How to Rediscover Your Childlike Personality?

How to rediscover the joy of reconnecting with your pure, childlike personality. When your personality is in its most authentic, childlike state, it becomes naturally curious, playful, and deeply intuitive, guided by Divine Intelligence. Imagine your childlike self as a free-spirited being, unburdened by societal expectations.

Eager to explore this playful side of your personality? Check out our engaging eight-minute YouTube video and see how rediscovering your childlike nature can transform your life.

Get clarity on your spiritual personality type and awaken a sense of childlike wonder.

Schedule a clarity call today and start aligning with your true purpose.


What is a Childlike Personality?

Here’s my personal definition: A Divinely inspired, pure personality that embodies childlike qualities. It’s a precious gift that can guide you through life’s challenges and triumphs. Embrace this aspect of your persona, which I call the “spirit mind,” as it perfectly supports your life’s purpose. Your true personality shines brightest when it aligns with Divine Intelligence.

Just to be clear, I’m referring to a “childlike” personality, not a “childish” one. Embrace the purity and wonder of your true self!


Rediscover Your Childlike Personality To Connect Within

Your childlike personality is the key to connecting with a spark of Divine Intelligence nestled in the center of your heart. When you embrace this pure, fearless, and open aspect of yourself, you become attuned to Divinely inspired guidance that aligns with your higher self.

So, will you trust and listen to your higher self, or will you continue to heed the external voices of the world? Reflect on this as you navigate your life’s choices. Are you in touch with your childlike personality type, which is:


  • Open-minded and innocent
  • Knows the heart is where truth lies
  • Is joyful
  • Connects to eternal, unlimited potential
  • Is pure in thought
  • Instinctual in nature
  • Sees the world anew daily
  • Fearless and pure
  • Is kind
  • Knows beauty is love expressed
  • A childlike persona is rooted in Divine Intelligence

– Nina Zapala, Spiritual Personality Typing©️


Have You Lost Your Childlike Personality? 

Does losing yourself begin during the “terrible twos phase”?

Think back to your earliest days—when crying, smiling, and just being you was met with pure, unconditional love. No one judged or scolded you for simply being yourself.

Ah, those were the days.

Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, “a child around age two until approximately age seven is in the ego stage of development. This means the child cannot use logic or transform, combine or separate ideas (Piaget, 1951, 1952).” Simply

Most mothers would likely agree that the “terrible twos” is more than just a phase—it’s a profound rebellion against the restrictive patterns imposed by society. At age two, children are deeply connected to their inner Divine knowing. This rebellion reflects their resistance against the conditioned norms of a Patriarchal society.

As we grow, this natural rebellion often gets subdued, leading to a disconnection from our innate Divine self. We begin to internalize guilt and shame for not conforming to expectations, which can create a split between our physical and nonphysical selves.

Here’s what typically happens:

  • Guilt: We learn to feel guilty for not following orders.
  • Shame: We experience shame for not meeting our parents’ expectations.
  • Fear: We fear losing love, security, and acceptance if we don’t fit into someone else’s narrative.

This cycle of guilt and shame can continue into adulthood unless we actively choose to break free from it. We can either remain unconscious of these patterns or embark on a conscious self-discovery journey to overcome them.

If you haven’t yet started this journey, don’t judge yourself. Celebrate your courage to explore these truths. Your next step is to shed inherited beliefs that no longer serve you, marking a significant milestone on your path to awakening and embracing your true self.


The child’s unknowing is also fertile… we have to find ways to unlearn those things that screen us from the perception of profound truth. We have to achieve the child’s unknowing because we have been made so smart. Zen also recommends not losing the “beginners mind,” so important for immediacy in experience.  Thomas Moore, Care of the Soul: page 51-52


Transform Your Life by Understanding Your Core Personality Traits

My journey through life’s upheavals and transformative lessons, coupled with years of studying and working with Dr. June Lee Nix, a renowned spiritual psychologist, has revealed a powerful truth: the key to overcoming unhealthy fears of guilt, shame, and unworthiness is to delve deeply into your personality type—especially your primary trait, which I consider your North Star—your fundamental self!

Each personality type comes with its own set of behaviors, strengths, and shadow-side habits. By examining the weaknesses of your primary trait, you can and will uncover its hidden fears.


For Example:

My dominant trait is extroverted intuition. It thrives on new ideas, possibilities, and creativity—constantly busy and clever.

In effort to explore your fears, start with your North Star (your dominate trait the one you use the most). When it becomes unhealthy, it affects all other functions—a ripple effect. When my extroverted intuition is out of balance, my life becomes chaotic. I chase new possibilities endlessly, ignoring the need to pause, reflect, think, and listen to others. This makes me compulsive, arrogant, and dismissive of valuable input.

And here’s the catch: when your trait is unhealthy, you are unable to connect with  Divine Intelligence (your super consciousness). This stops you from receiving messages from Source. Fear-based energies block this communication.

However, by embracing what fear teaches us, we can gain profound insights into our childlike personality type, opening the gateway to our heart center and Divine spark. This is the path to our true self. When my primary function is balanced, I can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, using a playful, childlike curiosity.

My life tsunami, and it’s many liberating lessons,  like experiences, years of studying, and working with Dr. June Lee Nix, a spiritual psychologist, taught me this is the best way to stop unhealthy fears of guilt, shame, and unworthiness… is to explore your personality type, especially the primary trait, which I liken to your North Star – your fundamental self!

Remember, typing predisposes each persona to certain behaviors, strengths, and destructive habits. If you look into a trait’s weakness, you can unearth its accompanying fears.


How much fresher milk, and sky and laughter will taste once we are returned to the feel of being new – Mark Nepo, author Book of Awakening


Rediscovering Your Childlike Personality By Trusting Your Heart

Mark Nepo’s quote exemplifies the essence of reconnecting with your childlike personality. The key lies in tuning into your emotions, an ongoing journey of exploring and re-exploring what your feelings reveal. Paradoxically, you must dive deep into your soul, or heart-mind, to truly sense what’s right for you.

When something feels off, it’s often a trigger revealing false beliefs or untruths. These gentle nudges from your soul signal that it’s time to release old trauma, pain, and struggle—patterns that will continue to resurface if you don’t let them go. Embrace these triggers as they are crucial to rediscovering your authentic, childlike self.

Remember, you can’t start this process with a purely logical mind. Years of confusion, guilt, and damaging beliefs cloud your logic. True progress begins when you clear your heart and move beyond confusion.

Your soul, (heart-center, superconscious) will always endeavor to communicate with your logical mind to inspire new beginnings. It will bring forth fresh, pure, and fearless thoughts and beliefs, allowing negative feelings to fade and triggers to diminish and Divinely inspired actions to flourish.

When you start listening to your heart, your childlike persona aligns with both your logical and spiritual mind. Your true self is then ready to blossom fully!


Ask yourself, do you want to be lead by your own Divine Intelligence, or do you want to be lead by external forces? Nina Zapala, founder, Spiritual Personality Typing. ™️


Journal Prompt

Journal Prompt: How are you blocking the feelings trapped in your heart? Close your eyes, find stillness, and focus on your breath. Breathe deeply into these feelings and exhale them gently. Stay in this meditative space until a feeling surfaces. Embrace it fully and let it guide you toward deeper self-discovery.


More About the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing

I hope you found How to Rediscover Your Childlike Personality Type eye-opening. I’m passionate and intentional about introducing the idea of personality tying with a spiritual understanding to help you awaken to your true SELF.

The career personality typing model of the 1950s is fine. Yet, as we awaken to our spiritual needs, we must use the gifts of a childlike personality type to support our spiritual selves.

When our childlike persona and spiritual selves are in a union, we express soul intentions, taking Divinely inspired action in all we do. Ahh, the true SELF in action – always encouraging joy, passion, and purpose.

Are you ready for a life reinvention? Do you want to remove your blind self and get to know who you really are? Have you climbed the corporate ladder and see that the views from the top are unfulling and without purpose? Here’s what I know. A deep working knowledge of your spiritual personality will give you the clarity, confidence, and courage to guide you into your next life chapter. Nina Zapala, founder, Spiritual Personality Typing. ™️

If you were nodding your head agreeing with the above statement, maybe it’s time to book a personality-type process session to see if we are a fit. Click here to get on my schedule.


Why Spiritual Personality Typing

The career personality type of the 1940s served its purpose but now holds less relevance in this era of transformation. As we awaken to our spiritual needs, integrating the strengths of a healthy personality with our inner Divine Intelligence (our soul, spirit self, and heart-center) becomes essential. If you believe in the coexistence of our physical and nonphysical selves, you’ll understand that our soul seeks to express itself through our personalities. These expressions often appear as dreams, serendipitous moments, and life’s unexpected turns. They guide us toward purposeful, Divinely inspired actions across all areas of life: travel, work, relationships, and parenting. 

The outcome?

We engage with the world with greater freedom, radiating joy, passion, and purpose. This evolution not only enriches our own lives but also positively affects those around us, creating a ripple effect that benefits the collective. By embracing a journey of ongoing self-discovery and empowerment, we contribute to a better world by staying true to ourselves.


Ready to Let Go & Live a Life You Love?

Navigating significant life changes, such as a divorce, career transition, or an empty nest phase, demands profound clarity. Do you fully understand your decision-making traits? Knowing and trusting these traits is crucial during these pivotal times.

To gain deeper insights into your spiritual personality type, consider booking a 1:1 clarity session. with me. In this session, I act as your mentor and guide, offering an unbiased perspective and avoiding a guru-like approach. My expertise lies in helping you gain a clearer understanding of yourself. Together, we’ll cultivate a new direction for your life, planting seeds for new opportunities and self-discovery. We’ll create a life roadmap filled with meaning, passion, pleasure, and purpose.

Alternatively, explore my debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide. This guide merges spiritual personality typing with travel, providing a novel approach to personal growth. Learn how travel can spark self-awareness and discover practical tips on destinations and experiences that enhance your journey. Additionally, benefit from the wisdom gained from my own transformative seven-year life experience. Grab your copy here.

As a certified Myers-Briggs® instructor with an intuitive and spiritual approach, I offer a fresh perspective on personality typing. My method connects both the physical and nonphysical aspects of yourself, helping you embody your true self.

Discover this innovative and practical approach to living a more meaningful life!


Join The Movement

Will you join my online community of seekers? It’s a space for those who are searching for answers, seeking connection, and passionate about creating a life they love. Remember, it’s never too late to build a life on your terms and in your own unique way. My new message about typology—specifically spiritual personality typing—is Divinely inspired. It’s a contemporary tool designed to help you awaken and navigate these transformative times.

Are you eager to discover your true self?

Do you want to bring forth your unique gifts and share them with the world?

Are you ready to step into your becoming?

Do you want to live a life you truly love?

Are you prepared to navigate life from your authentic self?

If so, join Nina’s Newsletter. I offer insights from my own experiences, including navigating personal challenges, to help you become who you are meant to be. Subscribers gain access to exclusive book signing events, classes, travel and lifestyle tips.

Connect with me on Pinterest, watch my reels on Instagram, or subscribe on YouTube for a more detailed discussion.

Photo Credit: Artem Beliaikin  



Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

Nina Zapala with Book

Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a call to discover a path that is uniquely yours. It’s for those who yearn to be their truest selves in every aspect of life—work, travel, and as we age. This journey embodies inspired living, filled with purpose, meaning, and the freedom to be unapologetically you.

Join me in exploring this transformative, spirit-fed paradigm. It’s a journey of conscious living rooted in awareness and self-discovery—unconventional and life-changing. Together, let’s craft a life rich in spirit, soul, and story. I welcome you on this path. 🕊