What Are the Best Gifts for Each Personality Type?

What are the best gifts for each personality type? The best gifts you can give a person are the gifts of acceptance, understanding, and love. With that said, I will endeavor to answer the age-old question of what are the best gifts to give for each personality type. Please know that these are my best guesses based on years of research, a Myers-Briggs® certification, and reading a lot of Carl Jung!


Each personality type is unique based on life experiences and, most importantly, soul desires, making gift-giving for each personality type not as cut and dry as most of us think! Know this is a partial list, but I wrote the post to give you a few fabulous ideas so you can shop confidently. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it and sharing it with you all!


I think there must be something wrong with me, Linus. Christmas is coming, but I’m not happy. I don’t feel the way I’m supposed to feel. – Charlie Brown, of the Charlie Brown Cartoon Series


The Best Gifts Aren’t Found in A  Gift Box

The holidays are about goodness, togetherness, and gratitude — none of which can be wrapped in a gift box. Even so, most of us will exchange a tangible gift with others this holiday season. How can we choose gifts that our friends and loved ones will enjoy long after the wrapping paper is disposed of?

Let’s make gift-giving a conscious celebration and move away from the unconscious gifting rituals we’ve grown accustomed to. Your efforts can be a rare treat– surprising and meaningful when done with gratitude in our hearts. Know it does not have to be all about consumerism. It could be a handwritten card, a backed good, or a crafted item. Gift-giving is a way to show the people in our lives we care. It’s not about the price tag.

The trick is to choose thoughtful presents that will be cherished. Spiritual personality typing is a great tool to study and use for gift-giving. It’s like a personal shopper because it offers extreme insight into each personality type. 

Don’t we all want to give a gift that causes joy and merriment? A gift that shows we see you and care about your unique interests, preferences, strengths, needs, and desires — in other words, who you are — your True Self. Isn’t that what gift-giving is all about?


Here is the gift guide for every personality type with a spiritual twist. Gift giving can be store-bought, handmade, or experiences. But the number one gifts for all types is the gift of acceptance, understanding, and love. Nina Zapala, Founder Spiritual Personality Typing™️


Looking for Some Holiday Magic to Share with Your Introverted Friends and Family?

Active Types (ISTP)

As the name implies, Active Types like to be engaged, as they are the “original” extreme adventurists: hands-on hobbyists. A few gift examples: a gift card to a hobby shop or a rock-climbing experience. Both are appropriate, as they have a deep need to explore new things, especially if it involves a bit of a risk. Even better, let them fly solo. They will appreciate your understanding in knowing that flying solo is where they find their wings!

Grounded Types (ISTJ)

Their love for what they love transcends responsibility into sentimental attachments to the duties that deserve a place in their hearts. Tchotches won’t win their hearts. A personal invitation to join you in feeding people experiencing homelessness over the holidays would make their spirits soar. Make sure you schedule this in advance, or they might have to politely say no. They love their schedules!

Abstract Types (ISFP) 

Beautiful things and places resonate deeply with the Abstract souls; it is a genuine part of their nature. Hygge – a Danish term meaning coziness and contentment – is incredibly appealing to them. You can put these gifts on the list: cozy blankets, soft sweaters, candles, essential oils, slippers, baked goods, or tea. Or skip the gifts and write a handwritten IOU for a garden stroll come spring. They will love this and realize how much you get them!

Kindly Types (ISFJ)

Not into what is overtly trendy and new; these types are into the classics and experiences of yesterday. Do look for gifting ideas they already know and love. A gift certificate to their favorite cafe would be a lovely idea. Or better yet, a handwritten IOU for a night in, complete with a home-cooked meal and cozy times with family and friends binge-watching old holiday movies.

Insightful Types (INFJ)

It is innate in Insightful types to take an interest in others and communicate with them in a way that helps them see what we all have in common. They want to know that what they do is meaningful. You could invite them for a beautiful night out, expressing how much their words have positively impacted you. The same goes for a handmade gift or a metaphysical book of interest; tarot cards or crystals would be great, gift ideas.

Seeking Types (INFP)

Seekers are incredibly grateful and genuinely appreciate the love and thought that goes into gift giving, probably more than the gift itself. They are über-creative. Gift them with a gorgeous journal or an art class. Also, realize they will not express a need for help, so a homemade batch of Christmas cookies or other holiday treats to relieve stress would be warmly appreciated

Inventive Types (INTJ)

Since these types aren’t followers of tradition, they may want to pass on the gift exchange concept altogether. Even so, these personalities can enjoy receiving a gift as much as anyone. Their interests may be found in art, reading, technology, and science. Tickets to an art museum, a science or technology fair, or an invitation to a literary fair will stir their souls.

Ingenious Types (INTP)

As minimalists, they will appreciate simple, high-quality gifts. They enjoy a book that delves deeper into an interest, a rare coffee with a story, or a movie, especially the ones that follow a deep storyline. Cost is not a factor. What is, is understanding their uncomplicated needs and keeping the gifting drama to a minimum.


For it is in the Giving that We Receive – St. Francis of Assisi, a mystic.


Looking for Some Holiday Magic to Share with Your Extroverted Friends and Family?

Spirited Types (ESTP)

Sports-mined, adrenaline junkies these individuals relish experiences over gifts. Depending on budget, a gift of a high-speed boat or a day rental. Spend time at a car race or experience the thrill of car racing. These are exceptional gifts for Spirited types. If a big-ticket item isn’t in the cards, knowing these types love to explore a trip to a nearby city to experience a restaurant opening or sporting event will be appreciated. 

Playful Types (ESFP)

A night out with friends singing and dancing is often a favorite pastime. Tickets to a live performance of the Nutcracker will be well received since they are performers at heart. If you are buying a gift, know they love a good trend, such as a trip to the nail salon for a new bold look. Don’t think generic or vanilla — think fun and fearless — yes, you see their playful ways!

Dutiful Types (ESTJ)

These types appear to have everything they need but don’t we all want to unwrap a gift? They are news hounds who like the finer things in life and appreciate activities with a competitive twist. Challenge them to a game of backgammon, and be prepared; you may lose, as they are whip-smart. It is not about the game it’s the gift of bonding time. Or opt for a fine bottle of brandy or a subscription to a news outlet.

Attentive Types (ESFJ)

You will likely attend their Christmas party since they enjoy hosting friends and family, observing beloved traditions, and spreading cheer. A photo from this year’s annual camping trip would be a cherished present. Once you recognize their love of socializing, volunteer to assist them in making a traditional holiday treat or give them a conventional gift: a tie, a box of gourmet chocolates, or a fine bottle of wine.

Harmonious Types (ENFJ)

A type who cares so much about helping others that they forget to care for themselves, which makes self-care gifts ideal. A few other ideas: karaoke with friends, dance lessons, a spa day, or a gorgeous journal. These thoughtful choices let Harmonious types know you see them — the most important gift ever.

Expressive Types (ENFP)

Creative, highly individualistic, and loves a good surprise. Of all types, they like to travel the most, followed by the Curious types (ENTP). A surprise trip would be a beautiful gift, as would a donation to a charity close to their heart. They are childlike, appreciating the little things. Visiting a national forest or a local playground to ride the swings can be an unforgettable experience for Expressive types and their family and friends.

Assured Types (ENTJ)

Shopping for them can be challenging because they have a demanding sense of taste and love the finer things in life. They like what they like. A reservation at their favorite restaurant, a favorite shirt in a different color, or a customized gift, for example, initials on a high-end pen, are smart choices. These gifts show that you love them, realizing their commanding nature is part of their charm.

Curious Types (ENTP)

Unique items appeal to these types since they have an unconventional, inventive approach to life. Skip what’s trending or popular. Since their ideas are offbeat and hard to pinpoint, cash or gift cards work best, as cliche as that sounds, but it is a safe bet. If you are close to them, a day spent in nature discussing deep topics will be the best present ever. It’s what they truly love in life — reseeing the world into something more evolved.

What is the #1 gift pick for each personality type?

Trinkets, babbles, new cars, and customized what-nots are all perfectly fine gifts, but the number one gift for all types is the gifts of acceptance, understanding, and love that enliven the heart, no matter your personality type!

If you, or someone you know, has a burning desire to step onto the path of self-discovery, my debut book; Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide, may be the perfect gift. It’s a roadmap to your true self. It was written to ignite, inspire, and bring you a greater sense of self-awareness. Click here to pre-order.

May the Holiday Season Fill You With Light and Love!

I wish you a lovely holiday season filled with sweet memories and a wonderful time spent with people who love and support you. I understand this list is incomplete, but I hope you found a few intriguing gift ideas, and it took some of the angst out of gift-giving. Our time here on Earth is fleeting so relish the time you have, and spend it in joy, appreciation, and love.

Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world. The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same. Every wonderful sight will vanish, every sweet word will fade, But do not be disheartened, The source they come from is eternal, growing, Branching out, giving new life and new joy. Why do you weep? The source is within you And this whole world is springing up from it. – Rumi, a Sufi mystic

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Photo credit: Unsplash

Updated 12.6.2023



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I’m on a mission to help you rediscover your true self through Spiritual Personality Typing™️.

This approach is designed for those seeking deeper meaning and purpose in life, blending innate soul-led wisdom with logical intelligence. It’s an enlightened method to manifest a life you love, offering a roadmap to connect with your inner guide—the Divine wisdom within you.

This new personality paradigm integrates spiritual insights with the Myers-Briggs® framework, aiming to help you uncover your purpose, reinvent your life, and reveal your true self. Book a clarity call here to explore this transformative journey.

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  • Are you hungry for self-discovery & more enriching vacations? Knowing your travel personality type is essential. Explore it, and get tips and travel hacks in my debut book, Unpack Your Personality: Let Your Inner Guide Be Your Travel Guide. Embrace the journey to a more fulfilling adventure. 

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Be Unmistakable 16 Personality Types. Eight Million People. What's Your Story?

Spiritual Personality Typing is a calling to find a path that is exquisitely yours. It’s for those that desire to be their “truest” selves in work, on the road and in life. It’s inspired living. Full of purpose, meaning and the freedom to be unapologetically you!

Begin the journey of discovering this transformative spirit-fed paradigm. Typing that inspires conscious living based on awareness and self-discovery.  Unconventional, and life-changing.🕊

Enjoy a life well lived. Rich with spirit, soul, and story.  I welcome you.