How To Better Understand Yourself: 10 Insightful Journal Prompts

How to better understand yourself: 10 insightful journal prompts is a post that provides beneficial tools for self-discovery and personal growth. As you explore your most vibrant and limitless self (the soul) with these transformative journal prompts you begin to view yourself from a fresh perspective. Commit to the intended desire and watch as your self-understanding and life transforms in extraordinary ways!

How do I know this? I faced a life tsunami that made me to question and rethink everything. Through this intense experience, I discovered that we are physical beings having a human experience. I learned to bridge the gap between my physical self and my inner soul, leading to a deeper understanding of my true self. It was during this storm that I uncovered my true calling: spiritual personality typing. Drawing on the lessons I learned, I even wrote a book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide.

At its core, this method teaches you that you are a physical being having a spiritual experience. Translation when you listen to the voice of the soul self, your higher consciousness that’s tethered to Divine Intelligence it expresses it’s desires through your personality (your everyday – ego-self)  into your personal reality. 

It’s a trailblazing approach that naturally leads to a lifelong journey of self-discovery, meaning, pure potential and fulfillment. Trust me this is more than just a task; it’s your life’s purpose. Embrace this truth, to live a truly wonderful life.

If you want to enhance your learning visit my YouTube channel (@NinaZapalaENTP) for an in depth video on the topic.


Begin with this Brief Meditation: Dear Divine Please Show Me – (My favorite journal prompt.)


Questions to Ask Yourself

Are you ready to let go of: 






Negative self talk,

and this is the big one… The False Self that…

Meets everyone else’s expectations while ignoring your own desires.

Ignores their own desires to belong or feel loved.

Gives away your personal power allowing others to make decisions on your behalf.

Allows others to convinced you to follow a trend and now you regret it.

The self that made choices that were not in your best interest.

I include myself in all of it — hence my life tsunami! 

Today’s a new day it’s time to let your beautiful inner light shine bright.


When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.” – Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher, poet, and author of the book Tao Te Ching, is said to be the Seeking traveler (INFP).


A Few Tips To Better Understand Your Spiritual Personality Type

Here’s an excerpt from my debut book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide – Chapter 11: Spiritual Personality Typing: For the 21st Century. \

Understand your functional stack. Your stack is  the order in which you use your cognitive abilities. Brief definition. Cognition is the process of acquiring and processing information and making decisions. Yes, it’s more complicated as we are multi-faceted human beings having a spiritual experience. An ordered list of traits:

  • The dominant function serves as your North Star. It’s essential in fulfilling your soul’s mission – and when balanced – reattaching with the Divine spark within. When this trait is actualized it acts as a roadmap, leading to a life filled with joy, meaningful relationships, and deep self-awareness. You are creating a wonderful life for yourself.

  • The secondary function, typically conscious, plays an essential supportive role. It harmonizes with your North Star to keep you balanced and open-minded. When aligned, it acts as a trusted ally, providing new perspectives and working synergistically with your primary function, enhancing its effectiveness.

  • The tertiary function emerges with maturity, developing and enhancing your secondary function with new viewpoints and insights. Since it feeds the secondary function, and the secondary function feeds your North Star it deepens your self-awareness and contributes to personal growth and self-understanding.

  • The inferior function, often unconscious due to its lower stack position, can be paradoxical and prone to misdiagnosis. Becoming aware of its nature reveals its role in challenging you, fostering growth and new perspectives through the difficulties it presents.


Stars Can’t Shine Without Darkness – anonymous


Exploring Personal Truths: 10 Powerful Journal Prompts

Below are 10  journal prompts designed to help you better understand yourself with the intention of exploring your personality with a spirit-fed POV. It focuses on your soulful, inner world to help you discover who you truly are.  Take your time with each prompt and write freely without judgment. Allow your thoughts and feelings to flow naturally.

Reviewing your responses over time can provide deeper insights into your evolving self-awareness. Remember as you ponder each question ask yourself, what is it that you truly desire? Does this feel true for me or is this an aspect of my false self! Joyful journaling! 

1. What activities or experiences make you lose track of time?

    • Reflect on moments when you felt completely absorbed and at ease. What were you doing? Why do you think these experiences resonated with you?
    • Tip: Explore your personality type (especially your North Star) as it indicates how you show up in the world; regardless of your circumstances. 


2. What values are most important to you?

    • Write down the core principles that guide your decisions and actions. How do these values align with your current life choices? Are these values yours or  conditioned illusions?
    • Tip: Your feeling and thinking personality traits are super helpful in navigating this question, while spiritually “how you feel” is most important in terms of decision making.


3. What are your greatest strengths and talents?

    • Write a list of your abilities and strengths you tend to excel in. Do you feel confident in them? Are you fully in touch with them? 
    • Tip: Your North Star illuminates physical superpowers allowing your spirit mind to express freely. Know this trait inside and out. 


4. When do you feel most like yourself?

    • Think about the moments in your life that you were on fire – not bound by time, but by joy? What do these sacred moments reveal about your personal truths (the true self)?
    • Tip: When you fully understand your personality type and what you value – your passions and joys – you allow your genuine self to be seen. 


5. What fears or limitations are holding you back?

    • Identify any fears or self-imposed delusions that might be preventing you from reaching your full potential. How can you address and overcome them?
    • Tip: Your North Star reveals your potential. If it’s unhealthy; out of balance, controlling or fear based it will impact your entire persona. This state of consciousness separates you from the Divine spark within; the soul self, resulting in the false self to lead your life.


6. How have you given away your power?

    • Describe situations where you felt controlled, put-upon, belittled, unseen? What conditions led to these moments? What false beliefs made them possible?
    • Tip: Fully understanding your personality.  And allow the soul (deep connection to Divine) to lead your life giving it the power to eradicate the false self to  bring forth your true self. It’s a process. Be aware of it so you can allow it to direct your life.


7. How Do You React When Others Don’t Understand You?

    • Reflect on situations where other’s didn’t understand you? Did you feel angry? Frustrated? Ignored? Unseen? What brought you into the situation?
    • Tip: Remember  we all have different personality types, and our soul-path is unlike any other. Everyone won’t like you or understand you. So be proud of who you are. Know you’ll attract those that not only understand, see, and embrace you, but love you for who you really are!


8. What are your long-term desires, dreams and aspirations?

    • First, write down your desires. Then begin to visualize your dreams (ideal future), followed by the goals that support your wonderful life. How do these dreams align with your true self?
    • Tip: To come to a better understanding tap into your North Star it’s an indicator of your life’s purpose.


9. How do you handle challenges and setbacks?

    • Explore your typical response to difficulties and disappointments. How do these reactions hinder personal growth?
    • Tip: Reverse engineer your old beliefs. When you acknowledge you’re a spiritual being having a human experience, you see challenges as opportunities to remove false beliefs – actualizing your truth, the true self.


10. What does success mean to you personally?

    • Define success that aligns with your personal intentions and desires.  How does your definition of success reflect your values, goals, and sense of self? Your joy-barometer? Be aware of how your definition of success differs from society. As human beings we are easily swayed by trends, family expectations, or material promises which encourage the false self.
    • Tip: Many of us are redefining success. These transitional times are moving us from a conditioned lifestyle to a spirit-centered life.  Where meaning, serving and fully accepting who you really are becomes the priority in creating a wonderful life. 


The soul is part of the deeper, more intuitive levels of human understanding, where simple reasoning must give way to things that are not only irrational, but also numinous and mysterious. – Awakening the Soul, Michael Meade.


Using These Insightful 10 Prompts: To Better Understand Yourself

Remember as you ponder each question what is it that you truly desire?  How can you create intentions around your desires? There is an endless list of intentions.  And please know you’ll probably have multiple intentions:

  • A wonderful life of self-understanding.
  • Become more playful.
  • Be a lifelong spiritual seeker, teacher…
  • Cultivate genuine connections.
  • Nurture well being; physically or mentally.
  • Live mindfully; from an idealized self, without the need to idolize something or someone outside yourself.
  • Contribute to the greater good.
  • Seek harmony within.
  • Lifelong learning.
  • Save the planet….



Make understanding your personality type a priority. It’s the best relationship you can cultivate in this lifetime.  Nina Zapala, Founder of Spiritual Personality Typing.


Do You Find This Post Useful

I hope you found How To Better Understand Yourself: 10 Insightful Journal Prompts beneficial. I’m here to share a new personality paradigm, Spiritual Personality Typing™️ to help you think differently, to guide you into a realization that you are an eternal being of light overflowing with wisdom, beauty, power and joy.

Let’s rethink Myers-Briggs® typology beyond stereotypical memes and see it as the supportive tool your soul uses to express itself in the world to inspire a life of unlimited potential, days filled with joy, meaning, love and servitude.  

Of course, with all good things in life, it’s about doing the work, taking responsibility, and making personality typing with a spiritual understanding, a daily practice. Your rewards will be great. Once you do, you’ll realize the only way for your higher self to express itself is through a healthy persona — it’s a heavenly partnership. Literally.

It’s a profound awakening, moving you closer to your truth, and unshackling you from a purposeless existence into a new reality of unlimited possibilities. You’ll be ready for any occasion, situation, or event – travel, relationships, career, and most importantly, a meaningful life.

I know this to be true because this is precisely how it works in my life. Book a guided session to learn more about your personality’s superpowers.



To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. – Shakespeare


The Heartfelt Intention Behind Spiritual Personality Typing

My heart-centered intention is to help you truly understand yourself, to spark fresh perspectives and share insights that illuminate your path to a remarkable life. Every day is a gift, and so are you. A gift brimming with limitless potential, passion, and purpose.

I believe the Universe has assigned you a unique personality type to align with your soul’s mission. These traits aren’t just random. They support your soul’s journey and express themselves through your personality, guiding you to make wise, inspired decisions every day.

Think of your soul as the brilliant, wise navigator of your life. A higher consciousness that’s tethered to Divine intelligence. Your soul is one-of-a-kind. It gives rise to the voice of your personality type.

I believe we are all here to rediscover our truth and pure potential and share our Divine gifts with the world. After a decade of personal upheaval, years of reflection, and deep learning, I’ve come to know that spirituality isn’t found on a mat, burning incense or in a crystal. Great tools, but I now know, it’s rooted in your soul, where the Divine spark within you resides.

Remember, your soul-guided self shapes your personality and influences how you approach every aspect of life-be it your career, relationships, parenting, or travel. Embrace this journey and let your inner wisdom lead the way.



The power of this book lies in its ability to reveal your true Self, to trust it – and live joyfully. Nina Zapala, Author


Unlock Your True Potential with My Debut Book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide

Are you ready to revolutionize your life and uncover the secret to a truly fulfilling existence? My debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, is your must-read guide to self-discovery and empowerment. It sheds a new perspective on how travel is the ideal time for self-discovery.

This isn’t just another self-help book—it’s your personal roadmap to unlocking your true potential. Dive deep into your personality, discover your unique strengths, and learn how to leverage this knowledge to create the life you’ve always dreamed of. Imagine having a guide that not only reveals your true self but also steers you toward making choices that resonate with your deepest desires and meaningful aspirations.

By exploring the insights within these pages, you’ll gain powerful tools and strategies to build confidence, recognize your passions, and craft a wonderful life. Don’t just fantasize about the life you want—make it happen.

Start your transformative journey today with Unpack Your Personality and let your inner guide illuminate the path to a life you love. Grab your copy here to embark on the adventure of a lifetime! 


Join the Conversation and Discover Your True Self

Ready to be part of a vibrant community that’s all about embracing your true self? Subscribe to Nina’s Newsletter where I’ll help you rethink who you are and guide you towards a fresh start. Packed with insights, actionable journal prompts, and exclusive content just for subscribers, this is your gateway to a new personality paradigm: Spiritual Personality Typing™️.

Your authentic self is calling out—are you ready to answer?

Don’t miss out on the conversation! Connect with me on Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Medium @ninazapala, or check out my YouTube channel @ninazapalaENTP. I’m eager to engage with like-minded, visionary women who are ready to embrace a life beyond stereotypical personality boxes. It’s time to shed the old thinking and step into a spirit-filled life that’s creative, joyful, and uniquely you.

The world needs the real you, not a version of you. Dive into Spiritual Personality Typing and discover how it’s like Myers-Briggs with a soulful twist.

Here’s to living a wonderful, authentic life!


Until Then

Find me @ninazapala on 







Photo Credit: Carli Jeen On Unsplash



Nina's Blog A learning library for spiritual personality typing

Nina Zapala with Book

Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

Begin A New Journey Today.

Enjoy weekly happy mails to inspire your true self, with insights on entrepreneurship, travel, and finding your mid-life magic.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a call to discover a path that is uniquely yours. It’s for those who yearn to be their truest selves in every aspect of life—work, travel, and as we age. This journey embodies inspired living, filled with purpose, meaning, and the freedom to be unapologetically you.

Join me in exploring this transformative, spirit-fed paradigm. It’s a journey of conscious living rooted in awareness and self-discovery—unconventional and life-changing. Together, let’s craft a life rich in spirit, soul, and story. I welcome you on this path. 🕊