’s unpack that!

Ever find yourself with your suitcases by the door, bubbling with excitement for your vacation? But then—bam!—a wave of stress crashes in. Is this the right place? Did I make the right choices to keep everyone happy? And hey, did you even think about your own happiness in the mix?


The Scoop on Happiness

For the past decade, I’ve been researching what the happiness experts say about crafting the perfect trip. And guess what? There’s a big gap when it comes to personalizing travel to align with what really makes you tick. You can’t just change a place to fit your vibe; it’s about finding experiences that resonate with your true self. If you haven’t spent time connecting with your authentic self, you might not enjoy your adventures as much as you could! 

Additionally, there are lots of theories about whether travel really boosts happiness. One study entitled the Quality of Life Research study, released in 2010 from the Netherlands, states, “anticipating and planning a vacation generate more happiness than the vacation itself.”


Happiness Is an Inside Job: Not Just the Physical Perks

I’m on a mission to introduce you to travel personality typing. It’s all about a personalized travel approach that helps you plan trips that connect you emotionally. I’m not a happiness psychologist, but I do know this: if you’re seeking happiness from a vacation without first feeling it inside, your trip will reflect that energy. You have to make the conscious choice to feel happy, and once you do, happiness has a way of showing up—often in even bigger and more peaceful ways! So, when you return home, are you relishing in the souvenirs, or are you basking in the warm glow of contentment?

Or is this more your travel vibe? The suitcases are sitting by the door, and you’re uber-excited about your vacation. The anticipation is high. And then waves of stress, uncertainty and questioning sets in. Is this the perfect place, hotel, experience? Did I make (80% of women make the travel decisions) the right choices to make everyone happier? Did you consider yourself in the happiness equation?


Travel Happier with Insights from Shawn Achor!

Shawn Achor, CEO of GoodThink, and an Oprah alum, has some nuggets of wisdom for making your trips happier! According to him, if you nail down three key factors, a whopping 94% of travelers will come back buzzing with happiness and energy. Here’s what he suggests, based on a 2014 Travel Weekly article:

  1. Advanced Planning
  2. Traveling Far from Home (think international adventures!)
  3. Cultivating Social Connections on the Road

Now, let’s see how we can align these ideas with our personalities to amp up our travel vibes!


Are you Happier if You’re A Planner?

Here’s my 2¢. I don’t agree with the advanced planning point. Here’s why. For the past ten years I’ve been studying Myers-Briggs®, hell, I even got certified. Myers-Briggs® personas who have a perceiving function will probably disagree, too.  What it means to have a perceiving indicator.

Individuals with a perceiving trait are much more flexible when it comes to dealing with unexpected challenges. Very useful on vacation, as flexibility helps them seize unexpected opportunities. This trait indicates a reactive nature rather than a controlling one helping them chart their own course in whatever the world dishes-up. People with this trait hold that life is full of possibilities. Can you see why planning would be a no-go!


In order to write about life, you must first live it! – Ernest Hemingway, The Spirited Traveler, ESTP


SP Personalities: What Makes Them Happy?

SP (sensing perceiving) personality types make up about 33% of the U.S. population, with females slightly edging out males. But forget the labels—let’s look at how these SP types travel! I’ve come up with some fun names for these four SP types that reflect their true travel spirits:

  • Extroverted SP Types:

    • The Spirited Traveler (ESTP)
    • The Playful Traveler ((ESFP)
  • Introverted SP Types:

    • The Abstract Traveler (ISFP)
    • The Active Traveler (ISTP)

Do these sound like planners? Not really! 😉


Here’s Why SP Types Love Spontaneity

Travelers with SP traits are all about going with the flow. They thrive on spontaneity and adore the freedom to explore. They’ll take a good look at their surroundings and chase after the excitement. If it’s fun, thrilling, and practical, they’re totally in! Forget Zoom, these types relish real-life events that can be experienced in the here and now. SP’s are likely to enjoy classes that involve hands-on activities; culinary, painting, water spots… Oh and if you want to go, and as quickly as possible but them in charge as they boldly go down roads that others might consider risky or impossible, doing whatever it takes, rules or no rules, to get there. 


A few words to describe SP types:

  • Always curious
  • Artistic
  • Athletic
  • In tune with reality
  • Living life to the fullest
  • Open-minded
  • Eager for firsthand experiences
  • Rule breakers
  • Highly experiential


Remember, All SPs Are Unique!

Not all SPs are created equal! Some may have introverted or extroverted traits mixed with feeling or thinking functions. Trust me, unpacking these preferences can really change the travel dynamic. Toss in social conditioning, life experiences, and family backgrounds, and you’ve got one fascinating, complex individual ready for adventure!


Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are. –Brené Brown,

The Grounded Traveler 


SJ Personalities: Unpacking Their Favorite Travel Tools

Alright, let’s chat about those SJ (Sensing-Judging) personality types! They make up a solid 40.5% of the U.S. population, with female edging out males only slightly. But really, forget the gender labels—what matters is a person’s dominant trait (their North Star) that make them a stand out!

So, here are the fun names I’ve come up with for these travel personalities:

  • Extroverted SJs:

    • The Dutiful Traveler (ESTJ)
    • The Attentive Traveler (ESFJ)
  • Introverted SJs:

    • The Grounded Traveler (ISTJ)
    • The Kindly Traveler (ISFJ)

Do these sound like planners? You bet they do! 😏


Here’s Why SJ Types Are the Ultimate Planners

Travelers with SJ traits are super easy to spot. They’re the ones making sure everyone sticks to the schedule so no one misses the tour. Seriously, these folks are all about keeping everything in its place! They’ll be the first to unpack their bags and make sure everything is folded and tucked away before they leave their hotel room.

And you can count on them to expect trains to run on time and housekeeping to show up like clockwork. When you travel with an SJ, everyone in the group is following the game plan. They’ll double-check the hotel invoice for errors (which is totally awesome), pack those suitcases with precision, and obsessively review the travel itinerary to ensure every checklist is ticked off. Checklists are their BFFs! 😏


A Few Adjectives to Describe SJ Types

  • Conscientious
  • Consistent
  • Dependable (yep, reliable! 😇)
  • Detail-oriented
  • Factual
  • Patient
  • Routinized (not impulsive)
  • Sensible
  • Thorough


Remember, All SJs Are Unique!

Some SJs might lean introverted while others are extroverted, and they can also have feeling or thinking traits mixed in. These differences really impact how they travel! Plus, don’t forget how childhood experiences, social conditioning, and peers shape who we are. And our soul has it’s own vibe, so it too influences you in the most positive ways. It’s a wild ride, right?

And a huge shoutout to Brené Brown for reminding us how vulnerable we can be! Can you tell I’m a fan? 🌟✨



NF Travel Types: Are Born Explorers!

Now, let’s talk about the NF (Intuitive-Feeling) Myers-Briggs® types, which make up about 14% of the U.S. population. And guess what? Females lead intuitive feelers  mainly due to the “feeling” trait being more common in women. But don’t worry—everyone has feelings; we’re just diving into the science of typology here!

I’ve come up with some fun names for the four NF types that capture their travel vibes:

  • Extroverted NFs:

    • The Enthusiastic Traveler (ENFP)
    • The Harmonious Traveler (ENFJ)
  • Introverted NFs:

    • The Insightful Traveler (INFJ)
    • The Seeking  Traveler (INFP)


Here’s Why NFs Thrive on the Unexpected

When you unpack the NF personality, you’ll find they’re all about spotting possibilities everywhere! These types are likely to travel intentionally as they strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self — always on a quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement. People fascinate them, no matter where they go, and they pride themselves on helping others get them to where they want to go. NF travelers are flexible whether packing a bag for an international adventure or planning a chill staycation, remember that your travel personality plays a huge role in shaping your experiences! 🌍✨


A Few Adjectives to Describe NF Types

  • Attuned to people’s potential
  • Creative
  • Encouraging
  • Enthusiastic
  • Imaginative
  • Insightful
  • Intuitive
  • Harmonious
  • Value-oriented in relation to people


Remember, All NFs Are Unique!

Remember some NFs are introverted while others are extroverted, and they can also have feeling or thinking traits mixed in. These differences really impact how they travel! Plus, don’t forget how childhood experiences, social conditioning, and peers shape who we are. And our soul has it’s own vibe, so it too influences you in the most positive ways. It’s a wild ride, right?


NT Travelers Who Prefer Intellectual Travel!

Now, let’s talk about the NT (Intuitive-Thinkers) Myers-Briggs® types, are very scarce, comprising as little as 5 to 10 % of the population.of the U.S. population. Males lead these thinking types as mainly due to the “thinking” trait being more common in men. But don’t worry—everyone thinks; we’re just diving into the science of typology here!

I’ve come up with some fun names for the four NF types that capture their travel vibes:

  • Extroverted NTs:

    • The Curious Traveler (ENTP)
    • The Assured Traveler (ENTJ)
  • Introverted NFs:

    • The Inventive Traveler (INTJ)
    • The Ingenious Traveler (INTP)


NTs Love Intellectual Escapes

Unpack the NT personality, you’ll find they’re all about novelty, possibilities and learning new things! They are problem solver particularly if the problem has to do with a complex situation. Say you’re in a travel pickle, these types will analyze their circumstances to understand and figure out how to make it better. Very pragmatic about their ways and means of achieving their ends. Not at all worried about being politically correct, typically unconventional and are most those who have something useful to teach or share. 


A Few Adjectives to Describe NT Types

  • ingenious
  • independent
  • strong willed
  • reasonable 
  • strategic leaders
  • easy-going
  • achievers
  • technology geeks
  • understanding how the world works


Remember, All NTs Are Unique!

Remember some NTs are introverted while others are extroverted, and they can also have feeling or thinking traits mixed in. These differences really impact how they travel! Plus, don’t forget how childhood experiences, social conditioning, and peers shape who we are. And our soul has it’s own vibe, so it too influences you in the most positive ways. It’s a wild ride, right?


Does Travel Really Make You Happier?

I hope that taking apart the Achor happiness study brings about a happy awareness you didn’t have before. I’m not saying Achor is wrong. Does travel really make you happier? Have you made a travel decision based on someone else’s opinion of where you should travel? Is that in your best interest? I say no, and more often than not it leads to unhappy getaways.

What I’m saying is we need to be aware of our own unique travel traits. It makes it easier to search, and plan. Wouldn’t it be fun to unpack your personalities for self-growth? It allows you to say YES or hell NO to what you read online. If it’s a NO you’ll have the freedom to map your own distinct travel adventure!


Step Into The Pages of the Book with Moi! Schedule a personalized 1:1 power hour where we explore your personality in detail. 




Are you new to my blog? Interested in learning more about travel personality typing? My debut book, Unpack Your Personality Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide is a great place to start. You’ll discover the ultimate travel toolkit that introduces an exciting new personality framework centered on spirituality. The book highlights how the perks of travel serve as the perfect playground for self-awareness. Inside, you’ll find top destinations to explore and stay, along with practical advice on leveraging your personality type insights. By blending these insights with your inner guide (higher self), you can elevate your travel experiences and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Discover a deeper understanding of yourself while wandering the world! Grab your copy here. 


Step Into The Pages of the Book with Moi! Schedule a personalized 1:1 power hour where we explore your personality in detail. Click here to learn more.


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An inspired life; creative, joyful, vibrant and exquisitely you.

The world needs YOU! Not some version of you… It’s time to Discovery Spiritual Personality Typing it’s Myers-Briggs on a spiritually led detour.


Photo Credi @brookecagle



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Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a call to discover a path that is uniquely yours. It’s for those who yearn to be their truest selves in every aspect of life—work, travel, and as we age. This journey embodies inspired living, filled with purpose, meaning, and the freedom to be unapologetically you.

Join me in exploring this transformative, spirit-fed paradigm. It’s a journey of conscious living rooted in awareness and self-discovery—unconventional and life-changing. Together, let’s craft a life rich in spirit, soul, and story. I welcome you on this path. 🕊

alt="Road Trips Dog in Window"

Interested in travel for self-discovery? 

Grab my free e-book Travel Happier. An intro to my debut book.