Do Popular Trends Benefit Your Mind or Undermine You?

Do popular trends benefit your mind or undermine you? In this post I offer a guide to help you make informed choices about trends. It reveals how they “really” impact your mental health. Tip: understanding yourself helps you make better choices. And remember, not all trends are made for all people.  You can also watch a 20 minute  YouTube video where  I dive deeper on “trends” to further enhance self-understanding.

In today’s fast-paced digital age, trends are everywhere. From viral challenges to, travel, to the latest fashion fads. It’s easy to get swept up by the excitement of what’s trending. Before jump ing on the bandwagon, stop and ask: Do these popular trends benefit you or are they undermining your well-being? This question isn’t just a passing thought. It’s a powerful tool for self-understanding and growth.

 Podcast: Tune in to the Maria Liberati Podcast for an insightful discussion on travel trends. We discuss the positive and negative aspects of travel trends to provide clarity. To give you a better understanding of how they impact your travel personality type.


You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. Marcus Aurelius


Exploring Trends and How They Benefit Your Mind 

Trends act as a form of cultural osmosis, mirroring deeper societal shifts and influences. They are not merely fleeting phenomena. They offer valuable insights into evolving values and societal behaviors. Trends may significantly impact our mental and emotional states. Tip: Trust and pay attention to your emotions—joy, excitement, enthusiasm. Are these feelings guiding you toward making better, more informed decisions. 


Exploring the Benefits

Trends can offer several benefits, even though their influence can sometimes be overwhelming. Here’s how they can positively impact you:

Enhancing Cognitive Engagement

Some trends can stimulate your mind and offer valuable learning opportunities. For example, new technology trends provide innovative ways of thinking and problem-solving. Participating in educational trends, like language learning apps or online courses, can enrich your knowledge and cognitive skills. Trend that align with your interests and personal development can be a powerful catalyst for self-understanding.

Fostering Creativity and Social Connection

Trends can encourage creativity, such as DIY projects or artistic challenges, can boost mental well-being by providing a creative outlet. Engaging with these trends often leads to increased self-expression and fulfillment. 

Social Connection

Engaging with trends can help you connect with others who share similar interests; like collaborative projects or community events. This can be valuable for building relationships, networking, and feeling part of a community, reducing feelings of isolation and building a support network. 

Personal Expression

 Trends in fashion, design, or art can offer new ways to express yourself and showcase your personality. Engaging with trends can be a fun and creative outlet for your individuality.

Learning and Growth:

Trends can introduce you to new ideas, practices, or knowledge areas. This exposure can lead to learning opportunities and personal growth as you explore and adapt to these new influences.


Your Only Choice is What Experiences You Will Create. – Gary Zukav


How Trends Undermine You

It’s definitely possible for trends to impact people. Often unconsciously. Trends can influence travel, fashion choices, businesses, politics and personal growth. It’s paramount that you fully understand yourself, so you can make better choices and live the life you love.

My book Unpack Your Personality helps you get crystal clear on who you really are.  It teaches why your “inner guide” is to be trusted and followed to a life you love. Grab your copy here.

Here are a few ways trends manipulate or impact:

Social Proof 

Seeing others follow a trend can make you feel like you should too, even if you don’t really care about it. This is because we often look to others to validate our choices and opinions.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

Trends can create a sense of urgency or fear of missing out, pushing you to jump on the bandwagon even if it’s not something you genuinely want or need.

Emotional Appeal

Many trends are marketed in a way that tugs at your emotions, making you feel that you’re part of something bigger or that you’ll be happier or more fulfilled by following them. This is not always true. Often trends are manipulative and lead to disastrous results. Don’t be victim, trust your insights and follow them, regardless of what others are doing.

Confirmation Bias

Once you start following a trend, you might begin to notice and seek out information that supports it, while ignoring information that contradicts it. This can reinforce your involvement in the trend even if it’s not in your best interest.

Peer Pressure

If everyone around you is engaging with a particular trend, you might feel pressured to conform in order to fit in or be accepted.


Evaluating the Cost of Conformity

On the flip side, trends that pressure you to conform can have detrimental effects on your mental health. Constantly chasing the latest trends to fit in can lead to anxiety and self-esteem issues. This is particularly true if you feel you are not measuring up. Generally, a trend prioritizes external validation over internal fulfillment. External validation has the potential to undermine your sense of self-worth leading to a disconnect from your true self: the who of who you really are!


Be Mindful When Consuming Trends

Before adopting a trend, your really must evaluate its impact on your life. Ask yourself these questions:

How does this trend align with my personal values?

Will participating in this trend contribute to my well-being, and foster a more meaningful life?

By approaching trends with mindfulness and critical thinking, you can ensure that they serve as tools for growth rather than distractions or sources of stress.


Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. –Aristotle


Taking Charge of Your Trend Experience

Here’s a few ways you can make better choice and identify which trends work, or don’t work for you:

1. Self-Reflection

Regular self-reflection helps you stay attuned to your needs and desires. Pay attention to what excites you. If a trend down’s feel right, trust your gut and go with it even if others are tellingyou to follow along. Keep a journal or engage in conversations that encourage introspection about how trends are affecting you. Are you feeling pressured to follow trends, or are you genuinely interested in them?

2. Set Personal Boundaries

Define your limits regarding how much time and energy you invest in trends. It’s important to balance trend participation with other aspects of your life, ensuring that it doesn’t overshadow your personal goals and well-being; values and beliefs.

3. Seek Authenticity

Choose trends that resonate with your true interests and values. When you follow trends that genuinely excite and inspire you, they are more likely to contribute positively to your mental health and present moments of joy and appreciation.

4. Stay Informed

Keep yourself informed about the origins and implications of trends. Understanding the context and potential impacts of  trends. Learn how or if they aligns with who. This one small step can help you make more informed choices about whether to embrace it or not.


Did you Enjoy: Do Popular Trends Benefit Your Mind or Undermine You?

I hope you found Do Popular Trends Benefit Your Mind or Undermine You? useful as I believe trends can be powerful forces for change and personal growth when approached thoughtfully. By asking yourself whether a trend benefits or undermines your mind, you take a proactive step toward self-understanding. Remember, trends should enhance your life, not dictate it. Embrace those that align with your values and personal development, and be discerning about those that might detract from your well-being. By doing so, you can enjoy the best of what trends have to offer while maintaining your mental and emotional health.


The Book

Unlock Your True Potential with My Debut Book: Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide

Are you ready to transform your life and discover the key to living a life you truly love? My debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, is your essential first step toward self-discovery and empowerment.

This isn’t just any self-help book—it’s a powerful guide designed to help you delve deep into your personality, understand your unique strengths, and harness that knowledge to shape the life of your dreams. Imagine having a roadmap that leads directly to your true self, guiding you to make choices that align with your deepest desires and aspirations.

By exploring the insights in this book, you’ll uncover the tools and strategies needed to unlock your full potential. Whether you’re seeking to build confidence, pursue your passions, or simply create a more fulfilling life, Unpack Your Personality will empower you to take control of your journey and craft the reality you’ve always wanted.

Don’t just dream about the life you want—take action and make it a reality. Start your transformative journey today with Unpack Your Personality and let your inner guide lead the way to a life you love. Grab your copy here.


Additional resources:

1. On the podcast; The Maria Liberati Show (August 14 Episode) on travel trends. Listen on apple podcasts or visit the website and choose for yourself

2. Watch on YouTube as I dive a bit deeper on “trends” to further enhance self-understanding.

3. Read the blog: Fashion Trends For Your Personality Type or watch on YouTube.

4. Don’t let a trend derail your dreams.  Start your transformative journey today with Unpack Your Personality helps you better understand yourself, and it teaches why your “inner guide” is to be trusted and followed to a life you love. Grab your copy here.



Discover Spiritual Personality Typing ™️

I offer a fresh perspective, a pioneering personality paradigm that blends Myers-Briggs® personality typing with spiritual insight. This innovative approached emerged from my own life tsunami and deep conversations with countless women who struggle with feelings of being lost, purposeless, and disconnected from their true selves.

Through her personal experiences and profound understanding, my mission is to help women everywhere gain a deep understanding of their true selves—the essence of who they really are. To empower women everywhere to embrace their unique, divine essence, irrespective of age, relationship status, or social standing.

It’s a a modern day personality theory that is both powerful and liberating helping you recognize, and pursue your true calling with confidence – unshackled from societal expectations. Embrace your authentic self and pursue your dreams with newfound clarity and purpose. 


Explore Your Unique Feminine Archetype—Free Guide Available!

I’ve created (16) feminine personal brand archetypes that are built on the foundation of a Myers-Briggs® with a spiritual focus. These archetypes offer a comprehensive framework to help women entrepreneurs align with the personal  brand to encourage a purpose-filled and meaningful life. It’s all about cultivating a true self lifestyle that initiates spiritual wisdom which expresses itself through your unique, spiritually-enriched, personality type.

Are you navigating a career change, starting anew or exploring what’s next for this season of life? Discover the power of your unique feminine archetype with my exclusive guide, based on a modern Myers-Briggs® framework. To get your free ebook and gain insights tailored just for you, simply send me a message with “feminine archetype.” Don’t miss this chance to align with your true self and take confident strides into your new direction!

Whether you’re journeying through midlife magic, transitioning from a corporate career to a spirit-led path, or using travel as a classroom for self-discovery, our blog will be your go-to guide. Stay tuned for insightful content designed to empower women worldwide to fully embrace and celebrate their authentic selves!

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It’s Time to Discover Spiritual Personality Typing ™️ — Nina Zapala, a Curious Type, ENTP. 

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Spiritual Personality Typing™️ is a modern and mystical personality paradigm in harmony with today’s rising feminine energies.

It reveals the unconventional truth about 1940s typology –personality typing without spiritual understanding is an incomplete truth. A soulless path that’s lacking in Divine direction, meaning, purpose, wisdom, and enlightened action.

This new personality paradigm is a clear path to your true self to life. Book a clarity call today

  • My debut book (Unpack Your Personality) is a wonderful clarity tool . Grab it on Amazon.

  • Entrepreneurs: Discover Your Origin Story and what it Matter. Book a clarity call here to start. 

  • Do you scoff at societies stupid ideas on aging? WTF is anti-aging it’s a war against yourself. Book a clarity call if you want to define how you age.

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a call to discover a path that is uniquely yours. It’s for those who yearn to be their truest selves in every aspect of life—work, travel, and as we age. This journey embodies inspired living, filled with purpose, meaning, and the freedom to be unapologetically you.

Join me in exploring this transformative, spirit-fed paradigm. It’s a journey of conscious living rooted in awareness and self-discovery—unconventional and life-changing. Together, let’s craft a life rich in spirit, soul, and story. I welcome you on this path. 🕊