Memorial Day Weekend 2019 – Mayhem!

Memorial Day Weekend 2019 is right around the corner, and you’ll probably find introverts running for the hills trying to avoid the 43 million American who are hitting the road this holiday weekend. Have you read the AAA Magazine Memorial Day forecast? It appears every year like clockwork and informs travelers on what to expect while flying or driving over Memorial Day.

“Nearly 43 million Americans will start their summers on a high note with a Memorial Day weekend getaway. This long holiday weekend, marking the unofficial start of summer vacation season, will see the second-highest travel volume on record since AAA began tracking holiday travel volumes dating back to 2000, trailing only the bar set in 2005. Overall, an additional 1.5 million more people will take to the nation’s roads, rails and runways compared with last year, a 3.6% increase.” — AAA Newsroom

Nearly 43 million Americans!

I can tell you now introvert travelers are ready to buy a book and sneak off somewhere, retreating from the crazy, busy kick-off to the summer travel season. Here are a couple more things they might be thinking:

alt="Memorial Day Weekend 2019" advice for introverts visit a state park; image of women in a state park
Photo: Unsplash
  • Oh, HELL NO! I’m staying put.
  • All this disruption is so distracting, how could I possibly enjoy a road trip with the 42 million other Americans… again hell NO!
  • Your introvert travel partner may be keeping their thoughts to themselves, as you pack up the car, load the kids and pick a place. But make no mistake, if you’re not asking them what their thoughts are, you may have an unhappy camper in the midst.
  • Are you wondering if you’re married to an introvert? A couple of clues to let you know you are: they avoid crowds, need a lot of quiet time, and will ponder a question until they’ve really given the topic some thought then they speak — yeah your partner is probably an INTROVERT. Or they could be like me, an Extrovert, with major INTROVERT tendencies.

A Few Trip Tip Ideas

Photo Credit: Unsplash

If your partner is an introvert here are a few trip tip ideas:

  • Introverts need downtime – give it to them.
  • Don’t pick a popular place, think wide open spaces; state parks, small towns or investigate a regional escape.
  • Pick a few introvert-friendly activities; reading by the pool, hiking or nature walks.
  • Invite one-on-one conversations with members of the family or alone time with a partner/husband/wife; keep the kids busy with a movie.
  • Create a backyard vacation. Get the grill out, pull out the hose and attach a sprinkler for the kids to run through. Plan on a few outdoor games. Yeah, it’s old-timey but sometimes the best things in life are SIMPLE!

An Introvert Discussing Memorial Day with another Introvert

I’m imagining the conversation is going something like this, “What are we doing this Memorial Day Weekend? Let’s hang out and read a good book, how about a nice hike on the local nature trails or maybe we invite a few family and friends over for a backyard barbeque.” Does this resonate?

Memorial Day Weekend — Mayhem

Hope you found my tips for introverts over the memorial day weekend to be insightful. My goal is to inspire a revolutionary new way to look at travel. If we can understand we are all different, and we function in a variety of unique ways ⏤ how we make decisions, how we direct our energy and how we gather information, travel becomes an entirely different ballgame!

My Hope for Modern Day Travel

My creative self wanted to help you experience heart-centered, spirited, and joy-filled vacations. Knowing your travel personality is a novel approach to travel. It provides new ways to #traveldeeper to truly enjoy the magic of a new experience as it unfolds. Understanding your travel personality not only allows you to see yourself in different ways, but it also allows you to see your travel companions in news ways too.

This revolutionary travel approach unveils YOUR needs, desires, and wants based on YOUR unique travel personality type. This style of travel reveals your inner travel map that lies just beneath the surface. You just need to turn on your soul’s inner travel GPS before you begin a Google search.

What’s Your Travel Personality?

If you haven’t had a chance, listen to my radio interview What’s Your Travel Personality; Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, here’s a direct link to the podcast.  The interview aired on Speaking of Travel archived on iHeart Radio with host Marilyn Ball.

Thank you, Marilyn, for believing in me, even when I didn’t

You can also visit #WYTP page, which presents the premise of What’s Your Travel Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide. This page discusses the role travel personality typing plays when planning and taking a vacation.

Happy Memorial Day EVERYONE!



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Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a call to discover a path that is uniquely yours. It’s for those who yearn to be their truest selves in every aspect of life—work, travel, and as we age. This journey embodies inspired living, filled with purpose, meaning, and the freedom to be unapologetically you.

Join me in exploring this transformative, spirit-fed paradigm. It’s a journey of conscious living rooted in awareness and self-discovery—unconventional and life-changing. Together, let’s craft a life rich in spirit, soul, and story. I welcome you on this path. 🕊

alt="Road Trips Dog in Window"

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