Best Beaches For Your Personality Type: With A Spiritual Approach

Best beaches for your personality type using a new you travel guide, opening up a whole new way to enjoy your vacation. Imagine a blend of Myers-Briggs and spiritual exploration—a more expansive approach that combines personality typing with spirituality. This transformative perspective can revolutionize the way you travel, helping you embark on journeys with greater […]
Revealing Solène’s Personality Type In The Idea Of You

Revealing Solène’s personality type in The Idea Of You is a deconstruction of “the witty, well-liked, and loyal mom” in Prime video’s breakout movie. Solène: I didn’t know my being happy would piss so many people off. Tracy, Solène’s best friend: Did I not warn you? People hate happy women. Solène is a […]
7 Simple How-To Joy Habits For Your Spiritual Personality Type

Here are 7 simple, dazzling joy habits designed just for your vibrant spiritual personality. Dive into these playful practices and let the joy energy sweep you off your feet. Start with one habit and see where it takes you—let your heart guide you to the feelings that resonate most with your true self. Get ready […]
How to Discover the Soul’s Role in Personality Typing to Rediscover You

How to discover the soul’s role in personality typing to rediscover you is the path you must take to figure out who you really are. I can honestly tell you I figured out how to bridge 1940s personality typing with a spiritual point of view. As this idea emerged it made me see personality typing […]
If You Don’t Know Your Spiritual Personality How Can You Love Yourself

If You Don’t Know Your Spiritual Personality How Can You Love Yourself? This blog explores the idea that understanding your personality can be a powerful tool on the path to self-love. I’m also adding a spiritual perspective to help you dive deeper into who you really are: a beautiful soul here to experience love. It […]
Uplifting Books To Focus On Your True Self in 2024

Uplifting Books To Focus On Your True Self in 2024. This post offers a collection of 7 uncommon books that speak to exploring your true self innate in all 16 personality types. Some of these books may be obscure, but I thought, why list the obvious if you already know about them? I chose books […]
Unwrapping Authenticity: Why Being Your True Self is the Ultimate Gift

Unwrapping Authenticity: Why Being Your True Self is the Ultimate Gift. Let’s unpack this topic with the intent of bringing you closer to understanding (inner-standing) your true self. Now, who doesn’t love opening gifts? The anticipation, the excitement, and a joyful unknowing, which is exciting in itself. On the flip side, giving gifts is also […]
What Are the Best Gifts for Each Personality Type?

What are the best gifts for each personality type? Get ready to become the ultimate gift-giver! While acceptance, understanding, and love are priceless gifts, let’s dive into the exciting world of personality-specific presents. Armed with years of research, a Myers-Briggs® certification, and a healthy dose of Carl Jung, I’m here to crack the code on […]